Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024 # Week 19

It has been a week of ups and downs but as this post is called Friday Smiles we will mostly concentrate on the ups. Knowing how much I love watching the sky, you won't be surprised when  I start with two photos I took on  Monday evening. For a short a while the sky was full of 'flying saucers' that caught the rays of the setting sun. They didn't stay around for long but at least I managed to catch these two on camera and even made one of them my Facebook header. I might manage to put one on here later too.

It hasn't been a very peaceful week as we have had three men here all week, stripping down the old paintwork and then painting the outside all the way around the house. It may not look very different in this photo, but it is all a bright shining white, and even all the railings on the fence and windows now have a new coat of glossy black paint. One man was sitting in the full sun painstakingly painting all the curls on our double gates and I said to him "You drew the short straw when you got that job". He grinned and said "I know, but it is better than sitting around at home". They have done a really good job and have even brought in a high power blower to clear all the dust and debris from behind our cupboards, and the paint dust where they sanded all the flakey paint off the walls. It is lovely to see the house looking so good again.

Today they came inside to paint the recesses around the windows and the insides of all the railings, so Chris went round first and took down all the roller blinds. These are just suspended from two hooks and they were due to come down anyway as they get very dusty over the winter. We always start the year by hanging them over the railings and hosing them all. Some will need to be restrung as well. But I knew that the one in my craft room often has a gecko hiding in it and sure enough as Chris started to move it, the little fellow darted out onto the window recess. I think he was bewildered when he couldn't find his home and he kept running up and down the wall. I took a quick photo of him through the fly screen netting but as I tried to get another one he suddenly slipped round the corner and all I got was his receeding tail.  I hope he found a new shelter for a while.

The cats are also a bit disturbed when there are strangers in 'their house'. So they tended to stay inside with us. Maybe they didn't like the smell of the paint (The black gloss was a bit pungent), as even in the evening when the men had gone home, they stayed in with us. So Tolly was happily curled up on a chair when he spotted that I had kicked my shoes off. He loves shoes and he pounced on one of mine and held on tight, eventually falling asleep while cuddling it. When I tried to retrieve it he got quite frantic and wouldn't let go, at least not until I rattled his food dish  in the kitchen and he had to come and investigate that!

I thought I'd show you my first completed project on my new laser cutter. I made a set of three double-layer coasters. Each one has two layers of different wood, glued together and sprayed lightly with a waterproof varnish. They are not perfect and I can't say whether the slightly unequal cutouts are due to a poor file, which I bought from an etsy store, or from the way I set it up, but I am still quite pleased with the result.

I had a phone call from the hospital in Almeria on Wednesday to say I have a consultation with the dermatology surgeon next Tuesday, to decide what they will do to my hand. I did get a call to go to the day surgery in the more local Huercal-Over hospital a couple of weeks ago and I was hoping they would remove the bad tissue from around the ulcer, but when the surgeon saw it he said he couldn't do it because they only do small cuts under local anaesthetic there, and this was too big. So he said I needed to go to Almeria hospital for a general anaesthetic and they would probably do a skin graft to cover it. Now I have to see whether the man in Almeria agrees so after Tuesday I will at least know what to expect next.

And to add to my fun, as I was eating a soft slice of bread Tuesday tea-time, my bottom denture suddenly snapped in two! I have had it a long time and knew that next time I would probably have to lose my last two teeth and have implants to hold the new plate, but I hadn't planned on doing so just yet. But fate has deemed othewise so now I am starting on a rather long journey of dental treatment, but I guess it will be a good thing when it is done. Urg!

I had intended to prepare this post this afternoon but I ended up chatting to my son Ben for a couple of hours instead. But that was a nice way to spend the afternoon.

And just as I started with two sky photos, so I will close with two as well. I took these tonight. I was sitting here preparing this post for tomorrow and saw the pink glow in the sky. So I grabbed my phone and ran out just in time to see this pretty sky. It rapidly darkened and became more red, and by the time I got back to my computer it had gone. But what  a lovely end to the day.

So now it is time to link up with Annie's Smiles over on her blog. See you there.



  1. Your newly painted home looks really lovely...tell the cats I don't like the smell of paint either[but I do love the resilts]. Your sky pics always make me smile...the last one esp. I hope the hand surgery and dental work go well.
    Annie x

  2. Oh Kate, you certainly have had some ups and downs - but how lovely to get all that painting done and dusted and have the house looking so spiffy!
    Your hand does not sound too good at all - I trust it is 'just' an ulcer and nothing nasty in behind it all. I look forward to hearing your update on that.
    I certainly know what you mean about dentists - both the length of the 'journey' and the cost. I am just coming towards the end of my course of treatment - over six months so far, and still four crowns and a partial plate to come.
    Your sky photos are amazing, particularly the 'flying saucers'

  3. Hi Kate the house looks lovely, all ready for the summer. Gorgeous photos of the clouds too. The coasters look good to me but then I think we are always more critical of our own work than we are of other's. The ATCs you asked about are for the WOYWW anniversary. I used to swap regularly years ago but only make them now once a year for this. Take care and hugs Angela xXx

  4. Lovely sky photos. I have my friend Maggie staying with me and she is also into clouds and pretty skies. So I have just shown her your photos.
    How wonderful that you had the whole house painted. Including the rejas and gate. That is indeed quite a job. I hate cleaning them.
    I had to smile at Tolly with your shoe and cuddling it.
    Wow, your laser cutting is beautiful. Well done you. Those coasters are so pretty. Are you going to sell them on Etsy?
    I'm sorry to hear that the ulcer on your hand can't be removed with a small cut. What a bother. Keep us updated.
    And then also a broken denture. It doesn't rain but it pours! Poor you.
    I'm sure you felt better after talking to Ben.
    Wishing you all the best,
    Big hug,

  5. Beautiful sky pics and your house is beautiful! Ours is grey...
    That gecko, awww.... cute
    And that shoe-"weirdo", also so cute.
    The coasters are wonderful!
    Hope your hand gets help and owwww to the tooth!
    Despite that... hope you have a great day!

  6. Wow your home looks all sparkly and new with its new coat of paint and the black railings. We are trying to get a few jobs done too at the moment, we just seem to be out of the habit of it at the moment, which is strange for us as we are normally really busy, but what with work issues, losing my Mum and hubby's recent operation life just seems a bit messy if you know what I mean.

    Your laser cutting is stunning, you must be really pleased with it, glad to see you putting your new toy through its paces.

    I hope the hospital give you some positive news on the ulcer on your hand, it seems to have gone on for some time now so I'm sure you will be happy to get it resolved. I hope you also manage to sort the denture issue - not what you needed but hopefully you can get it resolved soon.

    The sky photos are stunning, the UK has had far too much wet weather this spring to be able to enjoy such beautiful skies, although we did catch a glimpse of the northern lights last night, something I never thought I would see without a trip to Iceland.

    Sending hugs


  7. Popped over to thank you so much for you kind visit and hope you also get your hospital treatment soon, two cancelled dates was a lot to tolerate.

    Like you I'm a sky watcher and caught some beauties of the AB at the weekend which you probably saw on your trip to 'my place'. Be good and take care.

    B x


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