Friday, January 24, 2025

Friday Smiles # Week 4

Well here we are again. It seems to have been a short week, and looking back I can't think of much to write about. But as promised last week, I did make some picallili and on Wednesday, well over half of it was sold, with people saying they would have another jar next week too. As it is quite expesive to make, I have reclaimed my costs but all the profit will go to the food bank the sewing group supports, and when it is all sold, it will have raised 30€ for them, so that is good.

I have also been busy each evening with my crocheted squares, and now I have used up much of the yarn I decided to count up and see how many I had made. I found I had enough to make one 4 x 5 squares blanket,  and one 4 x 6 squares, though I may change that to a 5 x 5. I did a quick layout and chose the pink squares to make the first blanket with a few pale turquoise to add interest.

The rest were mainly blues, greens and a few in cream, and I laid them out like this for now.

Now I have the job of joining them all together and making some kind of an edge. These are a good size for the little buggies most mums seem to have now, and the bigger one would serve in a cot too. They will again go to the food bank for new mums to use.

I am writing this early as we have to go to the hospital this afternoon for an eye test for Chris, to see whether his injections have had the desired effect.

That's about it for this week so here are a couple of sunset skies to close with.

So now I am ready to post this tomorrow and link up with Annie's Friday Smiles here.


Annie said...

Hope Chris goes on well at the hospital with his eyes. Your blankets will be really lovely when finished and your skies always make me smile.
Annie x

Iris Flavia said...

I had to look up picallili - sounds yummy, and oh, love the pink blanket-to-be!
Good luck with the eye-test. Beautiful sky, have a great weekend, hugs

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Kate, sorry I'm so late. It's so kind of you to make the piccalilli and sell it for charity, I bet they will be so pleased with the money. Your blankets are going to look great when they're finished, love the colours too. Nice sky pics. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Celtic house said...

Ah the piccallili was obviously well received and raising money as well, definitely a win win. The blankets look amazing can't wait to see them finished and the colour ways are lovely, the pop of turquoise really works. I hope the hospital appointment proves positive.

Loving the sky photos as always, ahve a great weekend.


Lisca said...

Yes, I remember your piccalilly. It's excellent. We bought a jar off you many years ago and Graham was always raving about it. (I myself actually don't like piccalilly so I can't judge)
You're keeping yourself busy with all those squares. I suppose you have to get through your yarn before you move.
Any news on the house sale/move?
Sorry for being late, but enjoy your weekend anyway,