Friday, August 23, 2019

Rocking Your World 2019: Week 34

Here we are at Friday again, the day when we look at what has rocked our world during the past week. Usually we can find things that have rocked us in a good way, but just occasionally the rocking is much harder, and we have to find a way to right ourselves again.
This has been one of those weeks. 
On Wednesday we were devastated to hear that our youngest son Ben's partner of 14 years, was killed in a motor accident - knocked from his push-bike. We are all in shock, and the ether has been vibrating with all the calls and messages that as a family we have shared. I was so glad that I managed to contact his oldest brother who immediately went to be with him, and the others soon followed him. I shall of course be flying over very soon. As I already have flights booked for October, and I have lots of visitors here for the next ten days, I am waiting to hear when the funeral will be, before going over. I know he has probably as much support as he can cope with at the minute, but he also knows I can live-chat with him at any time, and have been doing so. It is the first time in the ten years we have lived here, that I have really wished I was still in UK.

But despite the bricks life throws to try to shatter us, life does go on, so I have just a very few photos of happier moments this week to share.
Our grand-daughter and her family arrived on Wednesday and they all immediately made friends with Kim. So here he is giving mum, and one of the little people, some love.

Kim can always make us smile.

I have had two little fish in my pool each day. Four year old Alfie is showing me his backstroke.
They played lovely together for over three hours in the water yesterday.

On a different note, our son Jonathan sent me this photo of the crowd he and his band were playing to at "an awesome gig" in Manchester at the weekend. He is the drummer in three or four bands, and he gets such an adrenaline kick when he plays at a gig. He has a some big ones lined up.
Rather him than me, but I love to see him doing what he loves best.

Please forgive me if I don't get to visit you all this week. I have two more visitors coming to join us on Sunday for a week, and too much swimming around  in my brain, but I will try to read everyone's post at sometime.
I hope I have found some pictures to make you smile so I am linking with Annie's Friday Smiles and Rocking Your World.

R.I.P.Dave. You were a gentle man and a gentleman and you will remain in the hearts of all the family.


  1. I am SO sorry for you, Kate. Please give my condolences to Ben, too. It must be bittersweet to look back on the visit they had a few weeks ago, but one you will remember and cherish forever, I'm sure. I just hope all goes well, whether you make it to the funeral or wait. I hope your latest visitors can keep you smiling, although I'm sure your heart and thoughts are in England right now.

  2. So sorry Kate, we never know from one day to another what life might throw at us. Pleased to see you have some distractions at least for a while. Sending gentle hugs, Angela xXx

  3. Oh Kate. I always read your weekly round up but rarely comment. Am so very sad to hear about Dave, and of course the sadness it will have brought to you all, especially Ben. That seems a really trite thing to say but it's so hard to put into words. Please know that you're all in my heart and my thoughts.RIP Dave, you were obviously well loved and will be sadly missed.


    Di xx

  4. Oh Kate - what a tragedy - my sincere sympathy to your family, and may Ben find peace, sooner rather than later. I can understand how torn you are feeling with the joy of visitors, and the grief that is swirling around you.

  5. Oh Kate, I'm so sorry to hear that! What a blow! There were both with you at the end of July I remember. Ben must be devastated (and you all of course). Send him lots of virtual hugs and my condolences.
    Prayers are going up as I write this.
    You might be able to make it to the funeral. I'm sure you would like to be there. It will take more than a week, especially as the coroner will be involved and there is a Bank holiday too.
    I hope that your next batch of visitors can enjoy themselves in spite of the heart ache.
    Wishing you strength,
    I'll be thinking of you,

  6. I really thought my post had posted the other day, but very obviously not. I am so sorry for your son's loss and to you and all your family, sending you the biggest hugs.

    I will be thinking of you all at this time. I hope you still managed to enjoy time with your visitors.

    Much love


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