Friday, July 14, 2023

Friday Smiles 2023# Week 28

This might be short and sweet today. It is too hot to sit here at my computer for too long. But I am happy to say it is a bit cooler than yesterday. I am sure some of you will have seen on TV that most of Southern Europe is experiencing an epic heatwave, which in some areas is continuing for a few days.

Here it was 40º in the shade and we shut ourselves in the sitting room with the windows and door closed and the aircon on, as well as the fans. We only use the aircon occasionally as it can dry your eyes and throat, but sometimes we are just very grateful that we have it. Yesterday was one of those times! We persuaded Tango, Tolly and Leo to stay in with us. They did venture out a few times but they soon came back in. I am sure the tiles on the patio would burn their feet.

This is a map of Spain from the meteorology office. The fine arrow shows roughly where we are. We are blessed to be just near enough to the coast to benefit from any sea breezes. Albox is a town just twenty minutes drive inland from us, and they recorded 45º at their weather station. I have several friends who live up that way so I hope they are all safe. I think quite a few records were broken.

Seeing as we were confined to barracks yesterday, I spent the afternoon writing Christmas cards! Now all of mine for UK are ready to take over with me next month. My sister will keep them until December to post for me.

Today is slightly hazy and the temperature is mid/thirties but it is expected to soar again at the weekend. Fortunately we have decent aircon in the car too as we are picking our son up from Almeria station Saturday lunchtime.

I have been cooling down in the pool each evening before I go to bed. Doesn't that look inviting? We have a floating thermometer in the pool and it showed 31º on the surface at mid-night last night, and 28º at the deepest point. At least you don't get too chilled getting in!

I walked over to the market on Tuesday morning as I needed some fresh salad stuff. It is too hot to cook much so salads are the order of the day. There was a real buzz of excitement in the air as preparations were under way for our fiesta. Bunting and lights were going up and the temporary bars were setting up around the plaza.

Over by the carpark, I was interested to watch how the track for the little dragon roller coaster was assembled. All the other chidren's rides and attractions were moving in around the car park are too.

Last night was the first night when the rides were all reduced for the children. Later there was entertainment on the main stage which, as usual continued most of the night. We decided not to go over there but I was surprised when the Town Hall posted a photo, to see just how many folk braved the heat to watch and join in with the dancing. Maybe they are better aclimatized than we are, and they all enjoy the fiesta so much.

We have seen lots of little sparrows come down to our fountain to drink. It is so important for them to have a supply of fresh water so we make sure to top it up regularly. I went outside with my breakfast on Tuesday and saw a collared dove come there. It is the first time I have seen one of them in the yard. They are not as agile as some birds and there is nearly always at least one cat around, so they are naturally cautious. This photo is a bit blurred because I had to take it through the fly net. I thought I had caught him with his head raised so you could clearly see his dark ring or collar around his neck which gives him his name,  but I see he had dipped into the water again by the time the photo took!
We had another little treat this evening at around 6.00 when a flock of house martins started to swoop over the pool, dipping for a quick sip of water and flying off again. They weren't put off by us watching them, though I did stay inside the fly-free porch so as not to scare them. This little one sat on the side of the pool just resting. I think they are exhausted after another very hot day.

Two more stayed on the electricity cables that cross our yard. I zoomed in on them and you can see their beaks are not fully developed yet so they are newly fledged.

Here are couple coming in for more water. I love our little feathered friends.

Leo often comes down to my room when I am working there. He likes to sit under the fan, and remind me when it is time to feed him! One day he was sitting on the desk at my side and staring intently at the window. At first I couldn't see what he was watching, but then I saw a tiny gheko's head was peeking out from the rolled up blind. Leo kept stretching up to it, seemingly unaware of the glass between them. But just look at how long he is now. When he fills that long lean body out in a year or so, he will be one big boy!

His favourite game at the minute is to run into my room and leap into my big rubbish bin. I have endless offcuts of paper and card that are too small to keep, and he likes to dig down into them and make a comfy seat to watch me from. (Apologies to those who have already seen this on Facebook). One day he is going to find it full of sticky bits of discarded vinyl, and then maybe he won't think it is such a good idea.

Now I am off to feed the cats and then jump into the pool. I will link this up with Annie's Friday Smiles when I publish it tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Phew! Rather you than me in that heat. I love the collared doves...we have several regular visitors here. Keep cool my friend and stay safe.
Annie x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I told Lisca although our temps have been slightly lower, the heat index has been higher than your temps. Yesterday (Thursday) at noon, the heat index was 114 F (45.56 C). The humidity is brutal here.

Wow, Leo is one long kitty. Laughed at him in the bin.

I hope the fiesta isn't too noisy. I don't blame you for not going in that heat. Like you, I don't do well in heat. Nice you have a pool and it is plenty warm enough that you don't get a chill when you get in.

Have a really great weekend, Kate. And thanks for sharing what you learned about bee balm. I knew it was called Bergamot, but that was all I knew. So glad you took time to search for a few answers to my questions. Thank you for doing that.

Lisca said...

Yes, it's fiesta here too. People don't go out until very late at night when the temperatures are more bearable and stick around until well into the night. Midnight would be the most popular time, as the children would still be up.
I love your photograph of the pool at night.
Wow, Leo has grown!
Wonderful to see all those birds.
Have a lovely weekend,

Iris Flavia said...

They say "Germany"/the South is getting up to 48C.
Whooo, that is a lot even for me...
We are lucky to live ground floor. Our house here has 5 floors...

Perfect weather for Christmas cards... if you were in Australia! in December...

Big, BIG WOW on your pool!
Leo is very cute.

To pool-time, lucky you, dear! Hugs

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I don't know how you are managing with all that heat. I think I might be spending most of the day in the pool. I often think our fish have the best place at the moment and we get lots of feathered visitors who come for a drink or a bath. Hope it cools down for you soon. Hugs, Angela xXx

kiwimeskreations said...

Your weather sounds horrendous, Kate - I was reading about the heatwave recently, and you really are in the firing line for a few days yet.
Leo is quite the character - love the shot of him in the basket :)
How wonderful to have the birds visiting like that - In the spring I have Tui's (a NZ Native) feeding off the nectar in the camellias just outside my bedroom window. This will be my last year as I will be moving into the extended and renovated (read, rebuilt) house of my daughter and son in law...

Celtic house said...

Oh I thought idcalrwady commented hun, your weather frightens me those temps are genuinely not normal and I dread if they head this way. The photo of Leo in the bin is fab he is getting so big now. I'm glad you are managing to keep coolant how lovely for your water feature to have a practical use to I'm sure all the birds are grateful.hope you've had a lovely weekend xxx