After all the noise and activity of fiesta week, it has been quite nice to have a relaxed uneventful week this week. I have actually been the victim of another tummy bug, but although I was very sleepy for a couple of days, it didn't make me feel too ill, just wise not to stray too far from home!! Of course the heat doesn't help, and may well have been a contributing factor, but I have had plenty of time to sit around, enjoy long siestas, and actually get a few bits of crafting etc done.
Last week I showed a new, powerful fan I had bought for my room. One good thing about its design is that the usual four cross over feet, which I always trip over, and which are not strong enough to withstand heavy items being left on them etc, have been replaced with a sturdy circular, metal base. Arwen has taken a liking to this and for most of the week she has laid on it, I guess catching a down draft from the fan to help keep her cool.
I think those lovely green eyes are just daring me to disturb her!
One good thing I have achieved is to dispose of the ironing pile. It is probably an indication that we have too many clothes, but also down to the fact that we are both happy to be around the house in un-ironed T-shirts and dresses, (modern fabrics make that nothing like as bad as it sounds!), I actually only get the iron out once a month if that, so the pile does mount up. But with a fan at my back, and music in my ears, I set to and did it all yesterday, which does give me a strange feeling of achievement.
I had a nice parcel arrive on Wednesday too. I am not really a trouser person, especially during the summer, but it is quite difficult to find ordinary 'day dresses' that are not either sweeping the floor, or miles above the knee, so in desperation I trawled the net, and eventually ordered two dresses. That was back in early June. I foolishly thought they might arrive before my trip to UK at the beginning of July. They didn't! Instead I got a message to say they had been popular and were now out of stock, but more would be arriving on 28th June. Two weeks ago I had a message to say they had been dispatched, and this week they finally arrived. I have to say I am really pleased with them.
Once a month I make a Christmas card to enter in the Rudolph Day Challenge. It is on the 25th of each month, and we are just encouraged to share a Christmas item we have made. I had set myself the target of making on average twelve Christmas cards each month this year, to save the last minute panic we all have in December. So when I put this week's card in my box, I had a quick count to see how many I have made so far, and it was only 45 - just half of my target for end of July, so I decided I had better do a big run of them. I find making too many all the same gets a bit boring, so I chose a variety of digi stamps that I bought just this week from a company called Lili of the Valley. They have just released their new Christmas range of stamps etc. I printed each one out several times, and for the last two nights I have made a start on colouring some of them with my alcohol ink pens. I have finished ten so far, and when I have coloured them all, I will have twenty-five toppers ready to make into cards. That will give my tally so far, a nice boost.
I have also managed to do a little bit of crochet work. I am glad I got my big Sophie blanket finished. I couldn't do with that on my lap in this heat. But a while ago I also started a blanket that is made up of squares which are much easier to handle. The pattern is designed by Zelna Oliver, and consists of two large squares and ten smaller ones, plus two bonus designs. Each one has the name of a South African beach, and the whole project is called Winter seaside Blanket. I just do an odd square now and then, with the aim of doing two of each design and then deciding what size I want the finished piece to be. So today I spread them all out and was surprised to find I have almost enough for a lap blanket. I chose ten colours and use them in a random order for each square with a sandy, neutral colour for all the edges to bring it all together. A lot of the squares need to be blocked to help them all lay flat, but I think it will look nice when it is all done.
And that really is it for this week. I have one more week of relative peace, though we are forecast another little heat wave with 38º from next Tuesday! And then my visitors arrive - ten of them for one week! It will be wonderful having so many family here together, but I suspect it will also be exhausting! Then we have just one visitor for the rest of August, which will seem quite quiet again.
So I will now link up with Rocking Your World, and Annie's Friday Smiles, and see you all again next week.
ah a lovely post as always!
I love how Arwen is making the most of the cool metal, we have a fan with those awful four legs on them and I soooooooooo got what you meant about them, your fan looks fantastic!
I'm sorry you've been poorly again, I hope you are on the mend now.
The Christmas cards are lovely, I was smiling because my sister said she'd had enough of summer now and wanted Halloween - which is a mighty strange thing for her to say because she loves and I mean loves the sunshine. I laughed and said I was ready for Christmas - the astonished look was priceless!
I love the card toppers - I'm not a colourer unfortunately, in fact at the last craft class me and my Mum did I insisted on painting the images with water colours!
The blanket squares are gorgeous, can't wait to see it finished and wow - ten visitors, have you got the room or are you juggling your space? I'm sure it will be brilliant fun for you all.
Have a beautiful and blessed weekend and week ahead and I hope it doesn't end up too hot for you.
Much love
Sorry you have been feeling under the weather this week, hope you are OK now.
I love the Christmas toppers you are working on. I spotted those new LOTV designs and they are very sweet and will make lovely cards.
Your crochet squares look great too, and what a lovely colour mix.
Jean x
I smiled at Arwen claiming her fan base (no pun intended).
Oh those colours are beautiful and will made a lovely quilt/blanket.
I'm sorry you have been unwell, but it sounds like you have had the worst of it now. I hope that stays that way especially as you are expecting so many people. It will be fun to have them all around but very tiring.
Your dresses are lovely, especially the one with the poppies. It's a shame it all took so long. I can understand they were popular.
Xmas cards! Fortunately we don't send many, so I have nothing to worry about. Making Xmas cards is not my favorite passtime. Looking forward to seeing your hyand coloured cards when they are finished.
Have a good week,
Keep smiling,
I love your new dresses Kate and your crocheted squares are really lovely....they are going to make a really super blanket. You may remember me knitting squares while going through the stress of the house move.....I made them up into two blankets approx single bed sized and little Theo really loves them so my efforts were all worth it.
I really hope you return to full health before you visitors arrive.
Annie x
Hi Kate. You need to ash your mouth out mentioning ironing! I hate it at the best of times but in the warm weather it just piles up. I love the new fan, the one we have has those silly bars at the bottom and they are a pain. I was fighting with it earlier today. As if the ironing word isn't bad enough now you mention Christmas cards which gives me palpitations as I am terrible at leaving it till the last minute. perhaps if you mention it enough I will get my act together. Loving your crochet too. Have a great weekend and get plenty of rest before your visitors arrive. Sending hugs, Angela xXx
I do hope you feel better soon. I love your new dresses. I like the colors. I'm working on my version of your Sophia Blanket; I call it yours since you gave me the inspiration. It's a very addictive pattern! Your new blanket looks so pretty with the colors you have chosen. Stay cool and take it easy. Pat xx
I love those restful weeks following a busy one - and well done on scaling Mt ironing - I only do mine once in three of four weeks now!
Love your dresses - and now you have something nice and new for later in the year. I do love your blanket - those are fabulous colours and designs - I look forward to seeing it completed.
Ahhh grand post As always Kate, sorry you've been poorly most confess I'm suffering "post gardening worn outness" if there's such a condition my body is yelling at me, trust yours has settled now, love your fan and clever puss, cute LOTV images too... great coloured blanket, love it, I've a rule when I do squares, sew as I go, can't bear sewing all at end.
Thanks for popping over too, Kate, Shaz in Oz.x
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