Friday, August 28, 2020

Rocking Your World 2020; Week 35

Another week of not doing very much, but it has been pleasant all the same. The highlight for me was a visit yesterday from a dear friend Chris and her husband Phil, and guess what - I forgot to take a photo! Phil and my Chris went into the village for a pint and a tapa while Chris and I had a good catch up over salad and fruit in the fly-free porch.  It was very pleasant sitting there, and lovely to share all our news. Chris has several health issues, so like us, they have mostly been shielding at home, but we took all the right precautions and felt it was safe to have a visit, and I am sure it did us both good.

On Sunday I follow one or two church services on-line. Our vicar is away on holiday so this week our service was led by my dear friend Margie who is our licensed lay-reader, and David who is the church representative on the PCC.

They did a lovely service with some of my favourite hymns from YouTube that I could sing along with. It could be a while yet before the church is able to open again.

On Tuesday night I was my usual clumsy self, and I knocked a jar of jam off the top shelf of the fridge and unfortunately it landed on the top of my foot. Within an hour it had swollen up so I could not get a shoe on. Boy did it hurt at the time, but I was pretty sure I had not done any real damage.
It has now gone down  a lot but is still a bit 'fat' and shades of blue and grey are creeping in all along the base of my toes. But to be honest, it doesn't really hurt now as long as I don't try to put any sandals on. Fortunately I have one pair of summer casuals that are low cut along the toes, so I am wearing those for now. That should teach me to be more careful, but I doubt that it will!

The rest of my post is about little Tolly again, but he is still at that age when he is so cute, even if he is all legs and long body now. He is so much more relaxed around the house now and doesn't constantly cry for attention. He can amuse himself with almost anything but has a definite preference for our shoes! When he has had a good feed and a playtime, he goes off to one of his favourite spots and sleeps. Often he is curled up in the little space behind my chair, but when we are outside he loves the corner next to the water feature. He hasn't seen it in action very often. That might change his mind.
When I am down here in my craft room, he often comes with me. He can be a nuisance, with 'too much help', but sometimes he just sits beside me and watches me typing into the computer.  I must have been at it for too long one day because he got bored and just stretched out between the keyboard and monitor, and went to sleep.

We still spend most evenings sitting out on the porch and one night, Tolly had been playing around and needed a rest and he just leaned into Kim's back, and Kim took no notice of him. I was really pleased because I want them to all be friends. The cats are very slowly coming round to his presence, but apart from Tango they won't let him come close, but the dogs are doing better. In fact they are very good considering how annoying he can be, when he persistently plays with their tails, despite being warned off!

Every night when we are sitting out there, I hear a bird calling softly and have tried many times to catch it on my app to identify it. I had an idea of what it was but I wanted to be sure. And last night the call was much louder and my app identified it as an Eurasian stone curlew, which was what I thought.  It is  mainly nocturnal, which is why I don't notice its call through the day, and often it is heard regularly but never seen. I have never seen one. But I have found a photo from google and this is what it looks like.
It has quite a distinctive cry, so I am sure I will hear it again.

I prepared most of this post yesterday and I am glad that I did as today has turned out to be one of the hottest this year. Our thermometer on a wall in the fly-free porch, which never gets direct sun, is showing 38ΒΊ this afternoon. That is hot, even by our standards. So now I am going for a cooling dip in the pool, and a lazy rest in front of my largest fan!

And that my friends is about it for this week. So I will link up with Rocking Your World and Annie's Friday Smiles and wait to see what next week brings.


  1. Hi Kate, I'm pleased to say it has cooled down here in fact I think the summer is over, Sadly we are unable to go away for the Bank Holiday, we usually take my parents to the East Coast but we cancelled it earlier when my dad died and mum was ill but to be honest it looks as though it's not going to be very nice weather this time which is unusual as the week after the Bank holiday is usually quite nice, I will miss it. I'm pleased to see your kitty settling in well, it's a big change for young animals leaving their mother and siblings. My boy dog Stanley was desperate to cuddle up to Maisie when he arrived but she wasn't keen she allows it a little more now. Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  2. Oh man ~ I had that same thing happen to the top of my foot and it took awhile to heal. I hope yours heals quicker for you ~ Put ice on it and keep it up. Tolly is the sweetest. That birds eye is almost as big as it's head! ~ Take care

  3. I think my favorite photo was of Tolly behind the fountain. The way he had one paw over his head and one behind was precious. I've never seen either of my cats do that.

    Your foot sounds painful and looks like it's going to be a green color soon. I hope nothing is broken.

    It's hot here, too. I hope it cools for you because I have AC and apparently you do not.

    Have a safe and happy weekend. I was by earlier, but you hadn't posted yet.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful visit with your friends Kate - and so glad you both enjoyed it so much.
    Tolly is quite the character, as cats are at that age. He is a typical gangly teen now! :)
    That certainlhy is one hot day you have had!
    That foot looks rather "ouchy" to say the least!! Hope it continues to heal well
    Stay safe

  5. Ah at least you have a pool to cool you down, which sounds ideal with those temperatures. Tolly is seriously cute, but I too doubt that he would be impressed with the water feature if it was on. Loving the photo of him behind your keyboard - seriously cute.

    I'm glad the foot is repairing OK and that you have suitable footwear to help in the meantime.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend and week ahead.


  6. Ouch! Your foot still looks very sore. It will probably change colour daily. I'm glad it's not hurting so much now.
    Tolly is so cute. So sweet curled up behind the water feature.
    I don't know much about birds, so I was interested to hear the song and the call of the stone curlew. (I googled it) I have never heard it. I don't think we have them here, as we live in a different area and that would be a different type of habitat.
    Yes, It's been hot again, but here the nights are getting cooler. I can open the windows at night in the knowledge that cooler air will come in.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  7. Lovely bloggy share Kate, sorry I’m late... again... 😁 and yes with you on swim at 38c .. my way to cool down, too. Your new puss is very cute.. thanks for info too on name chosen.
    Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these unusual times, a blessing to rest simply in Him! Praying you’re all kept well too!
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  8. Hi Kate . . .just read quite a few of your posts. Tolly is so cute. Wishing you speedy healing on the foot. Sounds like it's been excessively hot for a while and that Spanish restrictions seem tougher than the UK ones.

    Take care
    Hugs, Sarn
    Stamping For Pleasure


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