Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024 # Week 30

It has been too hot to do anything exciting this week so I haven't much to write about. Yes, we did reach the promised 40º on Sunday morning! It was not the most pleasant day and we spent much of it indoors with the air-con on.

I have spent some time in my craft room with my fan nearly touching me and whizzing round as fast as it can go. I am not good at sitting doing nothing all day, and I have read several books on my Kindle, so for a change of eyesight I decided to come down here and do a bit of  laser cutting.
I was quite pleased with a set of six hexagonal coasters I cut, each with a different geometrical pattern cut out of them. However, I am not sure how much use coasters are when they are 'full of holes' so I cut plain hexagons from thin mdf board and glued them behind each design. I then sprayed them front and back with a waterproof varnish. 

I was even more pleased with the little box I made to put them in. It was a bought file but I needed to adapt it to take the extra depth caused by the backing layers, without displacing the shaping of  the feet, or the slots and tabs to put it all together. I added a little glue to the joins and then sprayed inside and out with varnish and this was my end result. It will make a nice present for someone one day.

I needed a new canister of spray varnish so I went to the local ferriteria (hardware store) with my son Tom. While there I found some small sheets of 3ply wood and bought some to try. I wanted to try a bigger cut and the wood I buy from Amazon is expensive and size choice is limited, so I thought this might be a cheaper option. Wrong! I soon realised that the wood was very poor quality but I decided to use some as a practice piece anyway. I made two small Christmas decorations to help me sort out the best engrave and cut settings. The engraving was not very good but they cut well, so I brightened them up with some paint and glitter and then varnished them to make sure the glitter stayed in place.

Then I decided to try my bigger project and as you can see here it was not very successful. The right hand side of the wood sheet was better quality and engraved reasonable well, but the left hand didn't engrave well at all. I had similar results when I tried to cut it out, with the right side cutting smoothly but the left hand side needed a lot of help from my craft knife to cut right through. This left rough edges that needed sanding. The cause was probably the glue holding the layers together.

But hey, not every attempt will turn out just right and it is a lesson learned. If I want to make a big project again, I will buy good wood! And I have a quite attractive dragonfly. His front legs came off so I reattached them with paper strips and glue, but he will probably fly across my wall for a while. I can see his imperfections but not everyone will.

My hand continues to do well, but the shoulder wound has not yet healed. The heat is not helping it. But today at the clinic the nurse was pleased and said it looked a lot better, but 'slowly, slowly', so I still have to attend twice a week to have the dressing changed. I shall be so glad when it can be uncovered so I can shower properly again.

And finally for this week, Wednesday was my second son Mike's 51st  birthday, and his daughter posted this lovely smiley photo of him on Facebook, with his youngest grandson on his shoulders. Mike was ten, twelve and thirteen when my three younger sons were born and he adored them all, especially as babies, and went on to be a great 'big-brother' to them as they grew up, and they are all best of friends now. He has had some ups and downs in his life but he has always been a good dad to his children, and now he has the next generation to enjoy. Smiles all round.

And on that happy note I will link up with Annie's Friday Smiles and publish this in the morning.


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I don't know how you manage that heat! I know some people like it but it's not my thing. However, I think your dragonfly is gorgeous and it's great to see you enjoying your new toy. Great photo of your son too. Wishing you a happy and hopefully cooler weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Annie said...

I really love your dragonfly….you really have mastered your new ‘toy’ now. Happy birthday to Mike….our babies don’t stay babies long enough do they? I hope it’s cools down a little for you and your shoulder continues to heal well.
Annie x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

We have a similar situation heat wise, here, too. We are supposed to get 104 F/40 C next Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm SO lucky to have AC.

I really like those coasters, especially after you added the backing. And that box turned out great, too. Someone will be lucky at Christmas.

Sometimes you get what you pay for. There have been times when I've gone the cheaper route, like with craft paint over good paint, so I've learned my lesson there. At least you were able to get some practice pieces and a decent dragonfly.

Glad your hand is better and there is promising news about your shoulder.

Happy belated birthday to Mike. Lovely photo.

Have a super rest of Friday, stay cool and have a wonderful next week, too, dear Kate.

Lisca said...

Lovely photo of Mike and grandchild.
Is Tom still with you or has he gone home? It's 18 degrees in Kopenhagen(I know Tom is not there but it indicates that temperatures are a bit more liveable)
I love your dragonfly. It's a work of art.
I hope your shoulder gets better soon.
Have a lovely weekend in front of your fan.

Iris Flavia said...

I am late today as I was visiting my Brother...
I am wearing a jumper, it´s cold. I´d happily trade with you, weather-wise.
Love your coasters, love all your works!!!
Wishing you well on that shoulder and such a cute pic to end a post.
Have a - despite the heat - great weekend x

kiwimeskreations said...

That heat sounds horrific, Kate...
Loving your experiments with wood - especially that dragonfly - that is absolutely gorgeous
Your son looks so very happy there :) I had the pleasure of seeing my son yesterday as he stayed overnight, enroute home after a business trip

Virginia said...

Wow the temperatures have been very hot a while, bless you. Loving the coasters, they are gorgeous and love the box as well you've really got to grip with your new piece of kit.

Loving the photo of your son too, hope he had a great birthday.
