Friday, April 26, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024 # Week 17

It was a lovely morning on Tuesday so I walked the long way round to get to the market. This means I went down our road to the bottom of the village, along the slip road that borders the village, and then up towards the market. The slip road is lined on the left side by tall conifers, and on the right there are several jacaranda trees. At a distance these all look very dead, with bare branches and last years seed pods.

On closer inspection I realised that what I thought was shrivelled leaves was in fact new flower buds forming, so in another week or two we will have a row of beautiful pale blue blooms. (The big brown 'pennies' are last year's seed pods). They are one of the prettiest trees out here. Even when the flowers have faded, new green fern-like leaves appear, and they are still very pretty.

I can't resist showing my poinsettia again. It has continued to turn more and more of its bracts red, and the whole plant is so bright now. The tiny yellow flowers can now be seen in the centre of each rosette. It has done so well this year.

The sun and little rain we had, have woken up the chumba, (prickly pear) that tumbles down the bank at the end of next-door's garden. 

It is an ornamental one and does not seem to produce edible fruit, but it's flowers are stunning. Each one only lasts for a day but there are plenty more waiting to open. And the bees love them. I tried to catch them flyng around these flowers, but I think they dived into the centre and hid behind the petals. I have to lean over the back railings and zoom in to get these pictures, and I can't hold that position for long!

I did a little bit of baking this week and made some blueberry muffins. They are a bit untidy but tasted so good!

It was our 45th anniversary on Saturday. Our boys asked whether we did anything special, so I said, "Well we spent most of the day assembling my new laser cutter!" Not the most romantic exercise, but a very special present all the same. This machine is much more powerful than the one I borrowed, and I can't wait to put it through it's paces. I haven't had much time this week to really get to grips with it, but I am excited to find out what it can do.

As this blog started as a diary for my family and friends, I do not usually add funnies at the end as some of you do, but these two really caught my eye this week, and made me smile.

One for the young ones, ...

...and one for us oldies.

So true, but at least I have health, can take care of myself, and move around unaided, so there is still plenty to be grateful for.

So now I will link up with Annie's Friday Smiles.


Iris Flavia said...

Happy belated anniversary!!! Ingo has a laser-cutter, too, wish he was so at it as you are!!!
Beautiful flowers, and yes, what we had in mind as young ones.... ;-)
Have a happy day x

Annie said...

Sadle old age doesn't come alone....but only the lucky ones get there and I'm grateful for that these days. I love seeing your lovely plants and flowers always.
Annie x

Lisca said...

Happy anniversary to both of you. Quite an achievement.
I can't wait to see the jacaranda trees. We don't have many because of the climate but there are a few in Baza. Your poinsettia is amazing, and it's flowering too! Mine are still indoors, in pots but also doing very well. And because your climate is warmer than ours, our chumbas are not flowering yet, but my friend, whose drive is lined with large cacti, has had them all flowering last week (only for one day).
Congratulations on your new laser printer. Quite a learning curve I would have thought.
Hmm, not my idea of getting older. But at least I got there and I'm healthy so I praise God for that.
Have a lovely weekend,

LA Paylor said...

what pretty weather and flowers!
aging is hard

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Kate, sorry I'm so late. Something came over me on Friday and I ended up in bed for the rest of the day but nearly back to normal now. Thick I had eaten something that didn't agree with me but no idea what it was. Can't wait to see how you get on with the laser cutter. Sending hugs Angela xxx

Celtic house said...

I'm late to the party and catching up, your flower photos are stunning, lovely to see that a poinsettia can actually thrive somewhere I've genuinely never had any luck with them.
