Friday, April 17, 2020

Rocking Your World 2020: Week 16

Hi again. I am a bit late posting today. Let's just say I am easily distracted. But today I was partly distracted by a video call with my sister so that was a happy distraction.

Anyway I am starting this week with a photo that made me smile.
This is my youngest son Ben. When he lost his partner suddenly in a traffic accident last summer, he found the house very empty and quiet. I suggested he adopt an animal so there was someone to greet him when he got home from work, and as his landlord was not keen on him having a dog, he went to the cat rescue centre and came home with Bobby. He was a sad cat whose elderly owner had died. Ben sometimes says "I don't know which one of us rescued who", and as you can see Ben and Bobby have become best friends and are inseparable whenever Ben is not at work.

I have spent time in the kitchen again this week and again made bread. The big loaf is a half and half loaf. One end is white bread for Chris and the other half is  a wholemeal and oatmeal mix for me. There are also three rolls of each from the spare dough. Then I made muffins, chocolate chip for Chris and sticky date for me. We just can't help liking different things!

There is not a lot of other news this week, but although the days continue to be grey and cloudy with short bursts of sunshine, it has been warm, at least outside, and the garden is embracing all the extra rain. I had a wander round to look at the plants the other day and I found this beautiful rose, with several more buds almost ready to open.
My hydrangeas are all looking very healthy. Of course they are really water plants so they love the rain. On every branch there is a crown of new leaves with little heads of flower buds forming in the centre of each one.
In the middle of May last year, Chris and I visited a cacti garden near Nijar, and one of the plants I bought was a sort of succulent ground cover plant that has small mauve daisy flowers all over it, rather like a common michaelmas daisy. Here is the one I brought home.
The man at the garden told me one pot would be enough and it would cover a square meter in a year. Well I put it in a big pot on our front step and here is it is now.
It has certainly spread, and soon I will be taking some of the trailing parts off to root elsewhere. It is just starting to flower. The flowers are small but I think the plant would prefer a sunnier position so I will have to think about moving it.
In this close up you can see that it is covered in buds, so I am hoping for lots of flowers soon. They are much more mauve than they look in this photo. I have discovered that the flowers 'go to sleep' whenever the sun moves off them, and there haven't been many moments when the sun is on this step for me to take the picture!

I also came across a little visitor in the garden. This handsome caterpillar was heading up the back wall. The markings on it are amazing.
It wasn't really in the best place so I moved it gently onto a plant, well away from my nosey cats. And I took another photo before I set it free again so I had some clear images to help me identify it.
With the help of Google, I now know it is the caterpillar of Spanish Festoon butterfly, which looks like this (google photo).
Isn't it lovely? So I hope it found somewhere safe to make its cocoon.

And here is a lovely piece of crochet work, not done by me, but by my daughter-in-law. She only learned to crochet a couple of years ago, and she made this following charts and videos in the internet. She made it to give to her husband (my eldest son Jim, the vicar), because he was sad that he could not do the traditional Easter services at his new church. She thought it might cheer him up. I think he liked it. It was displayed at the front of his altar set up in their garden for his on-line Easter Sunday service. I think she did really well too.

As it is getting late I will quickly link up with Annie's Friday Smiles and Rocking Your World, and then I must go and feed the animals. I'll be back later to see what has made everyone else smile this week.


Karen said...

Wow look at all the baked goods ~ Yum! ~ Yes rescue animals are the most loving for sure. Both my cats are rescues from the SPCA. Your plants are looking great & what a beautiful butterfly he may turn out to be ~ Blessings to you!

Lisca said...

What a lovely photo of Ben! (and Bobby)
All those baked goods make me smile (and my mouth water). Do you kneed the bread by hand?
What a colourful caterpillar! You are certainly knowledgeable about them to know what kind of butterfly it will produce. Beautiful!
And the flowers/plant in your garden is beautiful too. You must show us when it is in full flower.
How lovely of your D-I-L to crochet that for Jim. How very special.
Yes, you have had plenty to smile about.
Have a lovely weekend,
Stay safe,

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I started to cry when I saw Ben and Bobby and how you described them. I have one rescue cat and one given me years ago by my goddaughter. Bet you can tell which is which (grin).

I'm impressed by the bread. I've heard there's no flour in the UK or the states. I don't bake, but that bread looks wonderful.

Your DIL did a great job with the cross. Distance services may go on for awhile, so I'm sure he appreciates that cross during this time of lockdown.

Have a super rest of Friday and a wonderful weekend, Kate. Stay safe and secure at home.

Virginia said...

Ah the baking looks lovely and I had to smile at your different tastes, the loaf idea is genius!

Your plant looks like it like make a fabulous display, you'll have to show us it when it comes into full flower.

Facetime has definitely been a blessing during these lock down times for me too and I'm glad you are able to catch up with family. It's lovely to see a photo of your son and his cat smiling.

The crochet blanket is fabulous, maybe there is hope for me yet.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend and week ahead.


kiwimeskreations said...

Oh Kate it is good to see Ben looking at peace and with some joy in his face - I got a rescue cat after my DH died, and he is a very important part of my life too.
Loving all your plant photos - especially that mauve flowered cacti.
That crochet rug is stunning - what a work of love and art!
There is a shortage of flour {any variety}, baking powder, spices, and yeast, here in New Zealand as people are baking (some I suspect for the first time)! Enjoy your baking - I don't bake now there is just me.
Stay safe

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Kate, nice to see you all doing well. Of course your sister is more important than us but then we will still be here when you've finished your chat. I can well understand why your son feels so much better now he has Bobby to look after him and yes I meant it that way. Animals have a way of calming us when life gets hard. You are lucky to have some rain, we've not had any for about five weeks and really need it which is crazy considering the floods last year. Nice to see your baking too, we just can't get the flour at the moment. Garden looking good too and the beautiful crochet. Thanks for your kind words about my dad. It's hard at the moment and we are having to be careful as we still have to go and take their shopping. Although we have carers calling they cannot do any shopping for them so we have no choice but to visit and as they are an hour's drive away from us too that is added worry being out on the roads. Mum was upset the other day as dad was refusing to take the tablets and she doesn't have the patience now so she got all upset but I managed to calm that down over the phone but then she had a fall as her movement isn't very good and she has to use a wheeler round the house but she seems okay again. Sorry, I shouldn't be bothering you with this really. Take care and have a nice weekend, Angela xXx