Friday, November 27, 2015

Rocking Your World 2015; Week 48

This could be my shortest post all year. I am super busy for the next three days so it is now or never, so here goes. 
Here is my smile for this week.
Yes, last night, when I was at the end of a day of baking for the church Christmas Fayre tomorrow, I had this spectacular failure. I was making one of our favourites, lemon drizzle cake, and decided to double up the ingredients and make two. But I did something very wrong! I still don't know what it was, but when I got them out of the oven, I called Chris out to see them and we both just burst out laughing. After all, there was no point in crying, and if we can't laugh at our own mistakes, we will never be able to move on from them. So share a smile at my expense.
And just to prove I don't usually mess up in the kitchen to quite this extent, this morning I had another go, just making one, and it turned out fine.
I have salvaged most of the others. I know they are full of good ingredients which it seems a shame to waste, so some of them will be appearing under a blanket of custard for us to enjoy this week. 
And the moral of this story is, stop baking before you are too tired to know what you are doing!!

I have very little to show you this week as I have been busy preparing for all the events over this weekend, and the next couple of weeks, so no doubt there will be more to tell next week.
Yesterday, as the cooker had been in action for mincepies and cakes all morning, Chris suggested we went out for lunch and first we drove up to Bédar, the little white village in the hills just behind us. The scenery is lovely up there. It was sunny and the sky was bright blue, setting off the green of the hills, so I took this one quick photo on my phone.
Unfortunately the restaurant we were heading for was closed, so we turned around and went to another one in Turre and had a very nice lunch.
Again, I have managed to sit out on the porch with our dogs, and do a little of my crochet most afternoons. It is quite sheltered there, and even on windy days it is usually nice for sitting for a few hours. I need that little break from whatever I am doing and I am enjoying seeing my pile of completed squares growing. I have done one and a half this week, and I doubt whether the second one will be finished before Sunday, but I am not too far behind, so hopefully I will catch up again soon.

So now it is just some sky photos. We have had a lot of strange shapes in the sky this week.
Yesterday we started off with some smoke signals.
Then some little golden whisps came drifting across.
Then they joned forces to make this glowing mass.
But the best sky was on Wednesday, and once again I was driving to choir practice and couldn't take any photos. By the time I had left the motor way it was receding behind the hills, and I knew it would be gone before I arrived at our practice room, so I pulled into a garage forecourt and used my phone to catch the last few dying moments.
Right at the very last minute the whole sky turned red, and then it was gone.
It was quite dark when I arrived at my destination a few minutes later.
So now I am off link this to Annie's Friday Smiles and Rocking your world at Celtic House, and then I must go and change into my black and purple for our first proper public appearance with the choir this evening. I have a singing practice at church this afternoon though, but as they are both a fair drive away, I will stay over there and find some tea somewhere, so I expect it weill be quite late when I get back. But I will be visiting you all sometime over the weekend.


  1. It sounds as if you have a full weekend ahead of you. I'm sure you and Chris will enjoy the two cakes that didn't quite make it. Glad you found somewhere to enjoy your lunch out. You certainly have some lovely skies to show us. Enjoy your performance this evening. Have lots of fun. Barbxx

  2. I have to be honest and say I did have a good chuckle at your cakes Mum used to call that a hole in the heart cake :-)
    Your skies are stunning this week Kate....I always want to get my paints out when I see them....but wouldn't have a clue where to start :-)
    Have a great week.
    Annie x

  3. Wonderful pictures Kate, seems you are being a bussy body.
    Enjoy the weekend, hugs xx

  4. I am sure you could use that to make a trifle. To be honest when I first saw it I thought it was a Yorkshire pudding Lol! Have a great weekend, Angela x

  5. Oops! I wonder what went wrong.... Yes, I bet they were lovely as a pudding with custard!
    The skies are awesome! I love watching these skies. We get them too. I can see them from my window and it is amazing!
    I hope you enjoyed you singing today. I went to the website of your church. Interesting. My dad started going to the Anglican church in Rotterdam after WWII to learn English. He became a member and later he became a choir member. He sang in the choir until his death in 2011. We were all confirmed in that church in Rotterdam (by the Bishop of Gibraltar). Here in Spain my husband and I go to an evangelical church, but I am an Anglican at heart.
    Have a good week,

  6. Very interesting and beautiful sky pictures this week Kate.
    I'm sure your failed cakes will taste just as delicious. I remember coming home from school one lunchtime with a very sunken and soggy fruit cake from my cookery class and dad being delighted because he could eat with custard on.
    Hope your singing goes well tonight.
    Jean x

  7. Oh I hope the concert goes well - hopefully photos of you in the new purple attire next week. I had to giggle at the cakes too - glad to know they won't go to waste - they will be nom with custard!

    Glad to see you managed another the following day, as you said just shows that when you are tired it all gets a bit much!

    I haven't had a homemade mince pie this year - really must sort that out, hubby has been feeding his mincemeat with more rum so it isn't as though we haven't got any filling!

    Loving the sky photos as always - beautiful and that last 'red' shot is breathtaking.

    I hope you have a beautiful and blessed weekend and week ahead!


  8. Well, do you know I get a similar problem with cake recipes. I have a bara brith recipe which makes 2 cakes, but if I try and halve it to make just one, it doesn't taste right. Just as well it freezes great!!!!
    Loving your sky photos.

  9. Oh Kate, I saw the cakes and had a smile with you - I am sure that with custard they will be fabulous!! Those space ship clouds are known as lenticular clouds - we see them in NZ fairly regularly.
    Your next few weeks sound as though you will be really busy!!


  10. Oh the same thing has happened to me when baking for the fair, but I am sure they will taste good with custard. thank you for helping the home bake stall I feel disappointed I am not on the stall this year but wish you all good luck and many sales. Ann

  11. Oh no! But I confess I thought it was something different and didn't realise. Lol Still looks yummy! Take care Zo xx


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