Friday, April 7, 2023

Friday Smiles 2023: Week 14

This will be a fairly short post as I am suffering a bad attack of sciatica (I think), so I cannot sit for long, nor lean over my computer keyboard. Sadly, sitting in a chair does not improve it and it is almost impossible to stand up again. But I am lucky enough to have a recliner chair that also tips up to help me stand, and this is the first time I have really needed to use it. It does help!

However, it will pass I am sure, so let's look at the highlights of my week. Sunday, as you may be aware, was Palm Sunday. We have a lovely service at church on this day when we are each given a small cross woven from palm leaves, and we take them outside while the priest reads the story of Jesus entry into Jerusalem, and then he blesses the crosses. Then we all process back into the church while singing the lovely old hymn "All Glory Lord and Honour...". 

In our village Palm Sunday wasn't celebrated until the evening so we walked up to the little church for that too. The church was full, and more and more families were arriving, so we stood at the back, but we were still handed a 'plastic' palm branch to wave during the procession. You can see several folk holding tham in the photo, though many were laid on the ground during the mass, for safety sake as much as anything.

The village band was waiting on the plaza outside to play the National Anthem as the people left the service.

This celebration features the younger members of the congregation, many of whom were wearing brown robes and orange head-dresses.  After the service they led the procession out along with the priest and his little helper. There was a child-size statue of Jesus on a 'trono' , similar to the huge and very heavy ones carried by adults through the main Easter processions. The children took their role very seriously, and anxious parents walked along side them to steady the trono whenever it tilted.

The rest of the congregation followed, carrying their palms, and we processed through the streets of the village. We stopped frequently so that other children could take their turn at being a trono bearer. Even the tiny ones got a hand on it, while the lady in charge tried to match the heights of the children at each change.

The procession ended back at the church and the trono was taken back inside and then the crowd dispersed.

You may remember that when our son was over here in January he cut down a tree for us, and we wanted to replace it, so on Tuesday we went to a garden centre. We decided to buy a nice little grapefruit tree. My back was already causing issues by then, so Chris did the planting of it and as you can see, it looks very happy in its new home. It has lots of flowers which I thought might drop with the move, but they have stayed on for now. The citrus trees always produce copious blooms and at least half of them will fall off in the April winds. But hopefully a few will hang on and we will get at least one grapefruit next year. It is not a very mature tree yet so it may not hold fruit for another year or two, but it will be nice if it does. They are pink grapefruit too, which I love.

Also you may remember that we bought a new large succulent at the end of last year that sent up several tall flower stems. I was looking forward to seeing how they developed when a windy storm cut all the heads off. Well this spring it has produce a lot more, and although the individual flowers are not very significant, they are a deep pink and the whole plant has a pink crown now. There are also new branches coming off the main plant. If they grow much more I shall try cutting them off and planting them in new pots.


I visited my doctor on Monday and I was quite relieved that she studied the results of my blood sugar and did not suggest insulin as I had feared. But she did say I must avoid all 'carbs from flour' for a while. That is a challenge for me as I love the local bread sticks that we buy still hot from our local baker.  But I have been researching other alternatives and there are some non-grain flours that I am experimenting with. I can't say I am impressed by anything yet, but everything I have read about it says it will be trial and error unitl you find the particular mix that suits you. I also avoid adding any refined sugar to my food, and I don't like any artificial sweetners, so I use Stevia, a natural sweetner made for the plant leaf. So far I have used the white powdered form but this has another natural extract added so I decided to try the 100% Stevia which is the leaves ground to fine powder and it is a deep green. I used it in a loaf that I made. It was a cross between a bread and a cake and it turned out to be an awful khaki green colour. I have to say it tasted much better than it looked, but I may have to try something different next time.

And on that note I will prepare this to publish tomorrow morning and link up with Annie's Friday Smiles.


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good. I've suffered with Sciatica myself so I know how you feel but it looks like you've had quite a good week and there's been plenty going on. Hope you feeling better soon and wishing you a happy Easter. Gentle hugs Angela xXx

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, welcome in the hall of pain. I tore a muscle and yikes does that hurt.
I wanted to do soooo much...
Wow that was quite a ceremony!
I don´t think we have anything like this. You live in a village, if I understand correctly. Such a difference.
And it looks like it´s already warm!
Home-grown grapefruit, awww.
I had to laugh at the awful looking bread! I once made cheese cookies with.. so weird flower, I can´t remember. It looked awful, too!!! So much so you could eat it with closed eyes only! Ingo did not even give it a go.
I used Stevia for a ginger brew. But so much work...

To health, right, and smiles xxx

Annie said...

I'm pleased for you that it's not insulin time yet at least. Like most things if you stay off the things that cause the harm you get used to the new diet...I wish you lots of luck with it.
The celebrations look lovely and your new trees/plants are fab too.
Annie x

Virginia said...

Oh you poor thing, sciatica really is awful having suffered with it quite a few times, my Mum always tells me to sit on a tennis ball which is supposed to help. I hope you find some relief soon from it. Your plants are looking gorgeous and I love the new grapefruit plant, I too love pink grapefruit. I can imagine the white flour to be particularly difficult to avoid so I hope you find an alternative soon, I didn't think the bread/cakey item looked too bad, so I giggled when you described it as khaki!

I hope you have a lovely weekend and week ahead.


Lisca said...

I'm sorry to hear you are in so much pain. I hope it passes. These things always happen on holiday weekends don't they. By the time you get to see your doctor, it might have eased again.
I love your little grapefruit tree. I makes a lovely addition. I seem to remember that you have a lemon tree already.
It's lovely to participate in the Palm Sunday procession. We always used to in the UK. Here we attend an evangelical church and they don't follow the church calendar. So Sunday will be like any other Sunday. So I might go to the catholic church this Easter. And next year I might come to the coast and celebrate Easter at your church.
It is difficult to have to miss your favourite food. You could buy glutenfree bread and toast it.
You might have noticed I have made some changes after you suggested to do Moderation. I have to get used to that. Previously I would get an email telling me a comment had arrived. Now I don't get a notification. I have to go into settings and look if there are any.
Have a lovely weekend,
Happy Easter,

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

So sad to read you have sciatica. I bought a stevia plant and you can grind your own leaves whenever you need them. My stevia was supposedly a perennial, but it died when I tried to winter it indoors one year. I love pink grapefruit, too, so I hope you get at least one next year.

Sounds like a lovely week regardless. Enjoyed reading about your Palm Sunday.

Have a lovely weekend and lovely Easter, dear Kate. I will be sending you a separate comment with a request. Please don't publish it.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...


I would like your permission to share the final photo from your blog post

All I want is to share the photo. I will not be using it in my art, but will share that you have given me permission to use it. If you do, please just let me know on MY blog that you give me permission. Nothing else needs to be said.

kiwimeskreations said...

I know what you mean about alternative flours - we have gluten intolerance in the family, and DD has pretty much perfected using alternate flours, but it has been trial and error. Glad the bread was palatable, despite the look of it.
Your succulent looks fascinating with those flowers, and so pretty.
Hopefully the grapefruit tree will give you a couple of fruit :)
The Palm Sunday services sound lovely