Friday, March 17, 2017

Rocking Your World 2017:Week 11

Let's start this week with two gorgeous smiley faces. These are my two lovely great-grandsons, Isaac and Alfie. They just love one another so much, and looking at them together, you just have to smile.

We have had another week that has been dominated by the weather. I seem to go on about the weather a lot, and I do appreciate that many of my readers have more than their share of rotten weather all the time, but out here we just don't expect it to deviate so far from the norm. And this year it seems to have forgotten the plot altogether. Here's an example of what I mean. These photos belong to a friend and they were taken at a place called Velos Rubio, just a few kilometers inland, and higher up, from us. The first was taken last Saturday.
The almond blossom looks so pretty against a blue, blue sky. The second one was taken in exactly the same place, just two days later, on Monday. Some difference!

Well we are not high enough above sea level to see the snow, but we got rain instead. It started Sunday night and just kept going, and the temperature dropped too. On Monday afternoon I thought I'd go for a little look around as we had been indoors all day. The rain on my face was like icicles hitting me and it really hurt! So I didn't stay out long but I did just grab a picture of our usually dry and dusty ramble with a small stream in it.
Then I walked across it by the bridge that runs alongside the main road passed our village, and I saw this water fall. The large volume of water shooting out of the lower tunnel is coming from the flood drains installed below ground when our road was completely restructured a few years ago, which at least shows the system is working well, as there was no flooding in the village at all. The higher waterfall is from the gulleys along the road that take the surface rain away from the carriageways.They are also working well.
Other places are not as well protected as us, and there was bad flooding along the coast at Alicante, and other resorts. It continued to rain for much of the next night and into Tuesday and many roads were closed off for a while until it had subsided a bit, but the motorway was clear so we were able to keep an appointment with a friend who we were meeting at a hotel just off the main road.

We had little damage at our house but we did nearly lose our beautiful jasmine. The weight of water made it hang down from the wall and snapped the wire that holds it. So on Wednesday, Chris and I man-handled it back up and put temporary strings across to hold it there. When it has finished flowering for this year, we will prune it back hard and put a new trellis on the wall ready for next year. At least it is still alive, and still filling our house with its lovely perfume.

Of course it is not all bad, and the agricultural workers must be happy to start the Summer season with the reservoirs full.

Today we drove a little way to Vera, and we saw there is still a lot of water covering the fields and in the ramblas, but the sun has been trying to shine for the latter part of the week, and once the water has gone, everything is going to grow 'a mile a minute'. It is not just green now, it is positively lush, something we are not used to seeing and it makes a nice change. I am hoping it warms up again soon though as we have two lots of visitors coming in April, who will want to see and feel the sun.

I had a little accident with the car on Sunday in the church car-park, when I reversed out of my parking space and bumped a friends car. Sadly I dented her door so it needed an insurance claim to repair it. However I managed to fill out the claim form all in Spanish which was quite an achievement, and I am grateful to my friend for taking it all so well, and to my husband who hasn't complained at all, and I know he won't keep throwing it at me every time I want to drive anywhere, like some men would. It was entirely my fault, but I am glad we are on the way to putting it right again, and thankfully no-one was hurt.

We had a session at the vets this week - not really to see the vet, but to visit the groomer who has a room in the surgery. We had our big boy Kim trimmed and bathed. I do brush him regularly, but only as far as his haunches. Any further and he warns me off in no uncertain terms, so he needed his back end trimmed. Because of his size they muzzled him, which he doesn't like at all, but I warned them he may need it. Even so it took two of them to get him trimmed. Then the girl bathed him but when they tried to dry him, he got so stressed that they rang us to ask us to take him home still wet. He is such a softie, and new things always upset him. Anyway we fetched him home and he looked lovely. His coat is much tidier, but right then he was all fluffy and cuddly. Luckily the sun decided to show its face, so he soon dried.
We also took Arwen with us for her twice a year shave. She is beautiful, but like most Persian cats, her fur mats very close to her skin, and she is not very friendly so I can only give her a quick brush when she is almost asleep, and she soon starts hissing and scratching. It is kinder to her and to me, to let the vet put her to sleep for a while so the groomer can go all over her quickly. I always ask her to try and leave some fur on her face, tail and feet, so here is my little puss in boots. I think that look is her just daring me to laugh at her!
I actually think she looks rather cute, and she is much happier without her woolly coat. Her fur is as soft as silk, but when it mats the clumps are quite hard and must be uncomfortable for her to lie on. She slept most of yesterday, but today she wanted to go out on the windowsill and soak up the sun.

