Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024 # Week 35

 Please forgive a very brief post today.

There is only one word for my house right now. CHAOS!!

Here is one example - my craft room. I have spent all week sorting through every box and file. I have thrown mountains of stuff away, as well as taking a big box of materials down to my sewing group, donating a second big box of art materials to a friend who likes drawing and painting, and filling several boxes for the charity shop, which, we discovered this morning, is closed for holidays all through August. So it is sitting in the car for another week!

One of my friends said it must be so sad throwing all your things away, but actually I have found it quite empowering. My methods of crafting have changed so much over the years and much of my 'stuff' hasn't been used for as long as I can remember, so it really needed a good clear out. The house move has finally motivated me to do it. But I do wish I knew more folk who would like some of the things I no longer need.

Anyway, between us we have almost cleared Chris 'office' ready to turn it back into a dining room, and set him up a reduced office in the fourth bedroom which was a study when we moved in. And, although my room looks an absolute mess, there is now light at the end of the tunnel and it will soon be cleared.

It will be a lot easier in a week's time. On 6th and 21st of each month we can put large items out beside the rubbish bins and we have one right outside our house. So at the end of next week we can put out three book shelves, two office chairs, a dismantled computer desk,  and several other items, and then we will have more space to move around.

I need to get on and finish my room so I can tackle the garage/general dumping room. I will need some patience to do that!

One small blessing is that it is few degrees cooler this week. There have been grey skies but once again no rain, though areas around us have had a few downpours.

So I will quickly prepare this for linking up with Annie's Friday Smiles tomorrow.

P.S. We had thunder storms in the night and rain. Yay!


  1. I'm enjoying the cooler weather too. But no rain here. It's pretty cloudy today and temperatures are lovely. (25 degrees)
    Yes, it must be chaos. I can well imagine. Are you going to have a removal van or something? Or are you not taking anything back?
    Have you sold the house yet?
    Well done for doing what you're doing. It's a lot of work but poco a poco you are getting it done.
    Enjoy the weekend (if you can),

  2. Yes, purging our craft rooms (pre-moving) is a great exercise, I discovered... one of the local kindergartens benefited greatly from my purging!
    Glad to hear the temperatures are falling, albeit only slightly as yet, and that you have had some rain

  3. Good luck on the sorting and clearing out....I couldn't work out if you are moving house or not. When I get time I will have to look back at your previous posts to see if I've missed something.
    Annie x

  4. I am so with you. I gave away to boxes full of "old" but good art stuff to the school around my corner and more I will give away when all neighbors share.
    We´ll get rid of the TV and ... some more stuff, I hope!
    I woke up too late today, but still had some rain, thunder and lightning :-)
    To a great Friday, hugs

  5. Oh bless you, you are definitely making more headway in your declutter than I am in my autumn deep clean. Weirdly my craft room is the one I've left off the list and the one I think needs the most work if truth be told.

    Good luck on making more headway, it must be quite exciting getting things sorted and considering plans as you head back to the UK.

  6. It is so easy to keep stuff even though you know you wont use them again, I think crafters are all guilty of this even if they don't admit to it. I really need to let some more stuff go. Good luck with the sorting Kate. Happy weekend. Hugs Angela xXx


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