Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024@ Week 22

Oh dear. I am very late to the party today. I have had a ruck of hospital/health issues that have got in the way, but I will try to put a quick post together now.

It has been hot this week - too hot for late May, so I guess we are in for a long hot summer. This is how Leo keeps cool. Our table is between the open window and open patio doors so sometimes there is a nice breeze blowing through, and he flattenes himself onto the table top. I wish I was as supple as that!

All the wildlife is searching for water, so Chris has got our two little outdoor fountains going. They recycle the water so don't need to be filled too often, and the bees, wasps and birds come to them to drink. This week I spotted a large grasshopper on the edge of the cats' water bowl. Unlike their English cousins, these can grow to 4-6 inches long. They are called European or Egyptian grasshoppers unless they swarm and then they are locusts. They are very hungry and can damage plants quite severely, but live and let live. Tolly wasn't impressed by the visitor when he went for a drink, so I moved it to the green zone out of his way.
We called in at the garden centre this week and bought a few bedding plants. 
They are now in four troughs hanging from our front railings. 

They look a bit bedragled here but they had just been planted. They have settled in now and look a lot better.
I also bought some herbs - Rosmary, lavendar, mint, basil, corriander and parsley, and I have made a little herb garden outside the kitchen door. It is rather a sun trap in the afternoons so I am not sure how well they will do.

Three more little projects I made on my laser engraver. 
One for me ..
 .. and two for my son and his wife who arrive next Thursday for a few days. They are not perfect because the outer frame slipped but they will like them.
.. and one for my grand-daughter

And that is all I have time for today. I am off to the dentist now but will link this to Annie's Friday Smilesnull and catch up with you all as soon as I can.


  1. Hi Kate sounds like you've had all the good weather, hope the flowers survive the heat. We certainly haven't had weather like this as it's been dull or raining here this week. I suspect the weather will improve next week as that's when the children start their written exams and the schools start to cook. Thanks for your kind thoughts too. Have a great weekend. Hugs Angela xxx

  2. Hope you´re well soon. And, please... can send some warm weather over here? 13C end of May is not what I want...
    Nice of you to take care for the critters out there and ohhhh, the flowers... have a great weekend, hugs

  3. oooo bodies are causing trouble here too... I just want to stop hurting! I'll send healing thoughts to you...
    your cat is as kind as you, live and let live and love

  4. Oh the pots look lovely, inthinkmi would have Bern feeling the same as your cat with the grasshopper lol. Oh dear on the temperatures front,ours is still changeable.

    Visitors sounds lovely and you have definitely got to grips with your new machine


    Ps hope things are improving on the hand health front


  5. Oh Kate, that does not sound like the best of weeks for you! Hope this week is shaping up to be a better one.
    Your pand Leo in particular, certainly know how to find either the coolest or warmest spots (depending on the season)


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