It is a while since I managed to write my blog, but it has been a busy month so I have plenty to share with you all. Our first visitors arrived on 9th October. Our son Tom and his girl friend Jessie flew to Murcia and drove down to us,
arriving at teatime on the Thuirsday. They were with us for a week, and were blessed with superb weather the whole time. Unfortunately Tom arrived with the flu type virus
that is doing the rounds, so he had one day of feeling pretty rough, and the next day Jessie was the same. But after the one really bad day they both felt a lot better but continued to have colds and hacking coughs all week. But they didn't let it spoil their holiday and Tom was in our pool most days while Jessie soaked up the sun. On a couple of occasions we all joined him, and although it is a bit cooler to get into now, once in, it was still quite warm. On the Sunday we all drove back to the bit of coast where the flat we stayed in last year, was. We walked along and paddled in the sea, and it was so nice that we decided to go on to San Juan where Tom had a swim. The sea actually felt even warmer than the pool. If I had taken my costume I would have joined him. The day before they left to return home, my sister Jean and her husband arrived, so we were quite a houseful for one nigh
t. The next day (Thursday) was Chris' birthday, but by then he too had succumbed to
the virus and he ended up spending most of the day in bed! Fortunately niether Jean or Ron, or myself, have got it so far.
On the Friday I drove Jean and Ron up to Mojacar Pueblo, the little white village perched on the hill that overlooks Mojacar Playa, our local beach. It is a lovely place with steep narrow streets and interesting shops to poke around in. Jean and I both bought a dress at less than half p
rice, from a shop that was obviously going to close for the winter at the end of the month. Ther
e is not sufficient tourist trade these days to warrant staying open out of season. 90% of the buildings in the Pueblo are painted white, and suddenly they are all covered with flowers again. I had to take pictures of them all. There is the pale blue plumbago, the vivid orange and red of the lantana and everywhere, the deep reds and mauves of the bourganvillia. This house was covered with a morning glory vine that threaded its way up through the red bourganvillia above it. The other flower that is in bloom everywhere right now is this lovely pink one. As far as I can tell from my internet browsing, it is called incarvillia, also known as Hardy gloxinia or
Chinese trumpet flower. It isn't actually realated to gloxinias though it's flower looks like one. It is really part of the trumpet vine family. All the English sites say it grows to around two foot high, but here it twists along fen
ces and wires and we saw it tumbling at least twenty
foot down the side of a hill in Mojacar. There is one in the garden next door to us and it has woven its way through all our little trees. When we got to the top of the Pueblo, there was a lovely clear view out to sea one way, and up the mountains in the other direction. It is a lovely place and I am sure I still haven't seen all of it. We had arranged to go out for a meal that night, at the local bar, where they have a 'live music' night every Friday. Jean and I wore our new dresses. The singer was very good and he sang all the old songs that we all knew. Chris managed to come to that and enjoyed himself. The owner of the bar made us each a special drink and Tony sang Happy Birthday to us. My birthday was, of course, the next day (Saturday). After I had opened my post (A big 'Thank you' to everyone who sent us cards), and done the essential shopping for the weekend, Chris went back to bed, Ron worked on a very difficult puzzle that I have promised to send him a photo of when I have finished it, (Don't hold your breath waiting Ron. I did a bit today and it is very hard!), and Jean and I pottered around in my craft room.
I have a friend at church who makes little dolls built around tiny wooden flower-pots. I think they are lovely, and for
ages we have been trying to arrange a time for me to go to her house to make one, in return for me teaching her to crochet. But we have both been busy all summer with visitors and haven't been free at the same time. So on Sunday, she knew I had my 'crafty' sister visiting me, a
nd she brought a box of materials for me with enough pieces for us both to make one, using one of hers as a guide. So after lunch, Jean and I sat out on the patio and made them. They were quite fiddly, but we both managed it. Neither of our dolls are perfect but they are not bad for a first attempt. What do you think? I like mine anyway (the lighter one on the left), and I will find her a home in my bedroom. It was nice of Angie to do it for us, and now I must find time to go over and give her a crochet lesson! Now everyone has gone home, and we are back to our quiet routine. I have got some of the washing done but the weather is a bit unsettled so it has taken a couple of days to get it dry. Last night was very windy and we woke up to hear all sorts of things flying around outside. It has been overcast today but the threatened rain didn't come. It is still lovely and warm all day but the nights are cooler, which I prefer. We still have muddy trenches down both sides and the middle of our street! I am just hoping it is finished before the winter weather really sets in.
As you can see, I have squeezed quite a lot of photos into this blog but I still had to leave some out, so I will make a folder for my gallery with them all in.