Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas is coming

I know that we are now into December, and Christmas is only three week away, but it is hard to feel Christmassy here, especially on a day like today. As you can see, we had a beautiful morning and we sat out on the verandah with our cups of tea, soaking up the sunshine. The thermometer, tucked away in the shade, was registering 14º but it felt warmer than that and we soon shed our woollies. It cooled down a bit after lunch, but I changed into trousers and a jumper and I was still comfortable sitting outside to do some more of my sewing. Of course it was still cool in the flat and I'm glad to have my socks back on this evening!
I have finished making Christmas cards and they are all written and posted, so I decided it was time to try and inject a hint of Christmas into the flat. I bought a beautiful poinsettia in the supermarket yesterday, and the sun shining in on it this morning made me very glad I did. I bought a small sparkley cone (not quite a tree), and some baubles like a bunch of grapes that I have hung from the curtain rail. Then I found two tubes of lights that I bought in Thailand, cut off their plugs and wired on some Spanish ones, and hung them either side of the window It's very minimilist for me. I love the decorations and usually I still deck the house out like I did when the boys were small, but it's better than nothing and now I really do feel that Christmas is on its way.

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