Friday, March 10, 2023

Friday Smiles 2023: Week 10

I am feeling happy this week because we have had a small taste of summer. This is one of my favourite times of year, when we shed some of the Winter layers of clothes and we can spend time sitting out on the porch, listening to the birds, reading, relaxing etc, and all that before it gets too hot, and we retreat inside again to find some shade. Some days temperatures  have reached into the upper twenties mid-afternoon, as we sit reading on Facebook etc about the snow back in our home town. What a strange world we live in. Everything seems so jumbled up. It is still chilly at night so the fire goes on after tea and we have even put an extra blanket on the bed! but daytimes have been lovely.

In an effort to get more control over my health issues I am trying to take a walk every day. One day I walked for over an hour around the village and through some of the back streets that I rarely visit. Today I was standing in the kitchen making one last lot of marmalade all morning, so I just did a "round the block" sort of walk. While out, one thing I did notice was that the Town Hall has had a lick of paint and is looking very smart. I smiled at the heart shaped STOP sign by the door which I think is there from International Women's Day earlier, and is saying 'put a stop to violence against women'.

The new building just to the left of the Town hall is the new Local Police station in the front, and a Library at  the back. This building was officially opened just a few weeks ago.

On Monday we both did a somewhat longer walk. We were up early to take our car to the garage in Vera for its repairs. We did the paper work and left there around 9.30, but unfortunately the only available bus was not until 1.00. (There are just two or three buses a day between Los Gallardos and the coast, and they are not at the most convenient times). Also we could drive to Vera in fifteen minutes but the bus takes forty-five minutes because it does a somewhat circuitous route. We could have forked out for a taxi but they are expensive here and as it was a nice day we decided to wander through the town, and see parts we would not normally see.  Vera is a very sprawling town. There is no departmental store, (only the larger cities have one of these), so it is mostly small independent shops which can be pricey, and we would not normally go to them as we wouldn't know where to find anything specific. But it was nice to browse. I found a very good wholefood/health shop where I got a couple of items that have been on my list for a while.

We stopped for a drink at a nice Hotel CafĂ©, and when we left there we turned a corner and found two things that caught my eye. It was a small triangle between streets with a strange mix of ancient and modern buildings around it, and in the centre  was this fairly ornate fountain which surprised me as it was in a place that didn't get much passing trafiic or foot-fall, but it would be a refreshing oasis on a hot day.

And secondly I spotted this little tree in a pot and the whole surface below it was covered in bright coloured petunias. Even for Spain it is very early in the year for such flowers, but they seemed very happy there and made a lovely splash of colour.

We walked further on and came to a wide space between rows of modern apartments. There was a brightly coloured children's play area, that looked as though it was being refurbished ready for the summer months. Next to that was a long clean fountain. Nothing ancient about this one, but I like to hear the sound of moving water. The trees around it all had brightly coloured bases and there were several seats so I can imaging folk come out of the flats in the warm evenings and sitting there to chat with frinds while their children play. 

But what really caught my eye was several wall paintings, very tastefully done, and they had a feeling of tranquility about them. The place was called Los Lavenderas, which means The Washerwomen, and that is what the paintings depict. The women would fill their pitchers from the fountain and wash their clothes there.

Immediately across the road was the fountain in question. Every town has a fuente, and at one time it was the main source of water for the inhabitants. Many still have drinking water and are used regularly, though I am not sure how clean the water from this one is. Our mains water is not recommended for drinking so a big steel tanker lorry comes round several times a week to fill up the water bottles folk leave by their gates. I find the water bottles very difficult to handle so I am grateful that we had the opportunity to fit a special filter in the kitchen so I have one tap that provides drinking water.

In Vera the fountain is four small pipes coming from low down on a wall. It then travels through a channel across the front of the building (Now the museum of water), and all around a small semicircular patio, and on under ground.

On the front of this building is this rather handsome stone plaque. The inscription below it reads, "The cattle market of La Chica towards the end of the nineteeth century: Current four spout fountain".

