After breakfast I set off to the supermarket in Vera to do a big monthly shop, as the cupboards were decidedly bare. I spent a long time browsing the shelves for new ideas (much easier when Chris isn't with me!) and finally got to the checkout, only to find that my purse had been taken from my bag while I was in the shop. I know I had it because I needed a euro to release a trolley. My bag was on my shoulder for most of the time and on the hook on the trolley for the rest, so whoever it was, worked very fast. It was just my luck that the one staff member who has a smattering of English, wasn't working to day so I had to explain it all in Spanish, but I managed. They rang the police for me who said there was no point in coming out as I hadn't seen who took it! I rang Chris to tell him to cancel my two debit cards and left the staff to sort my shopping back on to the shelves while I drove home. Fortunately I only had about €20 in cash, but I also lost a lovely, and rather expensive crystal elephant charm that I bought back form Thailand. I used to have a very annoying bell on my purse that I bought at a craft show. Everyone commented on the noise, and it was irritating and a bit embarrassing, so I took it off and replaced it with my charm. I should have known better. The very reason I put it on there was so that no-one could take my purse without me knowing! I am very cross with myself for not being more careful, especially as I have heard of a couple of other people who have had the same experience, except that they both lost over €100. Now I have the inconvenience of sharing Chris' card until mine are replaced. They will be sent to Michael's address to be forwarded to us out here, so I expect I'll be without them for a couple of weeks. Hey-ho. A lesson well learned
. My noisy bell will definitely be back on the next purse I use. It left me feeling quite shaken, so Chris drove to San Juan to buy some milk so we could have that all important cup of tea, and tomorrow we will go together to restock the cupboards.

The day ended with this very pretty sunset. We are forecast to have a few very cold days, but I don't think it will rain so there might be some more skies like this to lift our spirits when we have had 'one you lose'.
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