Friday, April 21, 2023

Friday Smiles 2023: Week 16

It has been a quiet week here, and mostly sunny though a few degres cooler than last week because of a sharp easterly wind.  The flowers are loving the sunshine so that is what most of my photos are about this week. The roses are coming into their own, with loads of buds showing colour now.

I always call this a 'potato tree' but it is really called lycianthes rantonnii, and it is a member of the Belladonna family. It is also know as Tasmanian kangaroo apple. Ours is a straggly little 'tree', which doesn't like having its roots confined in a pot, but the flowers are so lovely that I can't get rid of it.

The Christmas before last, our poinsettia stayed quite healthy looking, so we tried planting it in the little square of earth at the front of the house. It has survived and is now covered in smallish red bracts. They started showing their colour at Christmas but it has taken until now for them to be fully changed.

My pelergonium is looking lovely and the crown of thorns in the pot below it has grown up to almost the same height.

This one is a tuff succulent that grows almost as a weed, and can be found on sandy beach heads as well as gardens and roadsides. It is a ground cover and can get out of hand. I rescued a small piece from the beach when we moved here from the  flat fourteen years ago. It didn't take to life in a pot very well either, but this year it has taken off and now creeps along our path, and has at last produced these stunning pink daisies. Its botanical name is Carpobrotus aciniciformis, but it has a whole list of more common names. Here are a few of them.   Sour fig (on account of its edible fruit,), Hottentot fig, Pigface, Highway ice plant, Sally-my-handsome, Elandssuurvy and Elands sourfig. Aren't they great!

And finally my Elephant foot palm. This was one small plume of leaves when a friend gifted it to me when she moved back to UK some years ago. I put it in the biggest pot I could manage to manhandle and it has flourished. I was so surprised when it produced one tall stem of small, insignificant flowers, and then I was dissapointed when it seemed to die off after flowering. But I soon discovered a new rosette of leaves were forming, and these too produced a flower the following year. I am not sure it flowered at all last year but this year it has no less than seven flower stems. Three are standing tall from the top branch: ....

... And three more from the main centre branch, and now one more has shot up a bit lower down.  I had no idea it might do this, but I like surprises in my garden.

I am pleased to say my back is improving and I am now able to walk around, almost upright and without limping. I have a permenant dull ache in my lower back and leg and it is difficult to stand up if I sit for too long, but there is definitely an improvement. As I am better standing and walking around, than I am sitting down, I decided to go ahead and make strwberry jam yesterday. I managed to go across to the market on Tuesday and I was surprised to find beautiful strawberries for 3€ per kilo. I don't expect them to get that cheap until the very end of the season when there are just a few scappy boxes left (which are fine for making jam). These were almost too good to use for jam but I bought two two-kilo boxes and I only need three kilos for my jam so there were plenty left for us to enjoy. I took this photo because it looked so lovely with the sun shining through it. It actually looks as though it is just juice, but it does have lots of fruit pieces in it and it taste good!

Today is our forty-forth anniversary, which also seems almost impossible! We didn't do anything special today but we plan to have a meal out next week. Instead I had an exciting day planning a holiday in UK. I am going to be there for the whole of August. I decided to escape from the ever hotter summer, and get to see all my boys and my two sisters down on the South coast. Chris will go over with me, but he will retrun after the first week and look after the animals at home. He loves the hot weather and will be happier here. But on the recommendation of a couple of friends, I have found a new house-sitter making it possible for us to both go to our son's for a big family gathering on 5th August. And now he has booked the flights so I am all set to go! The rate the weeks are flying past, it will be here in no time.

And on that happy note I will prepare this to publish and link to Annie's Friday Smiles tomorrow.


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love Spain at this time of the year before it gets too hot and all the flowers are out. It's the time that we used to visit Spain. I hope what ever you choose to do for your Anniversary that you have a good time. The Jam looks beautiful. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

Annie said...

I'm doing a quick whizz round the blogs before we head off on an adventure [the first in our caravan this year].
Your plants/flowers are really beautiful. Exciting Auguat ahead of you :-)
Annie x

kiwimeskreations said...

I love quiet 'home' weeks - although this week for me has been anything but quiet... and not at home very much either!!
Loving seeing all your plants coming into flower, Kate - and that Elephant's Foot is fascinating!
We also have that wee oink plant growing wild on the beaches here!
How exciting to be able to be in England during the hot season. So exciting for you to spend that much time with family.
Your strawberry jam looks amazing :)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Happy anniversary. What an amazing feat.

Your flowers are amazing. I love palm trees and this Elephant Foot Palm is like none I've ever seen before. And the fact it's blooming in two places is awesome.

Not sure how you were able to stand so long with your back like it is, but your strawberry jam is beautiful, especially with the light shining in the jars.

Have a super weekend and a great new week, Kate. So glad to read you will get an entire month with your family in the UK in August, too.

LA Paylor said...

44th! now that's a long time together... that's also a good thing isn't it?
beautiful flowers and sunshine, yea for strawberry jam home made

Di said...

Kate - I read your weekly posts without fail. Always fascinating - and I do wonder if your piccalilli recipe is still based on my original one. Grin!l August sounds like a good time to escape the heat - I'll be keeping an eye on you!

Love from Di xx

Iris Flavia said...

Belladonna family - I´ve never heard this, but, oh, such a wonderful name! AS well as Tasmanian kangaroo apple. And beautiful, too.
All those names are funny, who comes up with that, thank you for the smiles - I can´t even pick a fav!
My arm says yay to your back! I am still doomed to do nothing, Ingo is like a watchdog...
Oh, strawberries! I hope for some on the balcony! €3 per kilo?! Wow. Can I come over? And yes, that is an arty pic of the jam, promising a good, sunny half of the year - a big smile from here.
And to August, sounds like a wonderful plan (I would not want to miss the heat, though!).
Have a great weekend, x

Lisca said...

I'm so glad you are feeling better and can at least move around again.
Your plants are doing really well. Especially the elephant's foot. That was a surprise. Your poinsettia is very special too. I have never been able to keep mine into the new year. I will be going to the garden center soon to get some geraniums, but I'm waiting for my patio to be painted, then I will hang up all my pots and put the irrigation system in place.
Great that you are going to spend August in the UK. It gets super hot here, but I'm like Chris. I rather like the heat.
have a great weekend,

Celtic house said...

Oh your plants are looking amazing, we are still having poor weather and I have tulips out in the garden for the first time, but to be honest I haven't ventured out for a closer look due to the weather, I really should before they die off, thankfully I can see them from the kitchen window so I'm enjoying the view of them from there. We used to have a plant that was linked to the potato family when we lived in Stafford with very similar purple flowers, I think it was called solanum or something like that, but it grew profusely and became a little intrusive where we had planted it, but I did like the plant nevertheless.

I'm glad your back is improving, there really is nothing worse than back pain as you never know when it will start to improve. The strawberry jam looks lovely and fresh strawberries as well - lovely (I think we've got some in the fridge to use up).

And a trip back to the UK for a proper family catch up also sounds wonderful too, I'm assuming you'll be putting your itinerary together to get time with everyone.

I hope you are having a good weekend, we've come down with a dreadful spring cold which is driving us a little mad.