Yesterday I told you how Chris and I got rid of a dead orange tree from our front garden. Well, today we took a trip to the garden centre, and after much deliberation, we bought a baby tangerine tree to replace the dea
d one, plus a very pretty climbing plant (a little like a scarlet morning glory), a lovely orange santana shrub and another ground cover creeper that I have seen before. It took my fancy because it has such unusual orange and red flowers, but I don't know what it is. We soaked the tree in it's pot, all
afternoon, and this evening we removed all the pebbles from the ivy circle again, and managed to dig deep enouigh to plant it just next to the stump of the old tree. We also planted the santana and the other creeper at the tree's base, and gave them all a good watering-in. So now we can sit back and watch to see whether our hard work has paid off. Unfortunately we couldn't find a mature bourganvillea in the colour we wanted, for the patch at the back, but we did buy a very poor little thing with three spindley branches that we will spread up the fence, and hopefully some fertiliser and regular watering will encourage it to grow stronger. I expect we will have a go at planting that one tomorrow.

Little Paco is making good progress. The reason we went to Turre yesterday was to take him to the vet again, and this time she said he was big enough for his first set of injections. So now he can go outside sometimes. I took him out when we sat on the porch for our lunch, and he had a good old nose around. He is not quite as adventurouis as I expected him to be but that is a good thing, because if he had gone straight over the back fence it would have been hard to retreive him. I am sure he will soon be much more confident out there, but by then he will have learne
d to come back when I call him or when he wants food and water. When we
bought the floating hose for the pond 'hoover' it came in a big cardboard box, and yesterday I taped it all up and then cut holes in each side to make him a playhouse. He loves it. I can hear him roling around in it behind me now. I love watching him play. I can't wait to get Destino as well so I can see how they get on together. I shall be phoning the breeder next weekend to see when she will be ready for me to collect, so watch this space!