A bit further on we saw one more wall painting that I liked. It very clearly is depicting the danger to wild life of dropping cigarette ends and broken glass, or leaving bags of rubbish piled up.

We got to the bus station with just half an hour to wait, so a cup of coffee filled the time, and soon we were trundling home, a bit weary but having passed a very pleasant day.

The warm weather is bringing out all the spring wild flowers and our next door garden is again covered in the bright yellow oxalis that sprout up everywhere there is a patch of unturned earth. They are not my favourite shade of yellow but they do brighten up the hedgerows and verges.

And finally, even in the colder months, Kim drinks a lot of water, so we are constantly filling up his bowl. But one day we forgot to do this. I caught him looking rather mournfully at me, so I realised he was thirsty but when I went to collect his bowl, I found it had a new tenant!

Needless to say he didn't stay to get a soaking. He'll learn!

You may remeber some while back I bought a 'flapping fish for Tolly to play with, but he was scared of it and wouldn't touch it. Well I found it this week and charged up its batteries and Leo loves it! It kept him happy for ages. I guess cats are as different from one another as we are. I don't think Leo will be afraid of very much at all!

And on that note I will get ready to pubish this on Annie's blog in the morning.


  1. What a lovely insight into the world around you Kate. Those wall paintings are looked to be a lovely place to have to spend some time in. I love the photo of Leo in the water bowl.
    Annie x

  2. Oh, lucky you! It can barely get too hot for me, though!
    Once, only, Christmas 2006 in Perth, Western Australia. I sat outside (the cabin had no aircon) and had a bucket with cold water beside me to sprinkle my legs.

    Oh, I once saw a docu that many (define that) women are violent against their men (and many are too ashamed to call for help) - can´t we not all just be nice?

    Walking is always good and fun and thank you for the tour, too, such a wonderful place!

    Kim is so cute! Thank you for the smiles!

  3. Thank you for taking me for a walk around Vera. We have been to Vera a few times but have only seen the English shop.
    Such fun to see Leo playing with the flapping fish. How is Kim? Doing ok?
    Have a lovely weekend,

  4. Hi Kate, sorry I'm so late our dog groomer was delayed starting and I had a few things that needed sorting but here now. Looks like you had a lovely walk round the town, you wouldn't want to that here at the moment though we've not had as much snow as some oither places. Your kitty in the water bowl is so sweet. Wishing you a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  5. Sorry to be so late visiting, Kate. I've had a ton of people to visit today.

    I loved the murals you found and was really captivated by the drinking water situation. I've heard of that in England, but not in Spain.

    So glad your city recognized International Women's Day. It was big event in the states.

    I've read a LOT of reviews on that fish, and most of them were negative. Seems there are more cat owners who bought it that were like Tolly than Leo. At least now you will get your money's worth from it.

    Have a super weekend and coming week, dear Kate.

  6. That sounds like a lovely week with the weather warming - we are starting to cool with foggy mornings but (mostly) sunny days.
    I love petunias, and that looked to be a lovely wee patch of them.
    It certainly takes some careful timing to get to where you want to go and when - at least you saw parts of Vera that you have not previously seen, and found a wholefood shop :)
    I am also trying to improve my health by walking - I hope your walking has the desired results for you.
    I agree, each cat is unique as to how they react to people and toys
    I have been house sitting for two weeks, and one cat was quite friendly and didn't mind me at all - the other was only just letting me within 2 metres of him without swearing when I moved out today!
    I so enjoy your posts Kate - I look forward to next weeks.

  7. Well you are doing better on the walking front than we are at the moment, I really need to take a leaf out of your book at the moment. Your trip to drop the car off meant a lovely wander around that village, thank you for the tour, I too like those paintings and agree very tranquil. It is strange to think you have temperatures in the mid-late twenties whilst we've had around 8 inches of snow the other day. Loving the photo of Leo in the water bowl and I'm glad the fish toy hasn't gone to waste.

    Hope you are having a good weekend



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