This will be a fairly quick post today as on Wednesday our son Tom arrived, at our request, so that he can house/animal sit for us while we have a few days away next week. But we do have just a short time together first, and a day or two when we come back, and I don't want to spend all that time sitting at the computer.
It is really a working holiday for Tom as much of what he does is computer based. While I write this he is on a conference call with his colleagues in Denmark, (where he lives), and enjoying the sunshine at the same time. Isn't technology marvellous?

This was a special week for us as last Saturday, Chris and I celebrated our Ruby wedding anniversary. I put together this picture for my Facebook page.
While rooting through our wedding photos I also found this one which amazed all my friends out here, none of whom knew me forty years ago.
I still have the cheesy smile, but not the hair unfortunately! I remember my mum being cross that this was taken. She always maintained that a bride should not be photographed alone on her wedding day. But we are still together forty years on so she need not have worried.
We had a fairly low key celebration at the weekend, but at church on Sunday we were given these beautiful flowers. What a lovely surprise!
It was a lovely Easter service this week and we started with a wonderful trio of tenors who sang "The Holy City". I was hoping to share the video of it with you, but I don't have an internet link for it, but anyone on Facebook can find it on my home page.
The week hasn't been all good as our beautiful Norwegian Forest cat, Charlie has been very poorly. I am almost certain that he had a small stroke. He went missing for a day and when he came home he looked very 'spaced out', and just laid in bed all day. All over the holiday weekend, he stayed in bed, and only got up to have a drink of water. He didn't (wouldn't) eat anything and he felt very light and thin. On Monday I cooked a little chicken liver and mashed it up in plenty of liquid and he started to lick at that. Then he came into the sitting room. He still didn't jump up on his favourite spot along the back of the settee. He just layed out on the floor, and was almost flat.
But each day he ate a little more, and got a little stronger, and started walking around the house. Last night he was up on the furniture again. Today he ate a good breakfast and is almost back to his normal self, so I let him go outside. He is staying near the house and we will keep an eye on where he goes, as I know he could suddenly have another stronger stroke, but is is good to see him well on the road to recovery. He is eleven years old, but before this he was more of a kitten than my younger cats, loving to play and always on the go.
My nice sky photos have been in short supply recently, as there has been much less sun than we would expect for April. But one evening this week I did see a lovely golden glow in the sky and took this picture.
I was getting our tea at the time so I kept looking out of the kitchen window as I could see some clouds gathering. And suddenly we were treated to this beautiful show, so another photo was in order before it disappeared.
I will leave it there for this week. Next Monday we will be off to Ronda for four days, a proper celebration for our anniversary, coming home late on Thursday night, so whether or not I will manage a post next week I don't know. But for now I will link up with Rocking Your World and Annie's Friday Smiles, and I'll be back soon.