Friday, March 10, 2017

Rocking Your World 2017: Week 10

Hi folks. yes I have remembered it is Friday this week, so here are a few positives taken from the last few days.

Here is my rather strange smile for this week. Those who follow my blog regularly will know that my son Ben had an accident on his push-bike a few weeks ago which, amongst other things,  left him with two broken wrists. The right one needed an operation and he now has a fair-sized metal plate in it, but today he had the dressing removed and what made me smile was not that it has healed so well, though that of course is a real positive, but the fact that when the nurse removed the dressing, and accidentally removed a patch of skin as well (!) she put a Star Wars plaster on it. (Ben is a young man of thirty years old). I'd have thought they might reserve those for the children. Of course he will be wearing a wrist brace for a couple of months yet, but at least he can shower properly now, and even have a swim while he is on holiday if he feeling brave.

Our week got off to a good start with a party on Saturday night for my choir's second birthday. We have come a long way in that time. We all had our partner or a friend with us, so there was quite a crowd. We met in a local, family run bar, and they put on a splendid buffet for us. We were grouped around tables, but there was plenty of mingling and chatting done as well. These are just a couple of pictures I took as I walked around the room.

The man in a red jumper in this one is David Murphy, our musical director.

Natalie, one of our sopranos, made a cake and cut it up into enough pieces for us all to enjoy.

March now has us really feeling like Summer is on the way, but not until it had come in "like a lion...". We started the week with some really nice sunny mornings that deteriorated by tea-time, into grey and windy evenings. The storms roll in quickly and I sat and watched this one forming.
The sky got dark so quickly, and in the picture below you can see a flock of little birds hastily heading home to the shelter of the trees. (You may have to click on the picture to enlarge it, to see them properly).

These storms usually pass as quickly as they come, but they do leave a chill in the air for that night.
However, things are looking up now. We have had some beautiful days, and it is so much warmer. It was almost up to 30ยบ today! We have spent time doing some more tidying up outside. Chris has done one layer of stain on the chairs we bought, and they already look a lot better.
I picked up a bargain in a sale at an English shop in Turre. They had several offers on bedding, and I got a new duvet and pillow case pack, and some cotton fitted sheets which will nice for the summer. So this week, I picked a sunny day and gave them a quick rinse through and by lunch time they were dry and folded ready for me to get on the bed tomorrow. I like to buy bedding at the English shop because we brought our English bed out with us, and the Spanish ones are a different size so their bedding doesn't fit so well.

I went shopping as usual this morning, and I came home with what I went for, plus a box of new plants.
I love the fact that our garden is in the minority here because I try to always have flowers in it. They take a lot of looking after when it heats up, so many people just have palms and cacti. Right now I have a splendid pot of freesias in bloom. I bought them at a table top sale last year and I am really pleased with the way they have come on this season.
I picked a small bunch to have on our table in the sitting room and it smells lovely when I open the doors in the morning. My Easter lily is in the pot in front of them, and as you can see, that has also decided to bloom, rather earlier than usual this year.

At the beginning of the week Chris pointed out that our pink jasmine which climbs all along the front wall, was also ready to burst open, and now, just a few days later, it is covered, and as you can see from all the darker pink bud, there are lots more flowers to come. The smell is heavenly, and it wafts through the whole house when I open the windows. We hear people commenting on it as they walk by, because you really cannot just ignore it. It amazes me afresh every year.

So why did I buy more plants today? Well there is always room for another pot in my garden, and when I drive past a garden centre, my resistance is low. As we don't have mains gas in our village, and electricity is too expensive to use for everything, we mostly have some appliances that run on bottled butane gas. For us that is the water heater, the cooker hob, and the fire in the sitting room. Whenever possible the bottles are housed outside and the gas fed in through a tube, so we have one for the fire right outside our window on the front of the house. Partly to hide it (the bottles are bright orange), and partly to shelter it from any extremes of weather, it is inside a little stone and wood house, and I have a pot of plants sitting on this, which are now rather tired and old. So I bought this little broom to replace them. It has small flowers that are very delicate, and will give us a different colour spot for a month or so. Then I may have to add a few summer annuals around it until next year.

