Hello again. We've had a busy week geting on with the unpacking, but I'm glad to say we are nearly done now. The boxes have all been emptied and flattened. I advertised them on the Arboleas forum and two people have been to collect them now, so it's someone else's turn to have some fun. Amazingly I have found a home for most things. On Friday we went to a charity day held by the church near here, to raise money for a couple from the congregation to take to an orphanage in Cambodia. Having seen first hand the appalling conditions that these children live in, I was eagar to help. So I too
k along a few ornaments and kitchen items that I couldn't find a space for, and one new item that they put in their auction, so hopef
ully we added to their total a little. On Sunday afternoon Chris said he would help me with the last big task - unpacking and hanging all my flower fairy items. First we put together two sets of shelves which each hold a dozen plates. That left me with thirty more which we decided to put up high, on the three main walls, much like they were in Oswestry. So we measured the walls and marked where each one would hang. I got out all the picture hooks and then we hit the first problem. The walls are so hard that we couldn't hammer a picture hook in! So each one had to be drilled, plugged with matches and then have a picture hook banged in. Then Chris had to drill and plug the fixtures for the shelves, the mug stand and the clock, plus a small cabinet to display the smallest items. Finally he hung a lovely 'oriental style' branch with mother of pearl 'flowers' on it, beside the chimney breast. I fell in love with this when I saw it in a flower shop window in Oswestry just before we went to Thailand. I helped Mike cater for a party at the Oak and with my wages, I went straight to the shop and bought it, and packed it away. So I have not seen it
actually hanging before, but I am very pleased with it. My last task was to arrange the rest of my ornaments, mostly fairies but a few old favourites too, on the set of shelves built i
n beside the fire. I expect some of you think it is very cluttered, but I can't bear to part with these things, and it's no use having them if they are tucked away where you can't see them. So the sitting room is now a fairy grotto, and a room where we both feel well and truly 'at home'. The bedrooms are also sorted. We have used the guest room to display our souveniers from Thailand, with a bed spread, lamps and pictures all fitting together well. Chris' study is well organised with his computer desk on one side and some more comfortable seating on the other. So now there is just my room to do, and I have to admit, I don't really know where to start. But I am sure it will all be sorted out soon. To give me a bit more space in there we have moved the two fold-up beds into the garage, along with a sofa-bed from Chris' room. I worked hard to tidy it all up in there. We've even put a spare rug on the floor. So now we have an over-spill guest room to use, just in case hoards of visitors all arrive at the same time!

When I was on the phone to someone, they suggested I put some photos up so you could picture our house as it is now. It's rather different from the original ones I posted, but the previous owner was a bit of a housework fanatic, and I'm afraid I am not! Still they will be on my gallery by tonight. Maybe you will be able to imagine us in the various rooms, and hopefully, one day you will come and see them for yourselves.