Friday, April 5, 2019

Rocking Your World 2019; Week 14

Another weekend is rapidly approaching so time to look back at what has "rocked our world" this week.
Apart from the inevitable food shop on Saturday, I don't think anything very important happened. We did manage to get to bed a little bit earlier than usual to make up for the hour of sleep we were missing as we moved our clocks on to Summer time.

Sunday was Mothering Sunday for UK though not for Spain, and sadly it was the dullest wettest day we have had since Christmas, and it was none too warm either! I went to church as usual and this was the view from the little patio where we sometimes sit for our after-service refreshments.

At least you could see the closer mountains, though not the ones in the distance. When I left home the Cabrera mountains that are such a lovely backdrop to our village were completely lost in low cloud.

But we still had a lovely service honouring mothers everywhere. 
At the front of our church there are two small semi-circular windows, up above the altar.
We started with an old favourite hymn from back in my Sunday School days, "All things bright and beautiful", and as we sang it, a little bird arrived on the outside ledge and started chirruping. Soon he was joined by another and another until four little birds joined in our praise. Whether they were sheltering from the cold and rain, or were actually attracted by our singing I don't know, but it was very apt to see them as we sang , "Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made their glowing colours, He made their tiny wings".
Just in front of the altar there was a board with the outline of a tree, and as we arrived we were given a small piece of pink paper and were asked to write our mother's name on it. These were collected during the service and arranged on sticky tape 'branches'. I can't see my mum's name in this picture but I know she is there, probably on the lower branch that later had some flowers put in front of it.
At the end of the service my dear friend Margie, who is a registered lay reader, handed out posies of flowers to all the ladies. 
As there were plenty to go round, some were given to the men as well, and others, who were going straight off to have a meal out, took some for the restaurant staff and I heard they were delighted to be included. Here are mine which went in a vase as soon as I got home, and they are looking just as fresh still today.

While I was shopping on Saturday, I popped into a Día supermarket because it is the only place I can get special food for two of my cats, and they had some strawberries on special offer, so I bought a couple of kilos to make some jam.  It made ten jars which have already been sold. So on Tuesday I went to the village market to see if they had any at a good price and one man said they were 2.50€ for a kilo (which is good) or 3.50€ for a box containing 2 kilos (which is excellent). He was surprised when I said I would like two boxes. So yesterday I stirred my cauldron again and made another 18 jars of jam, which are all labelled and priced now ready to go on sale. I am afraid I got carried away with the task and forgot to take a picture of all their lovely red lusciousness. But I am pleased to say that my recipe calls for 3 kilos of fruit so there are plenty left for Chris and I to enjoy!

On Monday I decided to do a little spring cleaning. We have a large, heavy glass door between the kitchen and the garden, which slides, and it has been getting difficult to slide because the runners had collected cat hairs and dust! I couldn't clean it very well in situ, so Chris managed to lift the doors out and when I had cleaned the runners thoroughly, he lubricated them and put the doors back for me. That's one small job to tick off the list, and they do run a bit easier now.

On Tuesday we had our church AGM and I am now an elected member of the PCC (Church council). I am not usually a great one for business meetings, but I hope I will able to be of some service during my year(s) in office. After the meeting we all stayed for a meal which was excellent, and it was a good opportunity to chat to people from the rest of the Chaplaincy, who we don't get to meet socially very often.

This morning I intended doing some washing, but once again the sky was dark grey with a threat of rain, so as I rely on drying my washing out on the line, I decided to postpone that. Instead we did a little bit of gardening. Neither of us are up to working out there all day like we used, but little by little we will get it tidied up. Today we managed to sort out the big palm, and cut off its lower, dead fronds. Then we weeded all the pots, and cut off the dead foliage. I potted on a baby tree that a friend gave me. It has survived its first winter so I am hopeful it will continue to thrive.

Then we drove down to Mojacar and found a little cafe that had some tasty dishes to choose from. Generally the Spanish restaurants offer 'menu del día', which is a three course , reasonably priced meal, and sometimes that is what we have. But we don't always want three courses and it is not easy to find somewhere where you can just choose one main course. But today we did, and as it incorporated a bakery, I bought a slice of lemon and ginger cheesecake to bring home. We had it this afternoon with a cup of tea and it was excellent. And although there were still a few clouds around, and a coolish breeze, on the sheltered patio we were able to sit outside to eat and feel comfortably warm.

