Friday, December 22, 2023

Friday Smiles 2023 # Week 51

Just a quickie today. This left-hand typing is tiring. But there is not long to go now to the big day, and only one more week of blogging before we move into 2024.

The village lights are looking pretty. The LED lights really do sparkle. We have Christmas trees in our street this year. I braved a chilly night to step outside and take these pictures. As you can see, they start a few meters up from us, and are repeated at regular intervals all the way up to the top of the village.

Then outside our house there is a telegraph pole which holds the first of the golden angels, and these are repeated regularly down to the end of the road at the bottom of the village.

I made an interesting cake this week. The recipe was sent to me so I thought I'd give it a go. It was basically 500g of mixed dry fruit soaked for 24 hours in 2 and 1/2 cups, (American cups), of chocolate milk and around half a cup of Baileys (cheap Lidls version). The next day you add 2 cups of S.R. flour, mix well and turn into a lined slow cooker. Cook on low for 6 hours. I should have known it would be a bit odd with no fat or eggs, but it really didn't hold together very well and is decidedly 'puddingy'. That said, it smells and tastes great, so we ate some warmed with custard/icecream, and no doubt we will have more soon. It was a big mix and I can't waste that much dried fruit, so I have put three big helpings in the freezer to make sure it stays good until we are ready to eat more.

Yesterday afternoon we got out a couple of crates and picked the oranges that hung over our wall from next door. The house is empty for most of the year but someone may turn up next week to pick the ones on their side. But they were starting to fall each time there was a little wind and I couldn't just let them all spoil, so I  will be eating some and juicing the rest over the next few months.

So all that is left is for me to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas. May youir homes be filled Joy, Peace, and Love. 
See you all over at Annie's Friday Smiles in the morning.


  1. Hope you can use both hands again soon!
    Very pretty lights!
    Interesting cake and ohhhh, oranges! That is christmassy!
    With that have wonderful festive days xx

  2. Hi Kate just back from walking the dogs. Loving the fairy lights and the cake sounds interesting. I wonder if you could adapt the recipe a bit to get it more like cake than pudding. The oranges look good, therer is nothing better than when they are fresh of the tree. Hope your Christmas is a happy one. Hugs, Angela xxx

  3. Love reading what goes on in Los Gallardos, you seem to have such a lot of activities in the village. We have just one angel light attached to lamp post. Wishing you both a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year.

  4. I hope you continue to heal quickly my friend but until then enjoy your festive time and get lots of rest.
    Annie x

  5. Lovely illuminations. And tasty oranges. So they are not bitter oranges, those, but nice eating oranges.
    As for the cake, the recipe sounds a bit like my Bara Brith. In that recipe I have to soak the fruit overnight in dark sweet tea, but then I add flour as well as an egg. I think it might be the proportions of liquid and dry goods. My recipe goes like this:
    175 g sultanas, 175 g currents, 175 dark brown soft sugar, 50 g candied peel, soak overnight in 275 strong hot tea. Then add 1 egg and 275 g SR flour, half a rounded tsp of gr cinnamon, half a level tsp gr nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Cook for an hour and a half in the oven (180 degree C). I cook this cake in the Ramoska, although I have to put an alluminium shield in after 25 min. And leave the lid on while the Remoska is turned off.
    Wishing you and all your family a very lovely Christmas,

  6. I'm so jealous of all those lovely oranges!!!! They are like a dollar a piece here and dried out! I love citrus!
    I hate it when a recipe doesn't turn out well for me... they don't all, and you take time to heal your hand. happy holidays, LeeAnna

  7. That cake sounds intriguing - my DIL makes one with chocolate in to too - it's very rich, and needs to be eaten fairly promptly as it is not a 'keeper'.
    Love all the lights - your town certainly knows how to celebrate!
    Those oranges look beautiful - and how wonderful that they are 'free'.
    Hope you arm is healing well, and you will soon be good to go once more.
    Christmas blessings to you and yours

  8. Ah left handed typing is definitely not fun, I'm struggling with RSI at the moment and really need to strap my hands up to relieve it but far too much to do at the moment. Your village lights look lovely, the cake looks great too, I'm glad you are able to freeze so it doesn't go to waste, I made a banana cake in the slow cooker recently to find my slow cooker has 'hot spots' so I need to sort a new one in the new year me thinks, the cake was OK but not great if that makes sense.

    I hope you and your lovely hubby have a lovely Christmas.

    Biggest hugs


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