Friday, June 19, 2020

Rocking Your World 2020: Week 25

Hi all. Today I am finally using the new Blogger for my post, having spent this week doing several trial runs (later deleted), to ensure I was inserting photos, videos and links correctly, and also resizing and positioning photos as I want them. It was obviously going to be possible but it took me a while and a few failures, to sort it all out.
I actually like the cleaner view as I am typing, so hopefully I will not have any more problems with it.

I have very few photos this week as I have had a 'computer week', which doesn't make for very exciting photos.  As well as working with Blogger, I have tried to master Open Office as a replacement for Publisher. It is nearly time for me to upgrade my computer as I still work in Windows 7 and it does not recommend upgrading to 10. When I do, Chris would like me to use open source programs but I have not been able to manipulate Adobe templates for scrapbooking in Gimp as we had hoped to, so I will probably end up paying for Photoshop on a monthly contract. (Chris will not have any Apple items in the house, so that is not an option). But it has been good trying all these things.

Having settled on keeping Adobe, I also joined a Design cuts group which offered free Photoshop tutorials all this week, and they have been very helpful. So, a lot of hours have been spent sitting here.

However I have had some time out in the sunshine too. Early this week we had two visitors in the garden. This little mouse was swimming frantically round and round the pool, seemingly unable to climb out. I didn't know mice were such good swimmers. Anyway Chris fished him out with the pool net and set him in a sunny spot in the green zone.
When I went back to see if he had gone, which he had, I spotted this little fellow on a branch of the oleander. I thought at first it was a lizard, but closer inspection, plus advice from my Wildlife Facebook page, I think it was a Moorish gecko. It has a longer tail and slimmer body than the usual geckos, but you can just about see the suckers on its feet that it uses to shoot up vertical walls. Lizards have more claw-like toes.

I have also spent a lot of time watching the birds. Every morning and evening the swifts and house martins have a feeding frenzy over the green zone. It was difficult to capture the real feel of their aerial show on my phone, but I had several attempts. I  spent another morning trying to edit something worthwhile out of one of them. Again Chris was able to find an open source video editor that was free, and after a lot of trial and errors, I got this one, and as I have mastered getting them to Blogger without uploading them to the internet first, I will add it here.

The house next door is a sparrow hotel, with loads of pairs bringing up their young in the tiny ventilation holes under the tiles. So the house martins nest in the eaves of another tall house just up the road from us. You can see the parents constantly flying in with food for their young and going off again for more. I stood and watched them for a while but they are too quick, and the nests are too dark to get really good photos. But these were my best two. You can just see the adult bird with its head in the nest in the first one.

And, of course, I am continuing with my crochet project. It is definitely a challenge but I am persevering with it.
It is a change for me to be working with cotton-based yarns, but I know I will return to my favourite acrylic DK as soon as it is cool enough to handle it. I stick with the same make as it has a wide range of colours, over 50 now I think, and is usually easily available online from UK. They are not posting internationally right now but I am sure they will again soon.
Recently they added five new colours to their range, and as I try to keep one ball of each colour in my stash, I wanted to buy one of each of these, but they sold out very fast. People have been asking for the purple for so long, so I think they all rushed out to buy them. And the orange and yellow are more gentle tones than their other very bright ones. So when I saw a different company had them back in stock I ordered one of each, plus one of the navy that I used up on my previous blanket project, and they came this week.

Chris took the parcel in and handed it to me with a gruff "Feels like more wool!", and of course he was right. But what tickled me most was its wrapping. As is usual, the wool was tightly packed in an organza drawstring bag, and this was inside a tough plastic posting bag. These are often grey but this one was bright yellow, and printed into the design were several of these signs.
How right they are. And it made me smile.
The wool is lovely too of course. I shan't be using it yet so it has joined the rest out in the garage, but I am glad to have brought my stash up to date again.

And now it is time to link up with Annie's Friday Smiles, and Rocking your World over at Celtic House.