This afternoon I had a little play in my craft room. While we were tidying up in the garden I cut down a 'weed', (they are all wild flowers to me), and I noticed it had lovely heart shaped leaves, so I collected a handful, and this afternoon I spread them between two sheets of paper and pressed them through my die-cutting machine. Although the leaves were green, they left a pretty brown pattern on the paper, which I will hopefully find a use for on a card soon. 
I then wanted to try again with something else so I had a wander round outside and came in with a head of bright red geraniums. They made a very colourful paper, though the prints are purple rather than red.The squashed petals are still in place in this photo, but they will fall off, or be easy to remove once it is really dry.
And that is about it for this week. Tomorrow morning I will link up with Annie's Friday Smiles and Rocking Your World. See you there.


  1. Ah that's a lovely week, how fantastic of the birds to arrive at such an apt choice in hymn, it is one we sang when I was younger and always raises a smile.

    The tree with Mum's name on and the posey of flowers are beautiful and how lovely to share the celebration with others. Your church sounds like a true community and family to share with. I'm sure you will be brilliant with your new role at Church as well, finding people to commit to such things is always difficult.

    Your strawberry jam sounds fantastic and they were definitely a bargain.

    We too seem to be slow timing the back garden tidy up, something that i think should only have taken a day seems to have eaten into 3 weekends, I'm hoping to complete what needs doing this weekend so it is just a matter of sitting and enjoying the same going forward.

    Your flower pressed paper looks fantastic, I love the shape of the first and the colour of the second.

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend and week ahead.

    Much love

  2. Yes, the weather here is not so good either. Today is dull and there is rain forecast. So no washing for me either.
    Your Mothering Sunday story of the birds really touched me. That is a touch of God for sure. It's nice that they hand out posies. We used to do that in our church in the UK too.
    I remember many years ago one of the ladies in our church suggested we club together and treat ourselves to a spa weekend. We booked it in the summer for early spring the next year. We booked the whole hotel for ourselves and tried to get as many women as possible.We saved up by paying into the kitty little by little for weeks so that low income ladies could join too. When the weekend finally arrived, it turned out to be Mothering Sunday (which we hadn't realized when we booked). So you can imagine the vicar was not best pleased as most of the women of the congregation were absent!
    I love your idea of 'printing' petals and leaves by putting it through the Big Shot. I shall certainly try that.
    Have a great weekend,

  3. Sorry I'm so late calling round today....I've had a really busy day making two more memory bears and then shortened 2 pairs of jeans and sadly work has to come first.
    You sound to have had a really lovely week Kate. I really love the effects you've got by pressing the leaves and flowers.
    Annie x

  4. What lovely flowers you received, Kate. Speaking of flowers, I had done flower pounding before, but never thought to press them using a die cutter. HOW clever of you!

  5. Jam making YUM! I make blackberry jam each year with locally picked fruit, you cant beat it can you.
    What a lovely idea the memory tree and flowers are too and those birds singing at the window must have been magical.
    Have a good week

  6. Hi Kate, I like your plant prints, especially the leaf one. Strange you have tried that technique this week, I have just had another try at it too. The periwinkle plant in the garden that has grown from a cutiing you gave me when you were still living here has been absolutely smothered in flowers this year and has been blooming for months. I love the colour of it and wanted to see if it would work as a print. It did work quite well although the flower heads were rather an awkward shape. I made a pretty card with the print.
    Jean x

  7. I'm sure you will soon be having much better weather. It's been a bit up and down here but we've had another sunny one today so got some washing done and dried. Pleased to see you enjoying Mothering Sunday and the leaves that you picked are very special. Hope your weekend is a happy one, Angela xXx

  8. Just another week in paradise with all the routine things that make up life :-). It sounds all very normal - much like life this side of the world. Love the fact you make so much jam. I hardly eat any, so don't bother making it. Love your leaf and petal prints - I must have a fossick and see what is still around in my garden - things are gradually quietening down for winter here.

  9. A lovely week and beautiful flowers. We have mild weather this weekend in Lancashire UK so enjoyed shopping in our market town of Todmorden yesterday. It is like stepping back in time we love it.
    Have a lovely week and I wonder if I may ask you to have prayers for my auntie who is very poorly in hospital after being given the wrong medication and also my mum who is Auntie JILL’s best friend of years. She is being very brave. Thank you, I’m asking all my Christian friends to join in
    Lynn xx


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