This is a photo of my beautiful grand-daughter, Emma, in her eighth month of pregnancy. The second photo is her little boy who is three. I think the Autumnal shades of his jumper and his bright, curly hair, make the rusty ferns a perfect setting for this photo, and I love it. Both photos were taken by Emma´s friend Nesta LLoyd, a very talented young photographer. I have been waiting for her permission to use these photos as technically they belong to her, but she was happy for me to show them. She took a beautiful set of photos for Emma and John´s wedding too.
I love the look of concentration on Isaac´s face. He is not phased by the camera at all. He is so excited about the baby brother that Father Christmas is going to bring him, so I just hope he arrives on time! And of course, we are very excited about having a second great-grandson, hence the Smile!
I do not usually give presents for new babies until they arrive, but I saw this pattern and just had to make it for him, and post it early so he has it in time for Christmas. In case you are wondering what it is, here is the photo from the actual pattern.
It is called a cocoon and I think it looks so cosy, and might be better than tightly wrapping baby in a blanket. They don´t always need that in a modern, centrally heated home. I think they are an American idea, as there were lots of different ones on the American site where I bought the pattern, but I am not familiar with them in UK. Anyway, I thought this was rather fun, and Emma says she can´t wait to show it to Nesta, who will take some gorgeous photos of the baby in it. So you may be seeing it again in a week or two. The little one is due around the 19th.
Well that aside, I have had a lovely week and this post might be a bit heavy with photos, so I´ll try not to talk too much!
Saturday was the day of our Gallarte sale. This was my table.
I was particularly pleased with the Nativity scene, light box that you can see at the back right of the photo. The sale was well attended and I took 100€ which is more than double what I have taken in previous sales. You can read all about the items I made etc on my craft blog, by clicking HERE.
I was on duty at the sale for the second half of the morning, so when we closed up for ´siesta time´, Chris took me to the local bar for lunch. It was a lovely warm day and sitting there in the sun I was warm enough to shed my cardigan. As it was a nice day I decided to have a glass of tindo de verano (Summer wine) to go with my lunch, and it came in a huge glass! Lunch was delicious and so was the drink, and the sunshine was lovely. And all that in December!!
That evening I had to ask a friend to keep an eye to my table at the sale, because we were singing in a choir concert at Vera Convento. As I have shown this venue several times with the choir on this blog, I have not taken more pictures of it, but I had to take one of this beautiful bank of poinsettias. There was one of these on each side of the entrance hall at the Convento. They were stunning!
And on the subject of poinsettias, we went out on Monday to buy new lights for our tree, and while we were out, we also bought these plants to go in the new stand on our front porch. They are quite sheltered there so we are hoping they will survive, at least over the Christmas period, and hopefully for much longer.
Considering it is December, the garden is looking
lovely, with splashes of colour all over the place. The two pots of pansies I planted up a while ago are still full of flowers making a patch of colour on the front step. We also have flowers on the deep pink hibiscus, and the red kalanchoe and blue plumbago on the garage windows are still going strong.
When we bought those, we also planted up two window boxes for the windows on the front of the house and they are now well established, and are looking lovely.
Over to the left of the house front, the incarvillea, which is really in our neighbours garden, is still a mass of flowers. It looks wonderful.

And to the right of the house, where we have our tiny square of plantable garden, the roses are having a late bloom. Every time I see these I think of my mum. She always had a little saying from a Patience Strong calendar, pinned inside her desk, which said "God gave us our memories that we might have roses in December". And now I have roses in December without the help of my memory, but they always bring back memories of Mum.
One last flower that I am really pleased with is this
one. It goes by the great name of Aeonium arboreum, Green Beauty. It grows just beyond the railings at the back of our house, and every year I have been hoping it would flower, but it never has before. This is not a particularly good specimen and I actually thought it had died last year, but as I said last week, it is hard to kill anything here! When really healthy, it has lovely rosettes of green, succulent leaves and the cones of yellow flowers grow up from the centre. I don´t think it should even be flowering at this time of year, but I believe it is saying Thank you to us for cutting down the trees last month, and giving it access to the light and sun. Some friends also gave me a cutting of the purple/black leaved variety which is in a pot in the front garden. It also has not flowered so far, but I am trying to find a better spot for it, and keep hoping!
Oh look there is one more flower in amongst the greenery!
I took Tango in as a rather pathetic little stray, back in May, and since then he has `blossomed´, and is now a beautiful cat, currently wearing his thick winter coat. Until now he has hardly left the house, but in the last week or two he has started venturing out. I am happy to let him now as he has proved he can find his way back home, and the fresh air and sunshine are good for him. As you can see, he is very wary outside, and the slightest thing sends him scurrying for the door again, but he is enjoying sitting in the soft greenery that has sprung up in the green zone since the rain came.
