With all the negativity around this week, following the Brexit decision, it made me smile to see a post in Facebook about politicians that was written by someone with a sense of humour. I hope it makes you smile too. (Sorry about the vivid colour. It is just as I copied it, and I can't face writing it out again on a white background).
And now to my week. Well it certainly started off 'Rocking'. On Saturday evening, my choir had it's first ever full concert. We sang to a full house. We were all dripping in the heat, but the audience stayed with us, and we sang our hearts out for them. They gave us a standing ovation at the end, so I think they all enjoyed it. Then on Sunday afternoon we did it all again, and again we had a full house. And during the week we have been given some wonderful comments.
Our colour is purple so the men wore lilac shirts with purple cravats, and the ladies had a mixture of lilac and purple tops. These were not ideal, especially with the heat, but they did create an overall feeling of colour co-ordination, and were the best we could manage in the time. Next week we have a meeting to discuss how we can improve on them for next time. It is difficult as it was not an "in" colour this year, and we needed to find a supplier who covered a wide range of sizes! But at least we now know what we don't want, so hopefully we can find something better for next year.
I have to say I loved being a part of this. We sang a wonderful repertoire of song from the shows, balanced with numbers by the men's section and then by the ladies, and a very funny musical sketch by our musical director and one of the tenors. David puts in a huge amount of work, arranging the music and teaching us to sing it, and he is a lively conductor. Several of the audience afterwards said that it was so much fun just watching him. In the photo above, the ladies are singing their number, "I feel pretty" from West Side Story.
As people were coming in, and during the interval, our non-singing members ran a small bar in the foyer and sold raffle tickets.
At the end of the two performances, with ticket sales and the raffle we had raised in the region of 1,700 €. Some of this will go towards the cost of our new stagewear, but on Monday David, and our stage manager Linda, were able to give a donation of 1,000€ to the charity group Harmony, who work in the local community, helping anyone with a particular need, from transport to hospital, translating legal papers, supporting cancer patients and their families, and giving to any organisation who need help.
Harmony work with both English and Spanish groups, So that made our concerts not just a lot of fun, but really worthwhile too.

I do love the summer fruits that are filling the market just now. The strawberries are just coming to the end of their season, but we have a wide choice of apricots, peaches, paraguayas, and nectarines. This year, for the first time, we have been able to buy small punnets of raspberries and blueberries. They don't keep for long, but they don't need to in my house. And now the cherries are coming in too. We have two different types, and one is sold without any stems - that's the only way I can tell the difference between them. The stemless ones are deemed to be better and are a little more expensive, but I buy whichever looks the ripest. They are usually big and shiny, but this week I spotted a stall that had some at a considerably lower price, and when I look closer I found they were mostly 'twins' where two had grown so close together they had merged. Others were a little misshapen etc so I bought two kilos of them and made some cherry jam.
I made this for the fist time last year, and it was very popular, and already the fourteen jars I made this time have mostly sold. I will look out for another lot of cheaper fruit, maybe towards the end of their season, and make some more, but in case I don't get around to it, I have put a couple of these jars away for us to use!
This week was the publication of the last of my Frida motifs, so here is the first one I made.
This one is called Frida's bouquet. I need five of them to complete my blanket, and then the week after next, the final part will be published giving us the pattern for the border.
I am an untidy worker, and as well as the Frida's blanket, I have several other projects on the go, and each one needs a large selection of coloured yarns, so once again my dining table, (which had been moved from the dining room to the main room because it had become a dumping ground for my knitting!), is again covered in wool, patterns etc. Tango thinks I have done this just for him, and he sits guard over it every day until I see him and shoo him off. He is not supposed to be on the table. But while it is so hot, the dogs wander inside to cool down, so I don't really blame Tango for keeping out of their way.
He seems to be on guard duty most of the time right now. Whenever I sit out on the porch with a cup of tea, first thing in the morning, or after lunch, he jumps up beside it and keeps an eye on it for me. It is not a bad thing because it protects it when Kim hears a noise on the street and rushes out past me to investigate. His tail is likely to knock my tea over if Tango isn't there to break the impact. But one day Tango decided to taste it for me too, and that was a step too far!! He had to get down.
One good thing about the hot weather is that the animals can't be bothered to annoy one another. This week Miki even laid down next to Tango for her siesta. This wouldn't happen in the winter.
