Friday, March 3, 2023

Friday Smiles 2023: Week 9

As promissed last week, I have made a collage of some of the carnival photos. In fact I have made them into a scrapbook layout. It is quite 'busy' but so was the event, and it reflects the fun that was had by all despite the cold and rain.

I have had another busy week despite not knowing that I have done anything very special. On Tuesday it was Día de Andalucía, which is a very special day for the Spanish folk in the village. It is a Red day, which is a national Bank Holiday so all the shops were shut and it was cold enough to be a stay-at-home day for us. The celebrations have a very set routine here and as we have seen it several times, we decided it was better for our arthritic bones to stay in the warm, rather than stand on a chilly plaza outside the theatre for a couple of hours. There is a long speech by the mayor which we cannot understand much of, and then the ceremonial raising of the Andalucian flag while the band plays the "Hymn of Andalucía". Although we did not go over to the plaza to watch this, we could hear the music quite plainly from our porch. You can see in the photo (from the Town Hall web site) that the sky was bright blue but it was very windy and that wind could cut through whatever clothes you were wearing!

A friend at church gave me some lovely pink grapefruit. Most of them went into some marmalade. I love the flavour of grapefruit marmalade but it doesn't set quite as well as the orange one does. Of course, being pink inside, they made a lovely colour marmalade.

I took Leo to the vet mainly to get his chip reregistered in our province, but he had a good check-up while we were there. I was telling the vet that his only vice was his insitance on suckling on my clothes and I am trying to teach him that this isn't OK. It makes the material very stiff and worn, so she suggested giving him a teddy bear. I had a little one at  home so every time he tried to suck on me I put the teddy in the way and he soon took to it. It is now a very 'soggy' bear but my clothes are a lot better!

We have had the plumber here today fitting a new water pipe from our gate up to the kitchen. It is a good job done. We have had emergency repairs done under our insurance, three times now in as many years, but it was old and needed to be replaced, so hopefully there will be no more leaks now.

I have been very careful about what I eat this week as my sugar levels were much too high. So I have been testing before and after every meal. It is a bit better but not low enough, so I will try for a few more days and after that I will have to go to the doctor and I know he will put me on insulin which I had been hoping to avoid. I know I need to walk more so this morning I did a little walk around the village. I stopped at the slip road along the front to see what the workmen were doing. It is not very clear in these photos but they have removed some very broken, tatty looking kerb stones between the slip road and the main highway, and have built a long narrow walled  barrier instead. It was built around the tall pine trees that were already there, and eventually I think it will have some lights and more plants. 

They have also  built a mini roundabout at the bottom of our road which will make entering and leaving the village much safer. And now they have prepared the bottom section of road ready for tarmac. It is all looking very nice and a huge improvement on what we had before.

Again it was a lovely sunny day but I wrapped up well for my walk as the wind was bitingly cold.  I had to stop and take a photo of the clouds. They looked so pretty today.

While talking to my sister last night I learned that our sister-in-law has been very poorly in hospital since Christmas and is now in a nursing home. I keep in touch with her a few times a year but she is in her late eighties so she doesn't check for messages or post on Facebook like she used to. So this morning I made her a Springtime card with daffodils on it, and finished just in time to pop it in the post. Our PO only opens from 1.00 - 2.00 on weekdays, so it pays not to miss it if you want something to travel fast.

While we were shopping I bought this little pot of violas. Just look at those dear little faces. I couldn't resist. Hopefully I will get around to planting them in the garage wndowboxes, (on our front porch) over the weekend.

Tomorrow we have to go to do food shopping. Our car is finally going in to be repaired after a lady hit it while we were parked outside the medical centre just after Christmas. It needs a new wing and a new petrol tank or a repair to the existing one. So with no public transport in our village we will be stuck for however long the garage takes to do the repair, so we are stocking up tomorrow.

And now I am ready to link up with Annies Smiles before I go shopping tomorrow.


  1. It sounds like you've hardly had time to breath with so much going on. I didn't realise you were stillnwaiting to get the car sorted and hope it's back soon. Loving the violas, they should flower for ages and they are so pretty. Pink Grapefruits are definitely my favourites when we can get them. Your kitty looks so sweet with his teddy too. Have ahappy weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

  2. Oh! The carnival! I forgot to make a post on that - again! Thank you for the reminder!!!
    Yours looks like fun :-)
    Ingo started making marmalade, too. I´m not into sweets, but you know what´s in there, which is good!
    And we have oranges, so nice even I eat them.

    Awww to the Teddy-baer story.
    My Niece (12) has diabetes 1 and that insulin-controlling is a pain. I wish you luck!
    Nice of you to take care of your SIL.

    Glad I have no car no more, same happened to me once.
    A smile for getting git back on your side :-)

  3. Your little viola are beautiful as is the photo of Leo with the teddy. You have so many fab carnivals over there...thanks for sharing the photos.
    Annie x

  4. Lovely photos of the carnival.
    And the story of Leo and the teddy is so sweet as are the photos.
    I'm sorry to hear about your blood sugars. I do hope you don't have to go on Insulin.
    The new road situation looks really nice. We have been to Los Gallardos once and I do remember how it was.
    Not nice about getting damage while parked. Lets hope the garage doesn't keep it too long.
    Have a nice weekend,

  5. Just an ordinary week - but you always have some interesting snippet to share Kate. Isn't it amazing what regular walking helps - weight, blood pressure, general mood and well being, and I am sure there are many other things also - I did not know it also helps with diabetes management!!
    Young Leo is a bit of a character - a pity about the suckling - was he taken from his mother too soon, do you think? (That would be the breeder, not you)
    Those violas are so very pretty - I hope they bring you months of joy.

  6. It is funny sometime how weeks with nothing planned turn out to be incredibly busy. I'm glad you've got a work round of the sucking clothing situation with Leo, I suppose kittens go through baby/toddler mode just like puppies, so I assume it is a comfort and glad it worked, fingers crossed it continues.

    Grapefruit marmalade sounds lovely particularly pink grapefruit.

    Your scrapbook layout is lovely, I like busy bright layouts.

    I'm glad you got you water pipe sorted and hope you managed to top up on food before the car repair, hopefully you won't be waiting too long for its return.

    Have a lovely weekend and week ahead.


  7. My apologies for not visiting sooner. I had planned to leave Annie a comment before I left town, but because she didn't post at the time she normally does, I was forced to leave. When I got to my destination, I called my foodie friend Sally, who linked me. I had to leave right away because I have an out of town friend who is on hospice and I was informed if I wanted to say good bye, I should spend time with my dying friend, I just returned this morning. It sounds like your family is familiar with hospice, too.

    I read in a cat care book that cats that pump their front paws and suckle were weened too soon. Not sure how true it is, though. Sounds like you found the perfect cure for Leo.

    I adore your collage of Carnival. Very well done, too.

    It was good to read about your water pipe. You can't beat good insurance. Good luck getting your car fixed quickly, Kate. I hope you had a great weekend and have a great week ahead.


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