I also bought two types of lavender plants to go in a pot round the back, by the new chairs. They smell lovely and are said to repel flies which will be a bonus.
The small and large bright orange daisies are succulents. Their colour is quite harsh but they blend in with everything else and they will have loads of flowers on them in a week or two. And the little pink ones are more baby kalanchoes. They are so robust and flower for ever. I will try to get outside for a while tomorrow to plant them up.

I have been busy this week trying to make a few things for a table at my friends coffee morning soon. I have a few bits and pieces now but still need to get more done. I wanted to try something I had seen in a shadow box frame but I have not been able to find any of these out here. When I am in UK I buy them at the Range where they are very cheap, but I don't have room in my case to bring back many. I went to The Range website and apparently they send to ten European countries, but not to Spain!? So my lovely sister Jean has stepped in and bought some for me, and the parcel is winging its way over to me as I write this. (There are other companies who sell them, who will deliver here, but their prices are more than treble the prices at The Range).

Anyway, that just leaves me with some lovely sunsets for you to enjoy. Earlier in the week, when the clouds were around, there were some stunning evening skies. As I have taken many like this  before, I concentrated on my favourite style of using the surrounding foliage etc as black silhouettes against the sky, so here we go.

I haven't forgotten that I said I would show last week's carnival photos today, so I will link up with Rocking Your World, and Annie's Friday Smiles first, and then I will add a few from the carnival. They don't need much explanation. Just enjoy seeing other folk having some fun. I love the way the tiny children and their parents all join in. The man from the Farmacia always does something daft with his friends, and one family group together to do a display that has their wheelchair-based son at the centre. This year he was a very splendid Neptune. The Granny in her bed had to come out of her mask for some air every now and then, and there were a lot of Red Riding Hoods and Wolves following on behind her.


  1. Oh. Where do I start? Flowers.....I love them. How lucky are you to have freesias growing....they are my fav and I had them in my Wedding bouquet. They skies are to die for........stunning. Why do children always paint pictures with blue skies? And as for the outfits for the carnival....they sure know how to party over there don't they? Thanks so much for sharing it all Kate.
    Annie x

  2. Great photos Kate, looks like you've had a good week. I'm beginning to think they have a carnival every week where you are. I know it looks cold where we are but you might be surprised, there were some very red faces this evening as it has been very sunny today and quite warm so we had lunch sat outside. I even saw a young man skiing without a shirt and just braces but that's just too silly! Have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  3. Hi Kate, the colours in your sky pictures are amazing. How lovely that you can have freesias growing outside, and I love the broom plant that you bought.The jasmine looks gorgeous as ever, I can remember how lovely it smells.
    Jean x

  4. I'm glad Ben is doing OK with his wrists, and had to smile at his Star Wars plaster.
    Your flowers are beautiful, especially the jasmin. I can almost smell it! I too love freesias and have bought some bulbs the winter before, which flowered last summer. They have popped up and I hope they will flower again.
    Thank you for giving me the name of that plant (Asphodel). I looked it up and that is what it is: spot on!
    Looks like you had a good time at your choir 'do',and the cake looks scrummy.
    Yes, we had some of that bad weather too. But as you know, it is very warm and summery at the moment (which won't last, I know).
    Your sunset photos are beautiful, as always.
    The carnical photos got me smiling too. Granny in bed, blokes dressed up as Vespa scooters and lots of colourful Red Riding Hoods. Great fun!
    Thank for sharing and making me smile,

  5. A very well stitched arm I must say!! Love the flowers, especially the freesia, and yes, lavender does repel flies :-)
    sounds like a busy and social week overallo

  6. The carnival photos are brilliant - so bright and happy! Loving the flowers you have and that you manage to retain flowers when others in the neighbourhood resort to palms and cacti, its amazing to think of all the sunshine you have in Spain and yet electricity is so expensive - have they not harnessed solar power yet?

    I bet the freesias smell amazing!

    I popped in the Range yesterday for a wander, we are trying to locate an ornate frame for said 16 year old for his final art piece, it is proving harder than we expected!

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend and week ahead.


  7. Gosh what a treat you have given to us Kate - so many pictures and such fun going on in the latter ones.
    Glorious colour in your garden, I think I would want some colour in pots that I could put in the shade when it got too hot - no danger here in the north of England!
    Sounds as if life in Spain is idyllic, you keep enjoying your choir and parties and everything else.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps son's scar is a long one - love his plaster though - hope he is soon alright x


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