Friday, October 25, 2024

Friday Smiles 2024# Week 43

Well here we go again. I don't know where the weeks go, but go they do, and here we are at Friday again. We had a lovely big harvest moon last weekend and for once it was partially hidden for us by a layer of fluffy clouds. But I managed to get this photo from my bedroom window.

Tolly is getting very clingy because of all the changes and he often shadows me around the house. Usually he is content to sleep on my craft-room floor but this week he decided he wanted the high-shelf instead.

I have been working on the cardigan I mentioned last week. When projects hang around for ages I tend to loose interest in them, and it must be eighteen months at least when I started this, but I am pleased to say it is now finished.

I cannot find nice buttons over here, so I will wait until I get to England as I have seen several that are suitable on UK sites. But at least it is done and it fits!

So I wanted to get back to my sewing group this week, and really I had nothing I was working on to take with me. But there is a new Crochet-A-Long on one of the Facebook pages I follow. That means a section of the pattern is released every one or two weeks, and the idea is to work along to that timescale if you can. However my crochet is for pleasure and it is not a race so I download each section of pattern as it is released, and work it at my own speed. As is usual the company made a kit for this project though they are optional, and many folk prefer to make their own colour scheme, and use alternative makes of yarn. I did not want another box of wool here to pack, but I will want something to keep my hands busy when I arrive in UK, so I asked my son to order a kit for me and keep it safe until I arrive. Meanwhile I have downloaded the first section of the pattern which is for triangles. There are 60 of them needed! in a selection of different colour combinations, so I decided to give it a go with some oddmnts of wool I had, and here is my triangle.

I bought my first mandarines at the market this week. They are still a bit green but taste lovely. I noticed the oranges on the trees next door are starting to change colour so they will be ready soon too. The mandarines/tangerines/clementines all come first but the oranges are never far behind.

I looked out the back when I was getting our tea last night and there was a face coming over the hill towards us again.

I zoomed in for a close look, but it wasn't too scarey. It might even be friendly.

So now its off to Annie's Friday Smiles to publish this and link up to her post.

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