Saturday, October 11, 2008

Just another Saturday

The sun struggled to brighten up our day again today. We went to Garrucha this morning, a twenty minute drive away, as it is home to our nearest post office. We must have looked a right pair, struggling along the prom in our summer clothes, fighting to keep our umbrellas up in a force nine gale (well it was very strong!). But with the temperature a steady 24ยบ all day, it's just too warm to put a coat on. It dried up by lunch time but stayed overcast all day. The sky was a luminous yellow at teatime but they are promising us some sunshine tomorrow.

We went to the craft shop this morning only to find it doesn't open on Saturdays! Never mind, we explored a few new roads. Some are becoming quite familiar.
I made a disastrous batch of scones today. Not having scales didn't help, but I think it was definitely plain flour that I bought. They were flat as a pancake and as heavy as lead. Chris gallantly ate one but I I think I will have to feed the rest to the sea-gulls but they may struggle to take off again if they eat them. I'll keep an eye open for something resembling baking powder, and have another go.

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