Friday, June 13, 2014

Rocking your world 2014; Week 24

What a lovely week we have had. It has been hot and busy, but I have still managed to find a little time to PLAY. I am enjoying using my silhouette cameo machine and I find myself wandering round the house looking for things to add vinyl to! So this week the fridge got the treatment. I hope it makes you smile!

It looks as though it knows it is full of good food! At the age of 67 I am entering my second childhood, and sometimes it is even more fun than it was first time around! I love to see my friends' faces when they spot it, and I think, if it makes me smile each time I walk into the kitchen for a while, then it has done its job well, and when the novelty wears off, I can peel it off and do something different. I will be sharing this on Annie's Friday Smiles.
It has been a busy, busy week, as along with all my usual activities, we have had three Cantante concerts in a week, with another one to come tomorrow and one on Monday. This Tuesday we had the concert in my village, which is extra work for me as I liaise between Cati from ASADIS, the town hall for the practical things like hiring the hall etc, and the choir leaders. With the help of a couple of friends, we spent the early evening putting out 100+ chairs, which turned out to all need washing. They must have been left out on the street in the rain after the last fiesta. We didn't have quite such a large audience as we had at Christmas, but it was a very enjoyable evening. Everyone was so grateful to us, and we raised a good sum in donations for the children of ASADIS. 
In the weeks leading up to the concert, Cati worked with a small group of children from the village, teaching them three songs which they sang to open the concert. And very well they sang, too!

Last night we were at a new venue, a restaurant
down in Mojacar Playa, called the Kimrick. We were a bit aprehensive as we had been told the ceiling was low, so the acoustics would be difficult. But we needn't have worried. The sound was good, and the audience were so appreciative. Many of them had not heard us before, and they all asked for notification of our next concerts, so they could come again. This photo was taken at the end of the concert, while some of the choir and guests were waiting for their supper to be served. There is a happy buzz of conversation, which made you feel that the evening had gone well.
Tomorrow we are at a very different setting, The Convento in Vera. As its name suggests, this is a theatre in what was the chapel of an old convent. It is a slightly more formal affair, but we have sung there before and we love it. And we usually get a full house there too.
Other things that have lifted me this week? Well, I finally managed to have my first dip of the year in our pool. The water has been warm enough for a while, but somehow I never found the right time. It was a lovely refreshing break after a busy day. 
Through various e-mails and Facebook messages first, I managed to find a time when we were both available, and had a long chat on skype with two of my sons, and my sister. It was good to hear that son number three is settling down in his new flat in Denmark, and is making some friends there, though he is finding the Danish language lessons rather tough!
I am delighted to be able to announce that I will be a Great-grandma for the second time at Christmas. I 'spotted' the tell-tale signs on my recent visit to UK but was sworn to secrecy until she was ready to tell everyone, which, after her 12 week scan this week, she did. When I asked her on my visit, she said "I knew Granny Perry would notice"! Well I guess I have had plenty of practice.
I had five lots of mail all on one day which is almost unheard of unless it is my birthday. I had ordered various small bits of craft stuff from different companies, and for some unknown reason, they all arrived together. So after the last concert on Monday, I shall have a nice time trying everything out.

I decided it was time to sort through all my 'Knitting for Africa', and bag it up ready to go to UK. I rang my courier friend, Phil, and he said he will be going over at the beginning of July and would fit it in his van then. The total this time is;
42 blankets:
68 cardigans
50 jumpers and assorted hats
And there will be a few more items finished off by the end of the month I expect. That should bring a little happiness to quite a few African families shouldn't it?

At this time of year, a walk around the local market is always a happy spot in my week. I just love all the fresh summer fruits, and the market stalls are dripping with them right now. Look at this lovely selection I bought on Tuesday - peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums and cherries - all between 1 and 1.5 euros a kilo.
Even storing them in the fridge, they have a limited life in this heat, so any that are getting a bit soft, end up in the blender. This morning I used the last pieces of a water melon, one carrot, half an apple and half a banana, and instead of the apple juice I usually thin it down with, I added a small carton of plain yoghurt and made a lovely sunshine orange breakfast drink.
The other thing that gives me great pleasure is the garden. I am wary of getting the hose out too often as there is a lack of water this year, but I do give my pots just enough to keep them alive, and they are rewarding me with a lovely display of flowers. Here is my yellow hibiscus. This is the one that turns orange in the winter if there is a lot of rain, but it always reverts to its true colours in the summer. Isn't it beautiful?
And finally, this pot is home to three different pink geraniums that I bought recently. What a lovely spot of colour they make on the front step.
And on that colourful note I will go and link up with Annie's Smiles, and Virginia at Celtic House, and I'll see you all again next week.


  1. What can I say Kate? the knitties for Africa...well done to all.
    Gorgeous flowers as always.
    Huge congrats on the news of a new family member at Christmas :-)
    And finally...I really live your fridge....I NEED one of those :-)
    Annie x

  2. Well done on both your choir and the knitties. Good girl!
    Love your fridge. I must have a go at funny!
    Lovely flowers - geraniums are one of my favs.

  3. Gosh Kate, you have been busy knitting, makes me feel quite exhasted just looking at that pile of work. Well done though for doing it all.
    That fridge is fun, I think I might look at it and feel that it is telling me to leave the food in the fridge because he is enjoying it. Might stop me eating too much..
    Love the smoothie, can almost taste, must find some dinner.
    Bless you

  4. Oh that's a fab write up, loving the fridge photo that's fantastic, I've been toying with buying some sort of machine to cut things like vinyl but can't make my mind up if I'm honest, so still not got one. I've got a big shot but want one that attaches to my computer and gives me lots of options. Congrats on the news on being a great grandma again, that's fab news. hope the Danish lessons get easier for son, doesn't sound like much fun at the moment for him. Hurray for Skype breaking down the distances! Hope you have a fabulous week ahead and get to enjoy your pool again, we could do with one today it's very warm and muggy here in Yorkshire, shouldn't grumble (but we do LOL).


  5. The fridge is fantastic...definitely made me grin! The knitting looks amazing as well..well done you. How nice that you have been singing in some concerts recently...they always put a smile on my face. What style of music do you sing? Thanks for the smiles. Caro x (#8)

  6. Oh Kate, your fridge is great fun, sure to bring a smile to anyone entering the kitchen.
    Your flowers are looking lovely, and the fruit looks delicious. I could have done with a dip in your pool this afternoon as well, it has been very hot.
    Jean x

  7. Yep, that fridge made me smile. It really DOES look clever. Lots to smile about this week, dear soon-to-be great granny!! What wonderful news.

    Since I'm a vegetarian, that drink would make me very, very happy. I'm super impressed that you used yogurt instead of the apple. I would like that better.

    Have a wonderful Friday and weekend, too.

  8. What a lovely post Kate. Lots to be happy about. Your fridge is a definite winner with that vinyl on it. You should make kits up and sell them!

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Lovely happy post Kate. I like your smiley fridge ... I think Sarn is right, you could be on to a winner there. Elizabeth xx

  11. Just wonderful Kate.. thanks too for popping over :D Shaz in oz.x

  12. Well done Kate. A brilliant contribution toward those friends in Africa.


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