Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024 # Week 33

I have had a very uneventful week so this will be a 'short and sweet' post.

Sunday was the final day of our Week of Culture in the village and it always ends with some form of street entertainment. This year it was a troup of folk, some of whom wandered among the crowd dressed as pirates, and on very high stilts. One of the others was a fire eater - flame thrower, and there was a lady who danced and twirled around holding flaming dumbells. Every now and then a firework would send up sprays of sparks. It was fun, and quite entertaining to watch, but not as good as some groups we have had other years.

After a couple more visits to the nurse, I now have just a very small plaster covering my shoulder wound so I am sure it will be quite healed very soon.

We had a lightening fast visit to the hospital for Chris's eye check-up. He was seen by the doctor, had some tests and we were back in the car and on our way home twenty minutes before the time of his appointment!! We have never known them be so efficient before.

(I have now sat for over an hour after my appointment time, for the nurse to put a new dressing on my shoulder. Not so efficient!)

I spent a lovely morning on Wednesday chatting with a very dear friend. Margie is one of our lay readers at church and a very special friend of mine. Sadly she is returning to UK to live in two weeks time. I will miss her so much. So we had a special time together on Wednesday. We were much too busy talking to think of taking a photo but I have one of her that I will use here.

And finally this was our sky on Wednesday evening, and Yes, we actually had some rain. I cannot remember the last time it rained significantly but it is some months ago. This time it rained for about an hour and was heavy enough to make the ground soak some up. They had forecast warnings of severe storms, but although we heard a few rumbles of thunder above us, we were spared the downpour they had predicted. But this village seems to be protected by the mountain ranges all around us, and many towns nearby had enough flooding to cause some damage. At least the resevoirs will be a little bit fuller.

After the first shower I took this photo. I love the way the water droplets are clinging to the hibiscus petals, ready to slowly sink down through the centre and revive the plant. It made me do my 'happy dance'.

And that is it for this week. I will now publish, somewhat later than usual because of my long wait at the clinic, and will link up with Annie's Friday Smiles.


  1. Oh, you had rain! Wow! Nothing here. Not even a cloud! It's still pretty hot here although no more 40 degrees I'm glad to say.
    How sad that Margie had to leave. I'm sure she will miss her friends in Spain too.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  2. Spitting fire would make me run! ;-)
    Doctors... but glad we have them! Sad when a friend moves away. Yay to internet to stay in touch!
    Beautiful "drop-pic". To a happy Friday, x

  3. Hi kate, late today as I walked the dogs and then went to the hairdressers but back now. Uneventful can be a good thing. That was a quick visit, getting an appointment here is the main problem. It's sad your friend is moving away but I'm sure you will be able to chat with her on-line. Pleased you've had some rain we will be needing some soon. Love the photo of your hibiscus, beautiful. Hugs Angela xXx

  4. Hospitals and clinics can be so erratic in their timing.. when DH was regularly going for eye appointments we discovered that!!
    I find it ironic that your friend moved to Spain, only to now return - i guess life circumstances change...
    Glad you had some much needed rain - we have had quite a 'dry' winter, so although there is rain forecast here for most of the week, I will try not to grumble... we need it

  5. I'm glad you've finally got some rain. Im also glad your shoulder is healing.

    I hope your time with your friend was fun and hopefully you can keep in contact even once she has moved back.

    Hope you've had a good weekend



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