Today I am sitting in the sushine watching my son and his partner working in the garden, so I thought I'd have a go at writing a post. I am not very good at using anything other than my computer, but I have a nice tablet here with a separate bluetooth keyboard so I will give it a go.
I am having a lovely time in UK. I couldn't manage a post last week as we were enjoying my grand-daughter's first birthday. She was so good with a crowd of friends and family around her. She can stand on her own now and has taken the odd step unaided, so another week and she will be off and running.

That weekend I went home with Ben to see his new house which is lovely, and right in the countryside so a big change from central Birmingham. I had a couple of days to do some shopping and take stock and then I was off to my sister's in Bournemouth. We had some mixed weather but on the nice days we had some lovely walks over the Bourne Valley Nature Reserve which starts just across the road from her house. There were patches of bright yellow gorse in flower, a tame robin that followed us and sang lustily from each fence, and a small stream that bubbled noisily down to a lower level. Sometimes Jean gets a badger, foxes or even a deer that has wandered over the road from the reserve and comes to investigate their garden. They are nice to see, but not always welcome because they dig holes in the lawn!

We were able to spend a day with another sister who lives nearby. She is 87 now but surprisingly well. Another evening they fetched her over to us and we had a fun evening playing Mexican train - a new one for me but fun once I got the hang of it.
On Wednesday I had another four hour train journey back up to Ben's house where I will be staying for Easter weekend. Then next Wednesday son Mike is coming to drive me to Sydenham, London to spend the next week at son Jim and his wife's house.
It has worked well to allow time at each home to get out and about, do some retail therapy in shops we just don't have in rural Spain, and of course, to sit and chat with the family after so long making do with video calls.
This morning Ben and I went for a walk along the canal. It was so peaceful with the occasional group of ducks saying good morning to us, and cows on the opposite side of the canal, running down to see us. I think they had just been let out of their Winter shelters as they were very skittish, prancing around and obviously enjoying their freedom. The sheep have tiny babies with them, and it was just lovely to be a part of it.
On the way home we watched a peacock butterfly on a patch of dandelions until it eventually settled and opened its wings for us.
And that's about it for this week. I have no idea what will be happening next Friday so maybe I will write a post or maybe not, but for now I will link up with Annie's Friday Smiles, and I wll do my best to visit you all soon.