After the noise and fun of the fiesta last week, this week has been quiet and restful, which in itself is something to be thankful for isn't it?
For July and August life takes on a simple pattern of getting up with the dogs at 7.00, because after 8.00 they are just not interested in walking, breakfast out in the porch, my one piece of housework for the day, cleaning, washing, shopping etc, lunch and a siesta, then either sitting in a shady spot to do some cross stitch, or down in my craft room making cards and 'playing' on the computer, tea, occasionally TV but more usually back to my craft room, a late night swim, and late to bed. That is the pattern and it varies very little. There is no rushing around and no sense of urgency, so we just take stock and rest up ready for the new surge in September.
I have a feeling I will struggle to do a double spread for my Project life album this week!
The temperature is a steady 34º in the shade with
over 40º in the full sun - which I don't go out in unless I have to. Last night the water in the pool was still 29º around midnight. I love just laying in it after dark. It is very relaxing and perfect just before you go to bed.
Sunday was one of the exceptions to our summer schedule because it was the annual Summer lunch for our Gallarte Group (Artists and Crafters from the Los Gallardos area). So I rushed home from church to collect my husband and we drove up to La Cumbre, a restaurant just above the village. We had an excellent meal surrounded by some very good friends. (And I bought a doggy bag back for the girls!).

As we leave the restaurant there is a sharp left turn and a steep drive down to the village. I took this photo from the car which shows our little village nestled down below the beautiful Cabrera mountains. Isn't it a lovely view?
Wednesday was our second son's fortieth birthday. For once I was really pleased with the card I made for him. Here is the front cover and the inside.

This was my first attempt at Kirigami. If you want to know more about why I chose the theme, and how it was made, you can read all about it on my craft blog post, Taming the Lion, HERE.
The most exciting thing for me this week is that we have booked our flights to UK for The Big Cut in September. (Part of the same blog post I linked above). We will be spending a few days with our sons in the Midlands and then Chris will fly home to look after the animals. I will be travelling down to Bournemouth to visit my five sisters who all live in the area. I am the baby of the family, and I miss the family get-togethers they share, so this will be a special visit for me. And now my train tickets are also booked so roll on September!
I always enjoy my weekly trip to the market, and in
the summer the fruit is so inviting. Right now it is yellow cling peaches which are in abundance. Some stalls are almost giving them away. I bought a big carrier bag full at 80 cents a kilo! They are not all that exciting to eat raw, though a really ripe one can be quite nice, but usually I slice them up and lightly poach them in lemonade, (that is all the sweetness they need). Then I use them to make crumbles, and to eat chilled with custard. They taste very like tinned ones. They freeze well but if I have too many for the freezer I also purée them as a sauce for icecream.
I'll finish with this photo I took just after sunrise on Tuesday. It was such a pretty sky. The family will tell you I am a bit fanatical about capturing 'skies' on camera, so I had to take this one. It is very unusual for us to see this sort of cloud formation. Our sky is usually cloudless, or else has big black storm clouds, but not often little fluffy white ones. So here they are.
A couple of hours later they had all blown away!
Now I am off to link this to Virginia's blog, Celtic House. She would love you to join us and tell us what has made you smile this week.