Friday, September 6, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024 # Week 36

I can't believe another week has flown by. I guess being busy helps the hours run faster. I am happy to say the chaos in my craft room is over. I now have a lot of space, and several shelves of well sorted and packed craft supplies in 'Really useful boxes'. Chris has filled the crack in the wall though there are still several holes to deal with. Then it will be painted and all the shelves will be arranged neatly on one wall. I shall keep one desk set up as my computer station, and the room will be described as "bedroom three, currently being used as a craft room"

Our big bin on the street has never been so regularly full. The bin men must be wondering what is going on. 

After a not very pleasant visit to the dentist to have impressions done for some new teeth  today, we took several boxes of useful items to the Lions charity shop, and my friends at the sewing group enjoyed going through all the things I took there on Wednesday.

Yes I had enough craft materials to open a craft shop, and probably enough wool to open a wool shop too, so sorting wool was my task yesterday and today. It is all sorted now into boxes I am keeping, a bag for a friend who knits jumpers, hats and gloves to sell, a box for my friends to go through, and just a small amount to throw away. I also have kept out four half finished projects that I will try to finish off before we move. After a busy day it is nice to relax in the evening with something different to think about.

It has continued to be quite hot here most days though the evenings are drawing in now. This is my two cats laid out in front of the fan. I am going to miss them so much, but it will be better for them if I can rehome them soon. They are quite disturbed with all the boxes, and everything being moved around, and there is no way we can take them to UK with us. To start with we will be staying with our son in London and he lives on a very busy road with constant trafic, which Leo and Tolly are not used to at all. Plus our son has two elderly cats of his own who probably wouldn't welcome any newcomers.

We have been threatened with rain on several days but only had a good downpour once. But each day there are clouds gathering and then dispersing again. This was the sky today and it was really nice to see it as we get very few days when it looks like this. But note how brown and dry the land is. Normally it would be covered in weeds/wild-flowers at this time of year.

But we did manage one nice sunset on Sunday night, when the sky was a lovely shade of pink for a short while.

I have had several nice long video chats with Ben this week and today Tom called from Denmark to say he has got three weeks off work to come over and help us. He is arriving on Sunday 15th. It will be good to have a strong pair of hands to lift things from the high cupboards, and move the furniture around. He might get handed a paint brush too!

The boys and their families have all had lovely holidays while the children were off school. Now it is back to routine for them all, but for me the best holiday picture is this one. My littlest great-grandson Reuben, with his sandy face and cheeky grin, who obviously had a wonderful time in Ibiza with his mum and dad and two big brothers.

Now I will prepare this for linking up with Annie's Friday Smiles, and publishing it in the morning.


Iris Flavia said...

Always good to share with friends and for free!!
It must be hard with your cats, I hope they find a nice new home.
I get a pic of Max, a 19-year-old from friend every working day as she convinced is toough, especially when they get older and travel (to Australia) is impossible..
No rain here, either, other parts of Germany... heavy flooding.
Nice sky! Reuben gave me a big smile :-)
Have a great Friday, hugs

Annie said...

Am I reading this correct? Are you leaving Spain and moving back to England? Good luck on the packing up for the move.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Kate, looks like you're getting sorted and at least you don't have to rush to get it done but I bet you'll be pleased when it's all done. Hope you manage to find a good home for the cats too. Take care. Hugs Angela xXx

Lisca said...

Gosh, you are really getting stuff done, aren't you. Well done for finding homes for that craft stuff and wool. I'm sure you'll be able to find good homes for Leo and Tolly as they are gorgeous cats.
It's great that Tom is coming over and he doesn't have to work, so he can help you. Is your house listed to sell yet? Or are you sprucing it up before the photographer comes?
Oh little Reuben certainly made me smile with his cheeky grin!
Have a lovely weekend,

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I miss visiting for a couple of weeks and learn you are moving back to the UK. What a surprise. I KNOW you are going to miss your cats. You have had them in OUR lives since you got them and I personally feel like I know them well.

Good job on the sorting. I love those containers you have.

Reuben is a little doll. Have a super rest of Friday and a great weekend, dear Kate.

Celtic house said...

Wow you've blitzed your craft room like I hit my autumn deep clean list, you've made fabulous headway. I did wonder how you would manage with your pets, it is sad that you've had to decide to re-home them there, but I'm not sure they'd manage with the cool British climates when they are used to warmer Spanish weather. I'm glad you've got some help to make further progress and you seem to have a plan for when you get here which is also good.

Hope you've had a good and productive week.
