Friday, December 11, 2020

Rocking Your World 2020: Week 50

So here we are at week 50, with just two more to go in this troubled year.  This week it is all about preparing for Christmas. So of course I am starting with my tree. I love the tree, and although this one is considerably smaller than our usual, it was much easier for me to handle and to dress. And I still managed to put plenty of decorations on it. I smile when I see some of my friends modern trees with colour co-ordinated bows and baubles. Mine is a mish-mash of colour, shape and size, and almost everything that hangs on it holds a special meaning for me. From the silver wreath brought back from a holiday in Ireland, to the scratched and worn red treble-clef added when Ben first started to show his musical talent, I love them all, and the same serene angel has sat at the top for more than twenty years.
Some of my favourite decorations are the hand-made ones. Many were made by myself like these angels that I made so many of for a church project last year, and the beautiful glass 'egg', coated inside with paint and glitter which I made at a workshop long before we left UK.

Some were made by other people, and that makes them extra special. My sister decorated a whole set of wooden pieces for me like this snow scene, and the stable was made by my very talented nephew who makes them from slices of the previous year's trees.
My little red girl and her friend make an appearance each year, ever since I bought them from our dear friend Annie. The bell was made several years ago by one of my older sisters who celebrated her 90th birthday this week.
And although I made the folded fabric wreath, it was again my sister Jean who made all the cross-stitch frames.
Here are some more things I have made. The crocheted mandala was added to my collection last year, and the bauble wreath was made a few years before that. The quilted tree was a little project we all made together at my Wednesday sewing group, and the large Mary and Joseph figures I made many, many years ago after a watching a lady making (way more elaborate) figurines at a craft show in Birmingham NEC. They are moulded on wine bottles, and have survived being packed away each year, quite remarkably well.
Probably my oldest 'home-make' is my nativity scene made from a Woman's Weekly magazine pattern when my oldest boys were toddlers, so some 45 years ago. They are decidedly worn but somehow I can't bring myself to throw them away, so every year they sit on the shelf again.
Another little piece of nostalgia is my collection of pieces I bought when I visited my son in Denmark. I was rather dismayed to find absolutely no decorations depicting any aspect of the Nativity story, but everywhere you looked there were gnomes. This year all my on-line crafting friends are using them on cards, in garlands, and crocheting them, so my Danish ones shouldn't be feeling too homesick.

During this time of lock-down, our Town Hall has frequently encouraged us to use the local shops so this week we visited a 'garage shop' which opens temporarily every year to sell poinsettias. We chose two lovely plants to go with the one we already had, and now all three are making a lovely splash of colour on our front porch. We don't usually have one indoors as their sap is an irritant and can be poisonous to the animals.

The street is also looking quite festive. We watched the men going up in their bucket crane to fix a light to the telegraph pole outside our house. We have had an angel for the past two years but this year it is either a snowy mountain or blue tree , we are not quite sure which, and last night they were switched on for the first time. There is one on each post down the street. We are the last house to get one, and after us there are bands of lights stretching across the road, all the way up to the centre of the village. They are not as grand as the lights in the big towns, but for a little village we do quite well.

And leaving Christmas behind now, here are some of the pansies and violas that I bought several weeks ago. They are still looking lovely despite the very fierce, cold winds we have had all week.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how Tango has started to sleep in the little house half way up the climbing tower we bought. It was bought with Tolly in mind, but I hoped the others would use it too, and they would play together on it. Well Tolly had made that little house his own, and he was not keen to see an interloper, so one night he just climbed in on top of Tango. There really isn't space for them both, but they stayed there together for quite a while.

I would expect Tango to move first, but that night he stuck to his guns and in the end it was Tolly who moved out, and up onto the top platform, but he doesn't look very impressed to have been pushed out.

All this week we have a lot of cloud which has been broken up by very high winds - the sort of wind that blows the patio furniture around, and fills the pool with leaves and debris. But the sun has also tried to shine so we have been treated to some lovely sunsets. So I am going to post some of the best, each beautiful in its own way. I should add that the dark plume that looks like smoke, is in fact a storm cloud being whipped up from the N.West, and not smoke at all.

And finally I will link up with Rocking Your World, and Annie's Friday Smiles, and leave you with this image that I spotted this morning. It seems very pertinent as we put up decorations and try to make our Christmas the best we can at this difficult time.


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You have definitely created a beautiful Christmas in your home. All the decorations and wreaths that hold such lovely memories, too. That nativity is wonderful and I love how the shepherds and wise men have masks. Very timely, as was the mask angel, which I also saw on another blog recently. I can tell you go all out for Christmas, and I think it is a wonderful thing.

LOVE the sky shots, too. Hope you have a great rest of Friday and a wonderful weekend, too, Kate.

Lisca said...

Ha, I smiled at the angel made out of masks! I saw that one too somewhere. Very good.
Ho wonderful to have a tree full of ornaments that mean something. I haven't put up our tree for many years, but I still have several antique baubles from my grandmother and we have little things that the grandchildren have given us.
I had to smile at the Tango/Tolly story. I suppose Tango is exercising his rights as top cat. (or at least older than Tolly).
We have had atrocious weather. Terrible storms and quite a bit of rain, (which is welcome). But I hate the howling of the wind.
Your sky photos are beautiful.And i love your poinsettias.
Have a lovely weekend,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Kate, I love your tree. I don't go for the modern style, they look to perfect to me. My tree seems over the years to have become the home for teddy bears. I have many teddy bears that I've collected over the years and whenever I've seen one that could be hung on the tree I have bought them though there are a few which might not be bears but they are little animals and they all have a little memory attached to them. Loving the photographs and the face mask fairy is very sweet. Thanks for the visit to mine too. Have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

Virginia said...

Oh your tree looks beautiful, all those memories gathered, strangely it isn't something we did as children so as an adult I've been quite happy to chop and change the baubles according to my colour theme that year, but I can appreciate how they trigger happy memories when you use them - if only I'd known!

Your poinsettias look beautiful and whilst I love them I refuse to kill another one, they do not take kindly to centrally heated houses, so for now I will admire from afar.

I had to smile at both Tango and Tolly managing to get in that space, that is some feet, loving the photo of Tolly on the top platform, he has definitely grown hasn't he, no longer a kitten.

As for the lights outside, I'd go for a blue tree rather than a mountain, but hey it could be either.

I hope you have a beautiful and blessed weekend and week ahead.


Annie said...

I really love all your Christmas decorations. Our tree is also covered with favourites are the 4 little Santas my mum knit from the same pattern that are all different. They make me smile every year. I think Tolly’s face says it all 😀😀😀 Thanks for sharing your know how much I love them. Thanks also for joining in each week and helping make the world a happier place.