Friday, December 29, 2023

Friday Smiles 2023 # Week 52

I haven't a great deal to write about today, but I couldn't let the last Friday of the year go past without writing something.

I hope you all had a fabulous day last Monday, however you spent it. Ours was relatively quiet as it tends to be once the children have 'flown the nest', but we had video calls with our boys, and enjoyed videos of our grand-children and great-grandchildren opening their presents.

We had a liesurely start to the day, but once we were dressed and my hair had dried after a shower, we took our usual selfie together, which we then post online to all our family and friends, wherever they are. Our lovely pink bougainvillea still has lots of flowers on it this year, so we stood in front of that to take our photo.

Some time ago we booked to eat our dinner at a local bar, and I was glad I didn't have to prepare and cook it. They are fairly recently reopened with new folk in charge, though we knew them from their previous venue, but sadly they did not announce their Christmas Day menu in time to get that many bookings. But there were enough folk there to give it some atmosphere and the food was well cooked. Also we knew some of the other diners so we were able to chat with them. There were fun Christmas glasses on each table that we put on for a photo. We pulled our crackers and Chris wore his party hat but I settled for the little finger hat that held our cutlery when we arrived.

Boxing day, (Dec 26th if you are not familiar with the concept), is not celebrated in Spain so it was business as usual on Tuesday. We wandered into town for the market and I took this  photo of the sky. I thought it was so pretty. Every morning for the past few weeks, has dawned hazy, but before long the sun has broken through to give us a lovely warm day until around 4.00 when the evening chill comes in.

We stopped for a coffee at Simon's bar, a local that  has a large clientele  of Spanish families, but also makes all the English folk feel very welcome. In my opinion they have the best decorated window in the village this year. I love all the little animals and birds, as well as the snow and bright red poinsettias. One of the things I like about village life is that this all sits/hangs on the outside window ledge all day, and no-one touches it! There is a safety shutter that comes down over it at night once the bar closes. My photo is not the best as it shows the lights inside the bar, and a reflection of a delivery lorry in the srteet, but it is so unusual to find a moment when no-one is sitting in front of the window, that I had to grab the opportunity when it did occur.

I am very happy to say that my arm is improving well now, and I am able to do more things for myself. It is still very weak, and lifting is not allowed, but it is good to be able to get dressed unaided (most days), make a cup of tea and fill the dishwasher. It will be a while before I can reach up to peg washing on the line etc, but every small step is worth a celebration!

I am sure some of you are gearing up to a party at home or away for next Monday. I think we will be spending the time quietly at home as we have done for the last few years. But we have our big, most important celebrations to look forward to at Epiphany on 6th January.

So I will  link  up with Annie's Friday Smiles, and for now I just wish you all what you wish for yourselves - Health, Hapiness, Peace and Love for 2024.


  1. Hi Kate, pleased you had a nice Christmas even if it was a bit quiet. Love the photo of you both in your Christmas glasses. Sending festive hugs, Angela xXx

  2. I absolutely LOVE the idea of your Christmas-selfie!! It came out great, too!

    Fun glasses and oh! You have crackers, too? I only know them from Australia, haven´t seen them here yet. Germany... behind a rock!
    Great sky-pic. And a lovely window, too. And yippeeeeee to your arm!

    Honest: We will go to bed early and I´ll wear ear protection, too. Too old for that noise ;-)
    Have a great day full of smiles x

  3. Lovely photo of you both to start your post. My biggest smile was to hear your shoulder is making a good recovery....I hope it continues to do so. Wishing you both a wonderful 2024 filled with much to smile about.
    Annie x

  4. You two look great! I’m so glad your arm is improving.
    I so hope you get this comment as I always comment but I never see my comments on your blog. I do get yours via email, but it’s a no-reply email, so I can’t email you back.
    Have a lovely New Year’s Eve,
    Happy 2024,

  5. I'm glad the arm is improving lijevyouvsay tinybsteps. Your Christmas meal out sounds like a good plan. The sky shot is stunning. Hope you have a lovely new year see you in 2024 xxx

  6. Happy New Year Kate - although you may not have much to write about, it was still a fabulous post. It's lovely to get a glimise into your life


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