A few other positive moments:-
Chris and I have been getting up at 7.30 each morning to take the dogs for a walk. We had to stop for a while as one or other of us had health issues, so it is good to get back into it. The dogs have the run of our outside area all the time, so it is not vital to take them out, but they enjoy it and it does us good too. We have to make ourselves get up for it, because later in the day, the pavements are too hot for their paws. I have seen photos of dogs pads that have been burnt and blistered, so we make sure ours stay in the shade in the afternoons.
Last Sunday was my eldest son's forty-fifth birthday, so we had a long talk on skype which is always nice. I also chatted with son number four. I have just started designing wedding stationery for him. Our youngest son Ben rang me because he was off work with a bad cold and sore throat, and we always chat for at least an hour. Then our middle son rang up from Denmark to arrange his holiday out here in August, and lastly I chatted for ages with my sister Jean on Skype, so it has been a good week for catching up with the family.
We have had a couple of cloudy, rather humid days, so it was good to hear thunder rolling around us, and I like watching the lightening if I am indoors. It didn't result in a good downpour to clear the air, as we had hoped, but later in the night there was some rain. That is quite unusual for June/July, and I am sure the plants enjoyed it. But unfortunately as it fell, it brought with it a lot of red sand and dust, so I had to wash the car windows before I could drive the next day, and the table top and all the garden furniture were brown - not to mention the pool that Chris works so hard to keep sparkling clean for us.
But a little bit of cloud does give us a pretty sky at sunset so here are two photos taken together, one just a little further to the right than the other. So many lovely colours together.
This is not the right conditions for making good pastry, but tomorrow I have (another) party to go to and I offered to take a fruit pie, and a lemon meringue pie! So I made the pastry this morning and left it resting in the fridge, and I cooked the apples, so now I have to go and put it all together. The things we do....!
My internet has just crashed again, so I will go and do my baking and hopefully it will be back up then so I can link this to Annie's Friday Smiles and Rocking your World.
Gosh you have been busy. That is a wonderful amount of money that was raised with the singing. I bet the cheque was well received. Thanks for the politican explanation. Made me smile too. Hugs Mrs A.
Well done to you all for the money raised from your concerts. How lovely for others to benefit from your singing. I can as most taste your jam from here...there's nothing quite like home made jam freshly made. The colours in your skies this week are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Annie x
Ah another fab post, loving the photos of the animals they always make me smile and loving the sunset photos too. Catching up with family is always a positive in my book and you seem to have been treated to lots of calls and catch ups. Your concert looks fabulous and how awesome to raise enough funds to be able to give a good sized donation to a local cause - amazing! I always love to see what jams you are making - but what on earth are paraguayas and whatever do they taste like.
I hope you have a beautiful and blessed weekend and week ahead!
I'm so glad that you enjoyed the singing and how lovely that the event raised so much money. The jam looks delicious, I have been buying Spanish cherries in the supermarket but I expect I had to a lot more for them than you did. They are really nice ones though. Pretty skies too.
Jean x
Hi Kate, great post. Your dog has the same colouring as my Maisie, she is a schnauzer. The story about the old guy and the doctor was brilliant and very well written. Well done to the choir too. Happy weekend, Angela x
WEll done you and the choir! Looks like you had a great time.
Yes, we had thunderstorms, thunder and lightning and loads of rain bucketing down. Everything was orange the next morning, and we had the flash flood through the river bed. It was the first time we had witnessed it and sood for hours on the terrace watching the river flow and the water rise... (It's all gone now)
I laughed at the post turtle story. That is really funny. My husband agrees heartily with the farmer.
Well done for getting up to walk the dogs. You'll feel much better for it doing a walk every morning. I wish I could motivate myself to do it. (Perhaps we should get a dog)
Wonderful that you got so much family chatting in this week.What would we do without Skype!
Have a good week,
What a great week for catching up with Family Kate, and it must be so lovely to be able to walk the dogs again!!
Well done on the choir and the funds raised.
You cat Tango sounds a real character - we miss our boy so much :-(.
Hi Kate, great week you've had, super fundraising and doing what you love - singing. Yummy jam and love the sunsets. Have a great week Cheers Robyn
Hi Kate,
What a wonderful week you've had! The cherry jelly looks nice in the jars with the fancy labels. No wonder you sell them as quickly as you make them! It's always great to catch up with family, which it sounds like you talked to everyone!
I should walk my dogs after work. It's been so hot here that I haven't given it a thought but I know they would enjoy it. Thanks for motivating me to start doing this!
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