Friday, October 18, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024 # Week 42

Well the weeks are flying by. Only eight more this year! We have being doing our best to keep the house looking good which wasn't so easy when we had some of that dreaded 'brown rain' on Monday night which left a layer of orange sand on everything. But it did rain hard and that  was very welcome. It has been quite cloudy since but there has been enough strong winds to blow the clouds away most days and I have managed to get all my washing dry outside. 

One thing we did before the house photos were taken was to put new flowers in the four troughs that hang from our front railings. They are all annuals really and are often dead and gone by September. But I have kept them watered, and 'dead-headed' the flowers regularly and they are still looking quite good. Here they are along side each other. 

We had a couple come to view the house this morning but they didn't give anything away about their feelings and we are still waiting for feed-back from our agent.

When I first got back to crocheting after I broke my arm, (nearly a year ago!), I started a little bobble hat for one of the food-bank children's Christmas bags, and this week I actually finished it. No photo as I handed it straight in on Wednesday. Now I have gone back to a cardigan I was working on at the time of the accident. I wasn't happy with the first sleeve so I had worked it again but I didn't keep a record of the alterations. I couldn't work out what I had done. It is an all-over lace pattern which hid the stitches, so in the end I took them both out and am starting again. The first sleeve is now done, so now I have to try and make the second one to match.

I was doing some of it out on the patio yesterday evening when I looked up at the clouds and it looked like two eyes peering down on me. Don't you agree? A bit spooky but not scarey really.

There was a hint of pink behing the eyes so I went round to the other side of the house to see if there was a sunset and I found this lovely sky. Such beautiful colours all running together.

Tuesday was Chris's birthday and mine is today, so usually we go out on the day between our two dates. But on Wednesday I spent over an hour being fitted with new teeth. The bottom ones are now in, but not yet screwed in place, because the top ones need some adjusting, and he wants to get them right before fixing the others in. But I didn't think it was a good idea to go out for a meal until I had tried them out at home, so we went today instead. 

We both only eat a small meal at mid-day and very little at tea-time, so if we are going to eat out, it is best to go at lunch time. It was a beautiful day, sunny but not too warm, so we sat at an outside table on the patio in the Parque CommercĂ­al, in Mojacar. We had a very nice meal and I had the best tinto verano that I have had all year. 

After our lunch we drove along the coast to Garrucha and sat on a sunny bench just enjoying looking at the sea. It was a lovely deep blue today. The sand dips quickly near the edge and there were a few late holiday makers sun bathing down there. But the season for holidays really does stop in September out here, and the men in this picture are busy taking up the board walks and stacking them under a shelter until next summer.

We then drove along to the fishing port to get an ice-cream. Our favourite kiosk was all closed up, but there is a nice little ice-cream parlour along the road where you can pick from around twenty flavours, and we each chose two from there, and again found a sunny bench to sit and eat them. Our wants and needs are simple these days and it doesn't take much to make us happy, so it was a very pleasant way to spend the afternoon.

This is ready to link up with Annie's Friday Smiles in the morning, so I will now take my crochet out onto the porch and enjoy one more hour of sunshine before it starts to sink below the hills.

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