Friday, October 16, 2020

Rocking our World 2020; Week 42

It is nice to see Annie is safely back from her holiday today. We continue to stay at home most of the time, but it has still been a nice week.

Yesterday was Chris' birthday so there were several happy family phone calls and messages on social media. We had intended going to a local bar -restaurant for lunch, but changed our minds at the last minute. There are now eleven cases of the virus in our village which is quite a high ratio per number of inhabitants in our small community. So I cooked our lunch and we were able to eat it outside which was good. The days are cooling down quite noticeably, and some evenings have called for a light cardigan, but we have still had a few days above 30ยบ around lunchtime, so we make the most of these temperatures for some al fresco dining.

We did go out for our lunch last week, when we went for our fish and chip dinner at the camp site on the edge of the village. We decided to give it a miss again this week but I had to smile at their Facebook page, where they were reminding everyone they would be serving as usual from noon until 9.00pm. This was what they posted.

I hasten to add they do serve their's on a plate!

Tomorrow it is my birthday as well, but we haven't made any specific plans. We'll wait and see what the day brings. Having our birthdays so close together, means we tend to get mail sent in one envelope, and one such arrived this week. I knew it was from my sister so I opened the package and sure enough there was a lovely handmade card for Chris, and this is just the envelope for mine.

Decorated both back and front it is already adorning my shelf, as it is too pretty to hide away. Tomorrow morning I will open it, and I'll try to remember to show you what is inside, next week.

I also received a surprise parcel from my daughter in law. She knew I have been looking for a yarn bowl so she sent me this one. Isn't it cute?
For anyone who doesn't know what a yarn bowl is, it is a bowl with a spiral cut out which is supposed to be used to feed your wool through as you work, saving it from getting tangled, or from rolling across the floor gathering pet hairs and dust; so a really useful item for me.
As I am currently using the huge balls of wool I showed you last week, it is not possible to use it in this way, but when I worked my first ball it quickly collapsed and I had to keep stopping to untangle it. Now I am on the second ball, I am using it from the centre, and the yarn bowl is helping to hold it all together and so far I have had no tangles.
I am pleased with how the wool is working up. I am making a second longer, and wider, pocket scarf without a pattern, so I just chose a few nice textured stitches and am deciding on the size as I go. Lisca said the pretty wool made her think of ice-cream, and that is exactly what I said to Chris when I first opened the parcel.
When the yarn bowl arrived it was also stuffed with a bag of organic cookies and some apple and ginger tea-bags. What a happy parcel and it really made me smile.
I managed to have another little accident this week! This time I tripped over the corner of a drawer that we had taken out in the kitchen in order to clean behind it, and I injured my leg instead of my foot. So now I have an egg shaped bruise there. That's three in a row, so maybe I will be safe again now.
As you can see I am still wearing flip-flops most of the time, though I have managed to limp to the shops in sandals a couple of times.

I was sitting here at my computer and craft table yesterday, making a birthday card for a family member, and I stopped to gaze out the window. This is my view from my chair. It is a little obscured by layers of fly net, cat nets and rejas (the iron security rails), but I just thought "How lucky am I to have this space to call my own, with a quiet outlook over the green zone where I can see the little birds busy in the bushes, with no traffic zooming past, and just a distant sound of village life" It makes me very grateful to be living here.

And finally, I am trying to collate a few photos of our family including our pets, for a project I may mention again later in the year, but I find it very difficult to get pictures of the animals. They are all camera shy, and turn away if they see me coming! But yesterday little Tolly just sat and posed for me, so I snapped this one quick.

And with that I'll pop over to link up with Virginia at Celtic House, and Annie's Friday Smiles.


Lisca said...

That is a beautiful photo of Tolly. Hasn't he grown!
Yes, we are very fortunate to live in this beautiful country and I too count my blessings every time I look out of the window.
I smiled at the fish and chips. I still remember the days when you got it in a newspaper. I think our friends on the other side of the pond won't understand this joke. Scrolling further down and reading about the pinch of salt made me crack up!
The yarn bowl is very pretty. I had heard of them but have never used one.
You've hurt yourself again! Please be careful. You know yourself that diabetics heal much slower, and can get complications. Sorry, I don't mean to be patronizing. I meant well.
Have a lovely relaxing weekend,
Stay safe,

Annie said...

Your leg looks really sore...more water next time eh? I love the wool you are working with and the wool bowl. Little Tolly's not so little any more....what a gorgeous cat now.
Annie x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Yes, you are quite lucky to live in such a beautiful setting. You can definitely count your blessings.

Happy belated birthday to your husband and happy birthday to you tomorrow. That wool bowl was a great gift and if nothing else, is a cute "mug" with a cat on it. Clever and thoughtful all rolled into one.

Tolly is a doll. Bleubeard and Squiggles run when they see my camera. However, the first cat I had would sit patiently while I took photos. Once he heard the click, he would relax and move, but would stand still when he knew I wanted another shot. I got SO spoiled, I guess I thought all cats were that way. I've learned I got a fluke. Maybe Tolly will be your fluke, too. Have a super weekend and next week, dear Kate.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Apart from your poor leg, you look as though you've had a good week. Nice photo of Tolly and the view from you window too. The yarn ball is a good idea too. Have a nice birthday and a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

kiwimeskreations said...

Happy Birthday to both you and Chris - October is a great month :)!!
I enjoyed (your sharing of) that quote - so much so I sent it around my family!!
Love your yarn bowl - what a gorgeous gift...and what beautiful yarn too!
Tolly is one gorgeous looking individual!
Stay safe

Celtic house said...

I hope they manage to keep the cases dwn in your village,worrying times again, my sister is once again working a covid positive ward at the hospital which is a worry and we are in the high tier so no mixing of households, so doorstep drop offs for my mum for the forseeable future. I hope your foot starts to ease soon, limping to the shops doesn't sound like much fun. Your yard bowl looks like it will come in really handy for yoy particularly going into your cooler months. I hope you enjoyed your birthday no matter what you decided to do and hope it was a lovely weekend. Have a great week ahead.
