It has been a good week here starting with last Saturday which was Carnival day here in the village. After a week of lovely sunshine, it decided to rain on Saturday! and boy did it rain. We had a real downpour and I wasn't sure the carnival would go ahead, but the rain stopped at 5.45, and shortly after 6.00 the parade started almost on time.
Fortunately non of the participants were too skimpily dressed this year, as with the rain there was quite a drop in the temperature too. We usually go down to the slip road below us where the parade musters, but it was damp and chilly this year so we stayed in our garden as the parade passes up our street, so we didn't miss anything. Here is a collage of the few photos I took. It is a fun occasion and everyone was smiling despite the weather.
Other than that I have finished two little projects. One is this Japonese flower pot stand. It is crochet rings, interlocked as you work it, and I have to admit there was some frustrated unpicking and re-doing as I struggled to get them interlocked the right way round, but I got there in the end.
The second project was this owl dream-catcher, cut with my laser cutter. I used three different woods - maple, birch and walnut - and added a little paint to a few pieces. Then it was glued together and spray varnished. It was something that had sat on my 'to-do' list for a while, but I had to order the sheets of different wood. I am pleased with it now that it is done.
Last Saturday was my son Ben's birthday and we had a lovely chat on the computer. Then on Sunday it was my sister Dorothy's birthday and she was 90 years young! Here she is with the photo book her daughter made for her with photographs collected from all of our extended family.
The big news this week is that we have provisionally sold our house. I say provisionally because the buyers have paid the deposit to remove it from the site, and we have all signed a preliminary agreement, but nothing is for sure until the contract is signed, and the full price paid, and that is some way off yet. We are hoping to be back in UK by mid-May, as long as there are no hitches on the way.
So all in all it has been a good week. So now I will get ready to post this tomorrow and link up with Annie's Friday Smiles.