Friday, July 5, 2024

Fiday Smiles 2024# Week 27

I have done very little to write about this week. I could do with the temperature dropping around ten degrees as I am melting most of the day and night! The heat saps my energy and my 'get-up-and-go'.

It is also quite limiting to have my right hand out of use, almost. In honesty the operation went well and I have no pain in my hand, but it has a special healing dressing on it which makes it look as though I am wearing a boxing glove. Despite all my efforts, it is looking rather grubby now but I am not allowed to touch it until I go back to the hospital next Monday.

They took the skin for the graft from the front of my right shoulder and just pulled the two sides together with fifteen stitches! They are due to come out on Monday as well, but I am not sure it is healing quite as well as I had hoped. I have the dressing changed at the clinic every day and they are keeping an eye on it, so I will just have to wait and see. But all in all it seems to have been successful.

With the temperatures getting very close to 40º now it is hard to find anywhere to keep cool. We have used the air-con most afernoons for a while, and I now have my big industrial fan out on the porch, so I can sit outside in the evenings, while Chris enjoys the football. I bought the fan for my craft room but it is too strong even on its lowest settings, and it blew all my papers and bits and pieces away, but outside it is fine.

I am a bit sad today as we said 'Good-bye'  to my beautiful Tango. Everyone laughingly called him 'Grumpy Cat', but he couldn't help the shape of his face, and there wasn't a bad bone in his body.

It was the right time for him and a kindness not to keep him struggling through another hot summer. He was stone deaf and almost blind, and often stood in the middle of a room in a daze as though he didn't know where he was. He no longer interacted with us, nor the other cats, so his life had no quality.

I have put together a collage of some of my favourite photos of him, and he will be alive in my memory for ever.

And that is all I have for you this week. My apologies to anyone I didn't visit last week. Workmen next door were pruning back some bougainvillea and they cut through our cable leaving us with no internet or TV. A man came to fix it on Friday but he was unable to reconnect us so he said a man would come on Monday to put up a new cable; which he did. So we are now back to all systems go, and hopefully I will get to everyone this week.

So I will link up with Annie's Friday Smiles, and publish this in the morning. 


Iris Flavia said...

Your hand is like my arm was... takes a while... Over 6 months in my cae... And so many scars, - but the doctors MADE it, YAY.
18C. Bleh. This is no summer.

Very, very sorry you lost Tango.

Oh, no internet. I would have to walk 40 minutes one way and hope my company has it (or take a day off)....
Glad you´re back online - healing wishes and smiles x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I don't know how you can stand that heat, it doesn't suit me at all. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of poor Tango but it's for the best and you gave him a good life I'm sure. great photo collection too. I had to smile at one of the comments over at mine about doing well to get some cards made because we spend more time chatting so yes getting anything made is quite refreshing. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sounds like your hand is doing better, but the sjun graft may be a problem. I hope it heals, too.

So sorry to read about Tango, but I am sure you did the right thing. I enlarged the collage you created and it is a wonderful tribute to a beautiful "grumpy" cat. He was definitely photogenic.

I can relate to a cut cable, only MINE was from a squirrel and it took them five days to find the problem. Have a restful and hopefully cooler rest of Friday and a wonderful weekend, Kate. Good luck on Monday.

Annie said...

I'm so sad about Tango...I thought he was lovely...even with his grumpy face. Part of loving an animal is doing the right thing when they need it and I'm sure he had a good life with you.
I hope your hand and shoulder heal well for you. Take care,
Annie x

Lisca said...

I'm sorry to hear about Tango. But as you say, he had no quality of life at all.
But I'm glad that the operation went well and your hand is healing as it should. I suppose you know that wounds heal a lot slower in older people and in diabetics. You are both so the process needs quite a lot of patience. You'll get there in the end.
Yes, it's hot here too. I'm having a visitor and she wants to go out a lot so I'm out in the heat in stead of the cool of my house.
Enjoy your weekend,

Celtic house said...

I hope your temperatures drop so it is more bearable, I hope the hand operation has been a success and you start to see improvements.

I'm so sorry about Tango, he was a beautiful cat and part of your family.

Have a good weekend
