And while we are in a good mood, here is another picture that made me smile. This is my two lovely, little great-grandsons, enjoying playing with the Autumn leaves. I can't believe little Alfie is ten months already, and Isaac is a proper school boy. How the time flies. Their mum's friend Nesta Lloyd, who is a professional photographer, took this for her, so all credit goes to her. Thank you for allowing us to share it Nesta.

This week hasn't been the easiest one, not so much for me, but for many of my friends. One dear friend had her house burgled while the family went out for supper on Friday night. They lost a lot of valuable items as well as credit cards and cash, and understandably they are feeling very violated and upset. They also experienced a small earthquake in their area. Fortunately it didn't send waves out as far as us. And to cap it all, while we had severe thunderstorms and heavy rain all through Sunday night, they had an horrendous storm, with hail stones big enough to cause damage to plants and paint work, and the road to their village was cut off all through Monday by flood water. This is the village where my church is, so a lot of my close friends were affected. But of course, in this post we try to find the positives in every situation, and the positive that came from this was a real sense of love in the community, with everyone helping out where they could, taking food and flowers to those affected, and helping with the clearing up in the aftermath of the storm. We try to make our little church a real source of light in the area, and it was seen in the reaching out from one to another.
We then had a bit of a worrying time with our big boy Kim, the German Shepherd-Mastiff cross dog that we took in as a pup three years ago. Last weekend I treated all the dogs and cats with anti-parasitic spot-ons and Kim seemed to have a reaction to it. He 'lost his wag' and was very sad. He hardly left his bed, and slept for most of the day. Every time I sat down he wanted cuddles, and although he is around 38 kilos, he still thinks he is a lap dog, and kept trying to sit on me! He was scratching the area where I applied the treatment, but he has never reacted to it before. He may have just been disturbed by all the noise on the street for Halloween, and the constant ringing of the bell and banging on the door, but fortunately his 'wag' came back yesterday. He did just about get out of bed to greet me in the morning, and today he is back to normal.

However, there have been some good things this week as well. Today, my same group of friends gathered together at Jasmine's house for her twice-yearly coffee morning cum charity market. I had my craft stall with the items I showed last week, and this week I managed to get a few more items made. I used my silhouette cameo cutting machine to make vinyl decals to decorate some sweet jars, and candle plates.
Next I used some bought cutting files to make these hanging ornaments. I thought they were an unusual shape, and I enjoyed making them.
My last project was something I have been meaning to have a go at for the couple of years since I bought the file for it. It was an image that I cut from vinyl and added to the front of a shadow frame. Then I put some glittered linen and yellow vellum behind it, and a string of ten lights behind that. I was very pleased with it when it was done. I sold it at the market today, so sometime I will have to make another one as I want one for myself too! I just love the imagery.
Once again, there are more details of how these were made on my other blog which you can see by clicking
HERE. I also printed off five calendars which I designed using my own photographs to illustrate a Bible verse for each month. I shall be making a few more of these as I sold the ones I had made and took a few orders.
Of course, my Christmas stall woudn't be complete without some packs of mince-pies, so on Monday, which was a public holiday here for All Saints' Day, so there was no point in going out anyway as everywhere was closed, I had a baking day and made nine dozen mince-pies.
We were really lucky to have a beautiful day today for the coffee morning, so there was a good turnout, and there was plenty for them to see. Jean had her jewelry stall and Jasmine had her knitting and sewing, and lots of 'recycled' cards.
Anthony had done his usual amazing baking with delicious pasties, raspberry meringues, and cheesecake among other things, and Sue and Fran were kept busy in the kitchen, making tea and coffee.
Margie looked after a big bric-a-brac stall and Sylvia and William ran a tombola.

And here is my stall, looking a bit untidy because I had already sold quite a few bits and pieces. You'll have to excuse the cups of tea. My friend Eileen came to help me out. We were out in the fly-free porch area and the sun was streaming in on us, so we needed a tea break.
I took 92€ on my stall, which I was pleased with, and altogether we raised 420€ which will be shared between the church funds, The Barnabas Fund, and my Knit for Africa project.
There was a table and chairs set up out in the garden, for people to sit and have a break, so when all the
clearing up had been done, Eileen and I sat out there and ate one of Anthony's pasties for our lunch, as we were going on to a singing practice later in the afternoon, and we didn't have time to drive home, and then come back again. It was really warm sitting there, and I think we could both have done with a nap rather than a singing session, but we managed it all, and got home in time for tea!
One other happy moment this week was when the post man delivered a big squashy parcel to me and inside was bright coloured balls of wool. I had ordered this pack to make a lovely crocheted blanket featured on the very talented Lucy's blog, Attic24. There were eighteen balls of wool in a mix of warm and cool colours, and they arrived all tucked neatly into an organzie sack. Isn't that a lovely way to send it?
I have now transferred the wool into a plastic crate, as I need to get to the different colours easily. Don't they look lovely all together? I shall use the sack to store the squares as I make them until I am ready to assemble the blanket.
The blanket is made up of sixteen squares in the style of traditional log cabin quilts, and they each use all the colours, arranged with the warm colours on one side and the cooler ones on the other, and are then sewn with like touching like. This photo of four squares joined together might explain it better than I can.
Lucy has given us the pattern for the sunny granny square in the centre of each large square, and she is going to feed the rest of the instructions to us each Sunday up until Christmas, with the idea being that we crochet along with her. I think it might take me a bit longer to finish mine, but I am looking forward to making a start now the market crafting is over.
And that's about it for this week. I do of course have some sky photos to close with. We have had some high winds this week that have 'shredded' the clouds in interesting ways, and they then pick up the colours from the setting sun. So here they are.
Now I shall link these up with
Annie's Friday Smiles, and
Rocking Your World over at Celtic House, and then I think I have earned an early night. So I shall go to bed, but I will be back tomorrow to see what has had you smiling this week.