Ever since we explored the first part of our coastline, I have been waiting to 'do' the rest of it. Today was a bright, sunny day with a clear blue sky, but it was fairly cool. Just perfect conditions for walking, so I suggested we went back to our explorations. We drove as far as a sign pointing down to Playa de la Invencible, named I suspect, after the many fortifications around there, though now only ruins remain. We drive this route most days and I have always wanted to look closer at the ruins. The first part, perhaps because of the historical nature of the area, has benefitted from investment, and has a good pathway right down to the beach, with viewpoints along the way. From there we struck out along dirt tracks, some leading down to the water's adge, and others taking us to the top of the cliffs where the wind suddenly caught us so strongly it was hard to walk into. Down between the ridges it was sheltered. We took our jackets but left them in the car because we didn't need them. I erred on the cautious side and added an extra layer of woollies, but I wished I hadn't. I didn't need it but I didn't want to carry it so I kept it on, but it was quite warm in the sun. The ruins were interesting. One small one looked like a chapel, but we're not sure. I am using the net to try to find out more about them. There were lots of wild flowers along the paths. I picked a small bunch of wild lavendar which was everywhere, along with rosemary and oregano. As we brushed against them, the air was full of their scents. We thought the green factory on the edge of Villaricos
, which although it is a bit of an eyesore, actually blends in quite well so it doesn't spoil the view too much, was possibly a desalination plant, but we have been told it is a factory making antibiotics for export. We walked as far as Villaricos, and were out for about an hour and a half. With our lovely round hills on one side, a sparkling ocean on the other, and really interesting scenery all around, it was a lovely morning out, and I'm sure you can see why we love this stretch of coastline. There is a folder of photos (Playa de la Invencible) on my gallery.This afternoon I sat up on the roof terrace doing my sewing and rescuing my washing everytime it blew away. It hit the deck so many times it probably ended up dirtier than it was before I washed it! But there isn't much space in the flat so it is good to get the washing dry outside whenever I can.
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