Friday, June 5, 2020

Rocking Your World 2020: Week 23

Well it is week 23 so we are almost half way through the year. It is day 85 since our lock-down began, and Spain is slowly returning to some sort of normality, though we have a way to go yet. There are certainly more people on the streets and beaches, but most are being sensible and keeping their distance from others, wearing face masks where appropriate etc. 

One thing that I am grateful for is a big improvement on postal services. I have just been interrupted by our postman, (he sounds his car horn and shouts from the gate these days) and he had not one, but four packets waiting for me. They were mostly small internet orders, but some were dispatched a month ago, and I was beginning to wonder where they were. One was the new SIM card for my phone because I changed provider to one called Lobster, which is specifically for English speaking people living in Spain. I have just activated it but, because I want to keep the same number, I may have to wait for 24 hours before  can use it for calls.

Last week I showed you the yarn I was using and several of you have showed an interest, so here is what I made as I posted it on Facebook earlier in the week.
It is a really warm shawl/wrap, that I will enjoy using next Winter. The design is called Lost in Time by Johanna Lindahl. It was a 12 row repeat pattern and I did eight repeats. I finished it with just yards of wool to spare. On my post I said I was waiting for some special yarn to arrive and if I liked it, I would add the border. It wasn't essential but does give it a nice finish. Well the next day the purple wool arrived, and the following day I also got the rust lurex yarn, so I did add the border and I am happy with that.
So what to make next? well I have the yarn ready for not one, but four smallish projects. They are all using cotton yarn, which should be easier to handle in the Summer. I am not sure which I will do first, but knowing me I will be dabbling in all of them, and see which I enjoy. There is no point in doing it if I am not enjoying it which explains why I have two other projects on the back burner because I was finding them dull to work on.

One other order that arrived this week is a personal space - neck fan. I have to say this is more efficient than I had expected, and it will be really useful for me. I am a bit of a 'hot-bod', and often want the fan on when Chris is still in a jumper. I particularly get a hot face, so this will be perfect when it is just me overheating!

We had an unknown visitor this week. I was sitting on the porch and when I looked up this was on the outside of the fly net.
It was quite big but I had no idea what it was so I went out to get a closer look. (Not too close I might add. It looked quite fierce). So I took another photo from the front and posted it on the Wildlife in S.Spain Facebook group that I belong to.
I was soon told that it was a robber fly, more commonly known as an assassin fly! I am not sure why it has that name as it is relatively harmless, at least to humans. I google it and apparently it is very fast and can catch insects in flight. It does not have a sting, but it can give a nasty bite 'when seriously provoked'. I wasn't about to provoke it; I just left it alone and after a short rest it flew off. I am grateful to the people on that site who have identified various beasties for me, and occasionally I have helped them too. I do like to know who or what I am sharing my space with. This one eats a lot of garden pests so he is a welcome visitor as long as he keeps his distance from me!
I had another welcome visitor this week, and it was a truly magical moment. Since showing you the elusive Hoopoe bird a few weeks ago, I have discovered that there is a nesting pair somewhere nearby. My bird app. has picked up their call on several occasions, but I had never seen one again, until this week. I was in my craft room using my computer, which is near the window, and I saw a bird fly past quite close. I looked up and there he was, sitting on our back rail, just a few feet away from me. I said 'hello' to him and he sat looking straight at me for a minute, but I couldn't move to reach for my camera, so sadly there is no photo. Since then I have been on Youtube and found a recording of its call. I went out the back and played it and sure enough I got an answering call. Twice it flew past but much too quickly to photograph it. Very soon they will be moving on to their summer home, but I am hoping they will return to nest again next year.

This week the sunshine has brought our oleander out in bloom. It is a more ornamental one than the common one that abounds everywhere. It has variegated leaves and a double flower, and it is so pretty. They are almost like little roses. Fortunately it grows behind the back railings so I can keep cutting it back as it is poisonous to animals, and the sap irritates human skin, so I try not to let it invade the garden. It has grown quite tall, and towers above other plants so we get to see it without needing to touch it.
Just below these is the railing that we are training the bright pink bougainvillea along. There is a small gate that divides the back and side yards from the main  one, and we keep it closed to keep the dogs safe. This bougainvillea is not such a robust grower as the more common purple-pink one, but every now and then it send out a long shoot which we usually cut off if we can't weave it along the railings, just to keep the gateway clear. But one reached across the small opening with the gate and got as far as our bedroom window, so I attached it there, just high enough to duck under if we need to. It is now even longer so I am going to try to train it up over the top of the window railings rather than across the bottom as I don't want to shut out the light, and we do need to raise and lower the fly screen and blinds each day throughout the summer.