So having been house-bound for much of the week, I have been working on a few bits for my craft table at the end of the month. I made a paper sculpture picture for the frames that my sister sent me, and also down-sized the cutting file to make a matching card. You can read more about how they were made on my other blog HERE.
I also did some crochet to make these little drawer scenters. They each have a small bar of soap in them. I found working with fine cotton on these small projects quite difficult. My fingers are not as nimble as they used to be, but I am hoping to get some more done in the next week or two.
So at least I used my time more productively than I would have done if the sun had been out every day.

And now I will just link up with Annie's Friday Smiles, and Rocking Your World, and then it is time to go and feed the zoo.


  1. It seems it's been the week for hair cuts this week. I really wasn't sure how Milly would take to it and was really pleased the experience went without trauma. She will prob need clipping 2-3 times a year but at least I won't feel so stressed next time lol. I do love seeing Arwen when she's been clipped.....she never looks very happy but I'm sure she feels the benefits.
    Have a great week.
    Annie x

  2. The extremes of weather are just that - extreme - glad everyone is safe and sound and that the flood defences are working well! The photo of your great-grandsons is a definite must for scrapbooking - how happy do they look! Glad you were OK with the little prang in the car and that you managed to sort quickly and easily. I remember a neighbour years ago being dismissive of my driving when I was quite young and we used to socialise - I stopped driving for quite a few years if i'm honest as a result. We don't see the neighbour any more and hubby never picks me up on my driving, although I've the first to pick me up on a non-driving day - which I occasionally have I think it is when my brain is elsewhere and I don't concentrate well enough so I have to really make myself think about what I'm doing.

    Glad the fur-babies got sorted at the vets - I did giggle at your cat though - such a sweet photo!

    Loving the crafting, I'm mini book making at the moment and I've no idea how to use them - hey ho - I'm enjoying it nonetheless!

    Have a beautiful and blessed weekend.

    Much love

  3. The weather! Tell me about it! You saw my photo. We got lots of it!
    I love that photo of your great-grandies! They are so cute!
    It's good to know the drains and water systems work. There are many places on the coast where it doesn't. We went to Guadix the other day and there is a very large rambla (plus bridge) running through the centre. For the first time we saw water running through it. It was a fast flowing river. Very spectacular. We stood on the bridge for 20 minutes, just fascinated by the spectacle.
    Oh your fur babies are lovely. Especially Arwen. She doesn't look very happy, but then she never does. Her haircut suits her.
    Well done you for getting some crafting done. Beautiful cutting work. Brilliant.
    Have a great week,

  4. Isaac & Alfie certainly made me smile - what gorgeous boys and what lovely smiles.
    Cannot believe the weather you have been having, I just imagined sunshine all the say - glad I a not up to travelling abroad as yet or I might have had an early holiday. In the rain!
    Your fur babies look wonderful after the hairdresser visit, I remember battling with my little semi-long haired cat when she balled up. Wrapping her up in a towel was a favourite way of getting to her.
    Lovely crafting for your table.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  5. THE PHOTO OF Isaacs and Alfie is lovely. The are very happy looking boys. You must be very proud of them. Your cat does look really cute after the pamper and shave. You,ve certainly been having strange weather. Finally it,s warming up here. Enjoy your weekend Kate. Barbxx

  6. Another busy week Kate and what weather everywhere is having. Loving all your photos, I guess it's good to have some rain but it sounds as though you had a bit more than usual. Have a lovely weekend and thanks for the visit to mine, Angela xXx

  7. Kim has beautiful markings and Arwen looks so much better shaved. Those boots are adorable, and I remember one year the "stylist" wasn't that good and botched her boots.

    Isaac and Alfie look like they DO adore each other. That photo would brighten anyone's day.

    You had a LOT of rain, and your friend's snow may have done some damage to the crops in the area. It is so dry and windy here, we have had lots of fires. Many cattle and horses died or had to be put down, but only one person lost his life. Many people lost their homes, though. We keep hoping for rain, but it must have gone to your part of the world, not mine.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, because I know it's no longer Friday in your world.

  8. What a busy week you've had. Your weather has been much the same as ours here in Lancashire UK. Since yesterday it's been blowing a gale and lashing with rain and it's the same again today.
    Not nice that you had an accident but great that you could sort it without any troubles.
    I like all the creations and only wish I could crotchet.
    Hope the sun shines for you and warmth returns
    Lynn x

  9. I love your photo of Isaac and Alfie, they are such lovely looking lads and they obviously enjoy having fun together.
    I like the pretty crocheted drawer scenters, it's ages since I made anything with cotton.
    I hope your weather improves for your visitors.
    Jean x


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