P.S. Just a quick update on my neck fan which raised some interest when I showed it. It is very good, light-weight and comfortable to wear, and gives a gentle cooling stream of air. The heads can be rotated through 360ยบ, and there are three speeds though I have so far only used the slowest one, plus various coloured lights, and the possibility to add drops of essential oils to them if you want to. I think they were a good buy. There are several makes available in Amazon and other sites I am sure.


  1. I rather like the look of the new blogger. I've not used it yet but I plan to use it next week so keep your fingers crossed for me please. I always love seeing the wild life around you. That little swimming mouse made me smile...I'm so glad you managed to let him out. The gecko looked lovely too as do all your birds. There seems to be so many birds around at the mo...I think they have benefitted from the less disturbance from traffic etc.
    Annie x

  2. Hi Kate. I have a fairly new computer and it uses Linux, which is open source. I told my friend Scott, who built it, I didn't want any Windows programs on my computer, so I have Linux, which gets updated regularly without hijacking your computer. I've read some really scary things from internet friends who installed Windows 10 on their computers.

    I have an extremely OLD Photoshop. I bought it in 2000 and I insisted it be on my new computer, along with WordPerfect, a Corel product I think was purchased by Adobe, although I could e wrong. He also installed Gimp, which he thought would be easier for me to use. Instead, I couldn't even figure out how to resize a photo in Gimp. Granted, I don't "do" scrapbooking, but I thought I would let you know what works for me.

    I'm really old school. I don't own a cell phone, a tablet, or a laptop, so I am sticking with the Legacy blogger. One blogger said she couldn't get the new blogger to add links, but I see you managed to do that.

    Nature really predominated your post today, but I guess you are also happy you have another big bag of yarn. I like those colors. Hope you have a great weekend, because I fear it's already Saturday in your world.

  3. Hi Kate, loving your animal friends. Pleased to hear you are getting on with the new blogger. I've tried it but find it takes up too much time to do things that are easy and quick with the classic blogger. I went on to the forum and was pleased to see the number of complaints about it. Apparently they are aware that it requires some changes but no idea when this will be completed. Have a great weekend and thanks for the visit to mine. Hugs, Angela xXx

  4. Loving your new yarn colours Kate - they are gorgeous!
    I really enjoyed the video - I am glad to hear something positive about the 'new' blogger - I have been putting off uploading it as I have seen so many negative comments, so thought I would wait until some of the bugs are ironed out. Looks as though I had better bite the bullet tomorrow and give it a whirl.
    I use Libre Office as my office programme - it's a freebie, and I have found my (limited) use of it always reliable and friendly.
    Stay safe

  5. Those are lovely mages of the local wildlife and the video played perfectly. Of course we got loads of swifts/swallows/house martins too. I just hope they eat flies.
    The poor little mouse made me smile and the fact that Chris rescued him was an even bigger smile.
    Well done you for doing all this computer stuff.I find it all very baffling. Just using the new Blogger scares me as I then have to spend a whole evening frustratingly cussing in stead of just quickly typing out my blog.
    That is one of the reasons I love iOS, it's so intuitive. Now I have my iPad and my iPhone, it is frustrating using my desktop. But Blogger doesn't like iOS. Chris doesn't either. I wonder why. I love it.(cost a bit more but definitely worth the extra cash).
    Yes, I have photoshop on my computer. When I bought my computer a few years ago (here in baza), I asked the guy to put Photoshop Elements on it, as I use that for my scrapbooking. (and of course it is cheaper than the full photoshop version). I got my computer back and it turns out he has put the full version on it! The good news was that it came with the computer, i.e. I didn't pay extra. The bad news was that it was the Spanish version.
    Now I use the full photoshop for my photography and an English friend of mine gave me his old Photoshop Elements 11, and that is just perfect for simple layering etc.
    I suppose if I knew someone who could help me, I would have Linux too, but I really need someone who knows what they're doing.
    The yarn looks lovely. Beautiful colours. And yes, the wrapper is fab.
    Have a lovely weekend (or what's left of it)

  6. Great post as always Kate. Linux all the way for me here and Gimp is also my fave. That wee mouse is so sweet! Was it doing breast stroke or front crawl?

    Stay safe.

    Love, Di xx


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