And finally to some sky scenes. We haven't had any of those for a while, but last night, after a lovely day, clouds started to gather and I said to Chris that if we were lucky we might get a nice sunset. I started off looking more to the East, where the clouds were coming from, and they were picking up some reflected colour from the West.
Then suddenly they parted a little and I saw the full moon rising.
The clouds were moving back and to across it and soon it disappeared, not reappearing until well after dark.

Meanwhile, behind me, the sun was slowly sinking behind the hills, giving us a beautiful golden sky which soon turned fiery and then disappeared. 

I've included this last photo because if you look very closely you might be able to see at least eight little birds having a final feeding frenzy before going back to their roosts for the night.
A few minutes earlier they had been swooping and diving in the green zone. The insects are busy in the evening and it is a feast for the  house martins and swifts - the acrobats of the sky. They are amazing to watch. I am very grateful for where I live, and the moments of joy that I get watching the wild life all around our house.
So now I will link up with Annie's Friday Smiles and Rocking Your World.
There were several comments on the new blogger last week. Chris went on to their page and it was just one complaint after another about the problems of adding photos, so I am hopeful they will resolve the problem before we are compelled to use it. Otherwise I will have to investigate Word Press, but I would rather not change if they can make it more user friendly.


  1. Hi Kate. Pleased to hear you are seeing an improvement with the post, it doesn't seem to have been too bad here considering so many people are buying on-line. Gorgeous shawl and interesting neck fan, not seen one of those before. Must say I don't like the look of your visitor either but the flowers are lovely and the photos too. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  2. Congratulations on getting your Lobster contract. I have just changed to Lobster too (two weeks ago) You are right, it takes a few days to transfer your number. The delay depends a bit on your previous provider. Mine was vodaphone and they phoned me several times (different operators) to ask what was the problem, why was I leaving and could they give me a better deal etc bu after that it went smoothly. I am very happy as I can now phone my mum (on her land line) every day.
    It sounds like we are all having problems with the new Blogger. I have gone back to the old one and Virginia (Rocking your world Friday) has too. I might have to go to Worldpress too, but will need a 'teckie' to help me as I have tried before and didn't succeed.
    Your shawl is beautiful. You will be glad of it on colder evenings. It looks so colourful and festive.
    Interesting to learn about the 'assassin fly'. He looks fierce enough. Your flowers are beautiful. I didn't know you could get double flower oleanders. We had bought 5 a few years ago. But they are flowering now, but they are the bog standard variety.
    Sorry I'm late. I've been out all day.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  3. Beautiful post ~ So much positive messages and photos ~ Thank you for seeing the good! I'm glad the robber fly didn't steal your joy :) Love, Karen

  4. What an interesting post Kate - can't say I would be too happy near to that Assassin Fly! Your flowers are amazing, as is that fabulous shawl, and it's a gorgeous finish you have edged it with.
    Wonderful sky pictures - thank yo for sharing
    Stay safe

  5. So glad you got your phone changed. It sounds like both you and Lisca prefer the carrier.

    Our mail service in the states didn't seem to be affected, but I didn't ship anything international and NOTHING is coming out of China, at least that's what a few of my friends who use Amazon tell me. Your new yarns are beautiful and compliment the rest of the shawl perfectly.

    Never heard of an assassin fly, but I'm sure we don't get those here. It's good you have that app to help you with that bird, too. I'm surprised how many apps there are (says the gal who still doesn't own a cell phone). And your oleander is beautiful, too.

    I was all ready to visit early today, but once the heat set in, I was ready for bed. Seems I sleep in the day and am up all night. Sorry I'm once again late visiting. I hoped to be the first here, but that didn't happen. Have a great rest of the weekend, Kate.

  6. Hello sweetie, I definitely posted on this at the weekend, so no idea where my post went lol. Your shawl is beautiful and that exquisite edge is stunning, so envious of your crochet skills. I had to smile at the facial fans, what a genius idea! the flowers look stunning and that moon and sky photos are amazing. I hope you are OK, I haven't had a comment on my blog from you in ages and I don't know if it is because you've stopped commenting or if it is a glitch on blogger, whichever it is I hope you are having a good week.



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