Friday, June 29, 2018

Rocking Your World 2018; Week 26

Hello my friends. It is week 26 so we are half-way though the year already! Here is what has made me smile this week.
This is my sixteen year old (soon to be seventeen) grandson. It is the same young man who spoke so eloquently in the House of Commons on Youth Parliament day last year, and at the end of this school year he also won Best Student Award for Drama. I think he going to do well in life, and I couldn't be prouder of him.
Amias is the son of our oldest son Jim, and here is our youngest son Ben, who had a great week's holiday here last week. I love this photo he took on his last day - a fond farewell to Kim - for now. He is not allowed animals in his house, but he loves making a fuss of ours when he comes here, and as you can see, the feeling is mutual.
And seeing as I am talking about my sons, here is son number two, Mike, with none other than our lovely hostess Annie. You have all seen the beautiful things she sews, and she has kindly donated one of her eye-spy quilts to Severn Hospice where Mike works as a fund-raising advisor, so he popped along to see her and took this quick selfie with her, with two of the little munchkins in the background. Small World isn't it?!

My week has been a fairly quiet one, as it often is after visitors have left. With plenty of sunshine is was no problem to get the bedding and towels washed and dried, ready for the next visitors, and I have had enough spare time to sit in my craft room and actually get a few things made. I am not interested in football, despite having a husband and five sons who all are, so whenever a match is on, I slip away and follow my own preferred way of relaxing.
We are invited to a party tomorrow for my friends birthday and wedding anniversary, and she is very fond of hearts and has several decorating her house, so I made these for her. I shall give them to her at choir tonight, and as far as I know, she doesn't see my blog, so I am quite safe to show them here.

This morning Chris and I went to Garrucha market. we don't get there often although it is only a ten minute drive away. It is very busy and parking can be difficult, but over the winter, they did a lot of work improving the roads and access to the port, and made a lot more parking spaces, so it is much easier now. We managed to buy two pairs of shorts for Chris. The sizing can be a bit 'odd' on market goods, so it is no good buying them unless he is with me.

The fruit was very tempting. The stalls are piled high with peaches and cherries in June and July and I just love them! I settled on cherries this week. They are going right down in price, so next week I shall buy some to cover with brandy and hide at the back of the cupboard. This year we are drinking 'cherry brandy' started in 2012 and it is delicious!

And I will leave you with a couple of photos of our cats. Charlie is quite at home with us now and I had to smile when it was 'feeding time at the Perry zoo', and all four of them had their noses in their dishes. Fortunately they know which is their own, and rarely try to eat from the wrong one. Tango has a special diet, so I make sure no-one else takes that! I used to feed him separately in the kitchen, but while the work was being done, he got used to having it out in the hall with the others.
Now Charlie is out there too, on the other side of the door, so I couldn't get him in the same picture. He has his own little feeding mat that he brought with him, so it seemed sensible to keep using it.
And that's about it for this week. Now we are off for our usual Fish and chip dinner, and then I have choir practice. With only three more sessions before we close for the summer, we have to work hard at those songs for London.
There is just time for me link up with Annie's Friday Smiles and Rocking your World at Virginia's blog, before we go out.


  1. I loved seeing your sons and grandson in this post. I'm intrigued about your cherry brandy, I want to try some. I've never made any liquor but I would enjoy trying it. My husband loves cherries and always looks forward to this time of year when they are in season. They're getting cheaper here too and I try to buy some every week. I love your heart decoration, it's very pretty. I hope you have a nice time at the party. Take care, Kate.

  2. Now I really am was so lovely to meet Mike but his selfie has made me look like a halfling (yes I am a Lord of the Rings fan)....but at least I don’t have the big hairy feet. If Mike is anything to go by I can well see why you’re such a proud mum and grandma. You have a family to be proud of.
    Annie x

  3. What a fantastic selfie of Annie and Mike. Great to see the twins in the background, too.

    Congrats on your 16 year old grandson. He has already achieved more than most young folks at his age. I can see why you are proud of him.

    How great that Charlie seems to be fitting in so well. LOVED the photos of the cats. That makes me smile.

    Have a super Friday and a great weekend, too, dear.

  4. Hi Kate. No wonder you are so proud of your Grandson but he looks older than sixteen, a very mature young man. You say it's been quiet but you look as though you've been pretty busy to me. I have a cherry tree but the birds have eaten them all so I will have to buy some instead. Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  5. Now that sounds like a wonderful retirement lifestyle - visitors, quiet days and cats :-) What better - oh, and cherries really make me envious, but when you are in the dark of winter I will be eating ours, so I will not complain.

  6. Oh I'm sure I posted on your fabulous post, I will try again! Well done to your fantastic Grandson, you must be incredibly proud of what he has already achieved, I see great things in his future.

    Loving the photo of your son and one of your gorgeous pets. Fundraising for a hospice must be hard work but very very rewarding, I bet you loved getting the photo!

    The hearts are gorgeous and I'm loving the cats and the fact they all have their own routine etc.

    I hope you had a great week. Off to sort this week's post.


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