We have had two more choir concerts this week, which have been well-attended, and everyone seems to have enjoyed them. There have been some very nice comments afterwards. We have a lovely programme this time, and I do enjoy singing all the Christmas music. We have three more concerts to go during the coming week, and after that everything will quieten down, though I have plenty of things to catch up on when I have more spare time.
I have one more big grateful this week, for my patient husband who has tried every day to resolve my computer, and in particular my internet problems. He has now done a system restore to the month when I had the new computer, and it is a bit better, though the internet is still very slow in the evenings. But he has given up so much time to fix it, and I am really thankful to be able to use it again.
Inbetween all the other things this week, I have been
trying to get some Christmas decorations up. I usually put them up on the first weekend in December, but there has been so much going on that I just haven´t had time. But the tree is up, complete with its new lights, and I love it. All the decorations have such meaning and fond memories for me, and I love unwrapping them each year, and reminiscing on the great family Christmases we have enjoyed.
While I was out on Wednesday, our village also put up some Christmas lights. We always get one on the lamp-post outside our house, and this year it is Father Christmas. It looks as though it will be quite a colourful one. We get something different each year. Further up the road there are reindeer pulling a sleigh stretched right across the street, but I like the individual ones we get down our end. I expect they will be switched on at the weekend. Ours come on a bit later than some places, because we have a fiesta for Epiphany, so ours stay lit until after 6th January.
My other big Smile this week is my Wednesday sewing group´s outing to Granada on Wednesday. Here are the four mad friends I spent the day with.
We had a really fun time, with lots of laughs, a lovely lunch and even managed a bit of Christmas shopping. It is a long way to go for a day out, so our coach left the village at 8.00 in the morning, and got back at 10.00 at night. I slept well after that!
Of course I took quite a few photos but I decided I didn´t want to carry my heavy camera around all day, so I used my phone. This is my favourite photo of the day. We were in a lovely sunny plaza, looking down a shady street, and in the background you can see the snowy slopes of Sierra Nevada. Beautiful!
Here are just a few more images of the day.
The Moroccan bazaars that line the sides of the cathedral.
A Belén or Nativity scene above the farmacia. (Sorry about the lamp-post. I couldn´t work around it).
The trees on either side of this picture were artificial, and they were smothered in flower shaped lights. I would have loved to have seen them all lit up, but unfortunately our coach left just before switching on time.
As you can see, there were not exactly hoards of Christmas shoppers. I probably took this during siesta time, when many of the smaller shops were closed, but even so, you might expect to see a few more folk than this wandering about.
This constructed tree was the centre-piece in the big plaza in front of the cathedral. It was surrounded by cafes and little temporary craft stalls. Again, I expect it looked very pretty when it was lit up.
As we left Granada we passed the second shopping centre on the outskirts, and by then there were quite a few Christmas lights on, but I couldn´t get decent photos of them from the coach.
Well if you are still with me after that marathon I will only bore you with one sky photo this week. No faces in it this time, (or is there?!) but it was lovely all the same.
Now I shall try and get this linked up to Virginia at Celtic House, and Annie´s Friday Smiles, and then I shall get a few more Christmas decorations out before I go to bed.
Fabulous write up Kate as always, your life is busy busy busy. Loving the photos of your tree and the lights outside your home. Your day trip out looked fun too, a day spent shopping - the shopping centre we ventured into last night was somewhat more fraught and busy looking than the streets you were frequenting! The photos at the beginning of your post of your grand-daughter and great grand-son (if I've got that right) are utterly gorgeous. I love love love the knitting you've done too - really fantastic and festive! I am also a smidge envious of those gorgeous flowers you've got at the moment and the poinsettia are gorgeous! Hope you have a fabulous weekend and week ahead!
Much love
OhMyGosh Kate !!!! That picture of your pregnant granddaughter and that other picture of her little boy are just AWESOME !!!!!
She looks so serene with that beautiful misty background. And he oh my these colours are so beautiful . I LOVE THESE TWO PIC's.
Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely weekend, hugs Veerle xxx
Your pregnant granddaughter looks stunning so please thank her from me for allowing us to see her photo and your little great grandson is simply gorgeous....I love his hair :-) We have lots of shades if sandy hair in our family and I love it.
Have enjoyed walking in your shoes for another week Kate and yes I can see the face of a little white dog on the left of your sky pic :-)
Annie x
Wonderful photos...Cheers to You for taking some time to enjoy the outdoors too.
Best Wishes to the Mother to Be. You've been busy so sit a bit and enjoy your accomplishments. Tis the Season !~
Gorgeous photos Kate, I love the baby Santa outfit, and the beautiful poinsettias. Your day out looks like it was fun.
Jean x
Hi Kate, yes busy everywhere at the moment, and only now just have time for some commenting...great photos this week, been busy with stalls, and singing and lunching...have fun Cheers Robyn
Great photos Kate but the first three are the stars of the show! Love all the flowers and the furry one!
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