Friday, July 24, 2020

Rocking Your World 2020: Week 30

It has been a very quiet week, partly because the days are hotting up, and when it gets this hot I only have the energy to do what is really necessary. So as very little is necessary right now, I have done very little!!

These little fellows have been reminding us that every day is above 30ยบ, which is apparently the temperature at which they start calling for a mate. And they sure are noisy! In case you don't know, this is a cicada, a creature synonymous with Mediterranean summers. When they all shout together, the sound is like a really bad electric fault in the cables above us. But if you walk passed one, it can switch off like a light switch. They merge in with their background and are incredibly hard to see unless, like this one, it stops for a brief rest on our fly screen. 

As soon as the sun goes down and the temperature drops a few degrees, they go quiet, and straight away the night crickets start chirruping instead. It is a much gentler sound and I like to hear them.

I have two photos this week to keep you guessing. Yesterday the 'man with a van' left me one of these brown boxes with a smile on them. I think we all like getting one of those. I have lifted the top flap (bottom one actually!) but that is all I am going to show you for now.
I wonder what that is all about?

And secondly, although it stays so warm all evening, and we have spent most evenings sitting out on the porch, sometimes resorting to using my big industrial strength fan out there to get some movement in the air, I have managed to do a little bit of crochet most days. So now I am working with that big ball of yarn I showed you a while ago. This is my progress so far, but I won't be showing it any more until I have reached the dark yarn at the end of the ball, so you will have to decide what I am making, or wait patiently for me to finish it!

With a bit of extra time on my hands, I wanted to do something different so I raided my box of 'old' photos; i.e. the ones that were taken before digital cameras were the norm. I selected a few and scanned them into the computer so I could give them a face-lift. Then I worked in Adobe Photoshop to make this layout for my son Mike's 47th birthday which is today. I enjoyed doing that, so I hope he likes it too.
Apart from a long chat with my sister, and one that lasted four hours(!) with my youngest son, that's about it for this week. So I will now link up with Rocking Your World, and Annie's Friday Smiles.


  1. Happy birthday to Mike....I love the photos. I will wait patiently for your show and tells brain is too tired to start guessing now as I've had another really busy day with sewing.
    Annie x

  2. Oh I love the layout that's fabulous I hope your son has a brilliant birthday. I've never heard of those bugs and dont know if I've ever heard them, we are having a flying ant day which I really dont like. They've forecast thunder showers for us tomorrow.

    I hope your weather provides a little respite. The Amazon box looks like a cat basket and I've no idea on the crochet but it looks beautiful as always it looks like something to wear but I'm not sure.

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend and week ahead. Hugs xxx

  3. Happy belated birthday Mike. I love the layout you created, Kate. I use PhotoShop exclusively, so this was fun to see how you manipulated these photos.

    We get cicada in Kansas, too. Talk about loud. Yes. However, they don't appear every year here. Crickets do, though.

    As for the box? Could it be a cat litter box? And since I don't crochet, I'll wait till you share it later. Maybe a shawl, knowing you (grin). Have a super rest of the weekend, Kate.

  4. Hi Looks like it has a motor ~ ? ice cream or pasta maker?? I don't know! I think your making a lap blanket? I look forward to the results ~ It's hot here too and we have lot's of cicada's singing here also. I can't believe how big they are! What a great layout to celebrate your son ~ Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

  5. What a lovely page for Mike's birthday. I'm sure he will like it a lot as those photos will have been forgotten.
    Cicadas and crickets.We have crickets, which are lovely and they are part of Mediteranean life. We had them in Italy too. Cicadas, luckily, we are not having here. They are very noisy. I remember those from Italy too. But I don't think the climate here, or the altitude is suitable for cicadas. They wouldn't survive the harsh winters.
    Your mystery parcel.... If it is the right way up, it could be a small fryer, with the basket handle showing. But if this is the bottom of the appliance, after all you opened the bottom flap, then I am at a loss. Could it be an ice cream maker?
    I'm sure you will tell us all about it next week.
    Have a lovely weekend. Take it easy as it is going to be a scorcer.


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