Friday, December 10, 2021

Rocking Your World 2021: Week 50

Only two more posts to go and Christmas will be over and done again. It rolls around so fast each year. Of course this week has been mostly about my decorations.  Last weekend I got my tree up. We downsized it last year as I am no longer up to climbing ladders etc. So now we have one that sits on out table, but I still manage to get most of my important ornaments on it. Each one evokes a memory, reminds me of someone special, or is something I have enjoyed making over the years. It is harder than the big one was to make look how I want it to, but I am happy with it now. The lights look mostly blue but they move through red, green and amber too, or all four together. I think the blue ones just photograph better.

I am pleased with my new Nativity set. I still have the tiny characters I made from a Woman's Weekly pattern around 50 years ago, but they really are looking a bit sad now, so last Christmas I bought part of this set, and during the year I have added to it, so I now have a nice elegant little group.

Amazingly the bauble wreath I made five years ago is still surviving. Every year the glue gun comes out and a few baubles have to be fixed back on. It is based on a plastic foam pool noodle and I did not expect it to have such a long life.  For the first few years it hung on the sitting room wall, but last year we risked it outside the front door, and that is where it is again this year.

Lidls came good as usual for poinsettias and I bought three to go in my pot stand in the front porch. They really brighten that corner up, and they are protected enough there to survive most weather.

Last week I showed you the angel I had cut on my Silhouette Cameo machine. While it was out I also made this layered strip. It is fun and adds a bit of colour to the wall as I am sure we will not be getting as many cards this year as we used to. It has glitter on the snow and pearl white curls on the fur trims, but they don't show well in the photos.

We have managed to get out once this week. Monday and Wednesday were bank holidays, the first being a secular celebration called Constitution day, and the second was a religious holiday - 'Immaculate Conception' which is in recognisation that Virgin Mary was born without sin. (Not a belief held by everyone, but an important day for Roman Catholics everywhere). They are always celebrated on 6th and 8th December and falling on Monday and Wednesday this year meant that many of the smaller shops and businesses also closed on Tuesday giving them a five day pre-Christmas break. But the big supermarkets etc were open on Tuesday so we went down to Mojacar and fortunately the main Post Office there was open, as Chris had some time-sensitive papers to post. I also posted my overseas cards, except for UK ones which are already gone. Then we went down to the huge ferriterria called Lopez to but an extension cable for my Christmas lights, and more glue sticks. (My glue gun seems to eat them!). It was such a beautiful day with 27º showing on our thermometers from mid-morning to mid-afternoon, so we stayed down there at our favourite café and had an al fresco lunch.

Walking back to the car I took this photo which I have titled "Why we choose to live in Spain". 

You would never think looking at it, that it is December. We were in short sleeves, and our jackets were left in the car. It has actually been lovely all week but right down in the lower single figures at night time, so there is lots of contrast, and we are glad enough of our lap blankets and the fire once darkenss falls. So how lucky are we to get both sunny days and cosy evenings.

On Wednesday Chris put up the new washing line for me so I was able to take advantage of the lower cost of electricity on Bank Holidays and also the sun and wind to dry my washing. So I got the sheets done as well as as everything else. 

Our sceened porch is fairly sheltered from the wind that can be chilly to sit in, so if we are sitting on his fav ourite chair,  Tolly has started staying in and finding a sunny spot in the house to doze in. He is much more friendly now and often follows me around. My old office chair is still in my craft room and he often lays on that but his body is so long now that he only just fits. But he looks so comfy there. He rolls over to let the sun warm his tummy, and his face looks so contented. After lunch my room is the sunniest in the house.

I took this photo from the garden this morning. You probably wonder why, but I love the pattern of branches against the blue. I will have to try and use it as a background for a card one day.

And finally one nice sunset. For once the clouds turned quite red and orange before the sky darkened so there are some lovely contrasts in it.

And with that it is time to link up with Annie for her Friday Smiles. I hope you all have something to smile about too.


  1. What a lovely post Kate. I would love the weather over there in Spain but would really miss being close to my family. Your Christmas decorations look really pretty as does the sky in the last pic. I always love to see tree silhouettes against a blue sky and those are beautiful.have a great week and thanks for our Christmas card.
    Annie x

  2. Oh that is a spectacular tree. Very colourful. And I love your new nativity set. I can-t find my Christmas stuff, so no nativity scene this year. I have looked for a new one but haven-t been able to find a decent one yet. Yours is beautiful. Reminds me of the Willow figures.
    The wreath is very nice. Thank you for telling me how it is made. I might do that.
    Yes, we (as evangelicals) believe in the virgin birth, but we do not believe that Mary was a person without sin.
    Tolly made me smile as did your beautiful poinsettias and the orange sunset.
    Yes, the year certainly has flown by.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  3. The Nativity set is gorgeous Kate and loving your tree and decorations too. Your kitties look comfy. I like the weather in Spain as it is now and Easter is lovely too but not keen on the Summer. The building at the back of us is in full swing but the weather hasn't been too bad where we are so I think they are trying to get as much done as they can. They are far enough away that they don't bother us and they don't tend to start until after 8.00 am so we don't hear them either. You mentioned about the dogs. I don't allow mud in the house and I wish you could see them when they have their feet cleaned. Stan can count and knows that when you call for number one paw that he has to lift it to be cleaned and so on, it's quite funny to watch but I've done this with both of them from being puppies so they know the routine. Now the Squirrels, I never attract them near the house but our neighbour did and they chewed through the soffit board at the back of the house and started nesting. It took ages to get rid of them and needless to say she does not attract them anymore. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  4. What stunning weather you are having. Such a beautiful place to walk, too.

    Your skyshots are amazing. I like the one you might use a s a background, but the other one appears to be glowing.

    Your small tree is beauiful. I only have room for small tabletop trees, but mine are all too small for regular ornaments. I really LIKE your wreath. It is great. I'm also impressed it has lasted and looks brand new, too. Have a great weekend, Kate. Sorry I'm late visiting. Back problems are a pain in the BACK!

  5. Sounds like you have really decorated well Kate - your bauble wreath is gorgeous, but the star is that beautiful nativity!
    We are getting 27oC days here too, but with very high humidity and we are feeling the sudden change... the nights are staying at 15 - 18 oC also...
    Loving that Tolly is enjoying the sun so - he looks fabulous!
    Stay safe

  6. Oh a fab post, your tree looks stunning and your bauble wreath is still looking as good as when you made it. I love that the poinsettias survive outside I've seen them in the supermarkets here but I dare not buy one as they are fickle in the uk and our centrally heated houses really don't do them any favours.

    I love the photo of Tolly and that sky photo is stunning.

    Have a fantastic weekend


  7. As happens often with your blog, I lost my comment again that I wrote yesterday. Now I've got to remember what I wrote...
    I did comment on your beautiful tree, so colourful and Your nativity set is gorgeous. It reminds me of the Willow figures (I have several angels).
    Thank you for explaining to me how the wreath is made. I might have a go.
    Tolly made me smile indeed.
    Yes, the weather is part of the reason we are here. Although it is a few degrees colder here in winter, we get just as much sun as you do. Today is lovely. It's 19 degrees on my patio and there is a gentle breeze so my washing machine is working full pelt! I save up my laundry for the weekend.
    Have a lovely weekend,


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